
Refereed Journal Articles

Inkster, C. & Parent, A. (2020). Its Extremely Difficult When Nobodys Listening to you: Learning from the relocation stories of Indigenous girls in foster care. Relational Child & Youth Care Practice, 33(3), 63-87. [Second author: contribution 30%]. Cheryl Inkster is a masters graduate student that I co-supervised.

Kerr, J. & Parent, A. (2018) The First Peoples Principles of Learning in Teacher Education: Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action. Canadian Journal of Native Education. 40 (1), pp 36-53. https://doi.org/10.14288/cjne.v40i1.196601 [Second author: contribution 50%]. This article highlights my collaborative scholarship in the area of K-12 and teacher education in British Columbia.

Parent, A. (2017). Visioning as an integral element to understanding learners transition to university. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47 (1), 153-170. https://doi.org/10.47678/cjhe.v47i1.186168 This article stems from the findings of my doctoral dissertation.

Kerr, J., & Parent, A. (2016). Being Taught by Raven: A story of knowledges in teacher education. Canadian Journal of Native Education. 38 (1): 6279. [Second author: contribution 50%]. This article highlights my collaborative scholarship in the area of K-12 and teacher education in British Columbia.

Parent, A. (2011). Keep Us Coming Back for More: Aboriginal Youth Speak about Wholistic Education. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 34 (1), 2850.

Archibald, J., Restoule, J.P., Lester-Smith, Donna, Parent, A. (2010). Editorial for Connecting to Spirit in Research. Canadian Journal of Native Education (Special Theme Issue), 33 (1). 154156.
