Symposia, Panels and Roundtables
Moura, C. B. (2024). Unearthing inequity through History of Science in Science Education. (Symposium paper). Symposium: Working on Equity in Science Education Across Places and Spaces (Chair: Henriette Holmegaard). 2024 NARST (National Association of Research in Science Teaching) Annual International Conference. March 17-20, 2024. Denver, CO, USA.
Moura, C. B. (2024). Symposium chair and discussant: Exploring new conceptualizations on History, Culture and Nature and their consequences for science education. 17th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group Biennial Conference. September 2-6, 2024. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2023). Being the Boundary: Reflections From a Dialogue Between Two Teachers Researchers (Symposium paper). Symposium: Learning with and Transgressing Boundaries in Science Education (Chairs: C. B. Moura and B. Torres-Olave). 2023 ESERA (European Science Education Research Association) Biennual Conference. August 28 - September 1, 2023. Cappadocia, Turkey.
Moura, C. B. (2023). History, Science and the Anthropocene (Symposium paper). Symposium: Reimagining Science and Education in the Anthropocene (Chair: Jesse Bazzul). 2023 CSSE (Canadian Society for the Study of Education) Annual Conference. May 27-June 1, 2023. Toronto, Canada.
Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2023). History and nature of science in times of societal emergencies in the Global South: an analysis of two cases using historical approaches. (Symposium paper). Symposium: The role of nature of science in tackling societal emergencies: An international perspective (Chair: Wonyong Park). 2023 NARST (National Association of Research in Science Teaching) Annual International Conference. April 18-21, 2023. Chicago, IL, USA.
Moura, C. B. Lima, N. & Nascimento, M. (2022). From teaching science in a political context to politicized science education: reflections from the pandemic and beyond (Symposium paper). Symposium: Has Science Education failed? Imagining science Education in post-pandemic worlds (Chair: Cristiano B. Moura). XX International Organization for Science and Technology Education Symposium. July 25-29, 2022. Recife, PE, Brazil.
Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2022). Nature of Science for Social Justice as radically context-grounded explorations: an analysis of multiple cases using historical approaches (Symposium paper). Symposium: New directions for Nature of Science in Science Education: seeking social justice in a changing world (Chair: Cristiano B. Moura). XX International Organization for Science and Technology Education Symposium. July 25-29, 2022. Recife, PE, Brazil.
Moura, C. B. & Guerra, A. (2022). Roundtable: Continuing the Discussions on Nature of Science for Social Justice: Exploring Possibilities for Future Research and Collaborations (Chairs: Lena Hansson and Hagop Yacoubian). 16th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group Biennial Conference. July 3-7, 2022. Calgary, AB, Canada.
Moura, C. B.; Guerra, A.; Amaral, P. & Oliveira, F. F. (2017). Between the historical and the contemporary: approaching scientific practices in a course about history and philosophy of sciences [in Portuguese] / Symposium. (Chair: Agustin Aduriz-Bravo). Ense簽anza de las Ciencias (Espa簽a), 2017(extra), 3517-3523.