

Research/Project Funding - Received

  • 2023-Ongoing
    Canada Research Chair in Indigenous governance in education Tier 2
    Description: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Canada.
    Principal Investigator
  • 2021-Ongoing
    Critical Understandings of Land & Water: Unsettling Place at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV film series - Phase 2
    Description: ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Indigenous Digital Media Grant.
    Principal Investigator
  • 2022-2022
    Intergenerational learning circle on Indigenous graphic novels and decolonial graduate knowledge mobilization projects
    Description: Elevate & Mobilize EDI Research Grants in Education (EMERGE). Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia.
    Principal Investigator
  • 2022-2022
    Raising Nisga’a Language, Cultural Sovereignty, and Land-Based Education through Traditional Carving Knowledge
    Description: Museum of Anthropology Indigenous Collections Access Grant .
    Principal Investigator
  • 2020-2022
    Raising Nisga'a Language, Cultural Sovereignty, and Land Based Education through Traditional Carving Knowledge
    Description: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-Frontiers in Research Grant.
    Principal Investigator
  • 2021-2021
    Deepening Indigenous Education and Equity in School District #42: Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
    Description: This project engaged Indigenous methodologies, which required consultation and collaboration with stakeholders to support the deepening of Indigenous education and equity in School District #42. Stakeholders included: Katzie Nation, Kwantlen Nation, Métis Nation, Fraser Valley Indigenous Society, District Board of Trustees, Senior Administration Team, Managers, Teachers, Administrators, Students, Support Staff, Caregivers, and Community Members.
    Principal Investigator.
  • 2019-2020
    Program Review of Spirit Lodge & Spirit Way Programs for Helping Spirit Lodge Society (Vancouver, BC)
    Description: The Helping Spirit Lodge Society provides first and second stage transition housing for women and children fleeing domestic violence.
    Project Co-Investigator with Project Lead Lynda Gray
  • 2019-2019
    Kwhlii Gibaygum Nisga’a Language Classes
    Description: This Vancouver based project will foster intergenerational Nisga’a language learning and community capacity building by contributing to Nisga’a: language orality, literacy, cultural sharing, language resources, material development and a language blog. Knowledge sharing and mobilization of the project will be conducted through our cultural dance and performances with the Kwhlii Gibaygum Nisga’a Dance group as well sharing all materials and resources on our Nisga’a language blog and presentations at conferences. Aboriginal Language Initiative Grant, First Peoples Cultural Council of B.C.
  • 2018-2020
    Nisga’a Language Revitalization Educational Study
    Description: In collaboration with Nisga’a Lisms government and the Council of Elders this project will examine the feasibility of extending Nisga’a language revitalization efforts in the Nisga’a Nation’s traditional territories in the Nass Valley, and also in urban centres in British Columbia which have large Nisga’a populations. This is a mixed-methods (quantitative & qualitative) research project. Funded through Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant
    Principal Investigator, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • 2018-2019
    First Peoples Cultural Council Aboriginal Language Initiative (FPPCCAL) 2019/2020 Application 
    Description: Grant writer & member of Vancouver Urban Nisga’a Revitalization Ad Hoc Committee. The FPPCCAL supports weekly Nisga’a language classes and research at the Native Education College
    Principal Investigator
  • 2016-2017
    Energizing Relationships: Indigenous Doctoral Supervision and Mentorship at Universities in British Columbia

    Principal Investigator
  • 2016-2017
    Building Local Indigenous Partnerships & Community Engagement Project 
    Description: Purpose was to build or strengthen partnerships between ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Faculty of Education and First Nations/Aboriginal communities in the Lower Mainland. To this end, it focused on (a) community consultations on areas of collaboration and partnership, (b) developing a website of teaching resources based in local communities and histories, and (c) building relationships between faculty members and local Aboriginal people by involving the latter as guest speakers in Faculty of Education courses and programs. Funded through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Community Community Engagement Fund and the Faculty of Education.
    Co-Investigator with Dr. Mark Fettes, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • 2016-2017
    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Presidential Research Start Up Grant
  • 2015
    Indigenous Education Graduate View Book for UBC’s Faculty of Education

    Co-developed an Indigenous Graduate Education Viewbook for the Faculty of Education at UBC as part of Post-doctoral fellowship. The purpose of the view book is to encourage Indigenous undergraduates to pursue graduate studies. The viewbook features an array of information that includes information on: the purpose of graduate education, Indigenous research and methodologies, Indigenous faculty and faculty supporters research and teaching interests, as well as current graduate student and alumni profiles.
  • 2015-Present
    Indigenous Doctoral Supervision & Mentorship Project
    Description: Collaborated with faculty, Indigenous doctoral students and Indigenous doctoral alumni at British Columbian universities in order to understand successful and challenging mentorship and supervisory practices. Second, it will produce knowledge mobilization materials and workshops that can assist students, supervisors and university administrators to create an optimal research relationship. Funded through Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada-¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Internal Grant.
    Principal Investigator, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV
  • 2014
    Indigenous Educational Doctoral Initiatives at Research-Intensive Universities In Canada, the United States, New Zealand and Australia
    Under the supervision of Dr. Archibald, conducted a rigorous examination of nearly a hundred research university websites across four countries in order to identify promising and notable doctoral initiatives that aim to improve access, retention and success for Indigenous doctoral students. A final report with recommendations was submitted to the Office of Indigenous Education, Faculty of Education, UBC.
  • 2012
    Teacher Candidate Responses to Required Aboriginal Content Courses

    Research Assistant: Worked with Dr. Jan Hare to write an Indigenous education and professional teacher training literature review and create a research design for qualitative study.
  • 2011
    Indigenous Choice Schools
    Research Consultant: Worked with Dr. Jo-ann Archibald and the Vancouver School Board (VSB) to identify and write a literature review for Aboriginal Education K-12 in particular areas that informed Aboriginal Focus Schools, including curriculum, pedagogy, parental engagement, leadership, and governance with community; developed a resource repository of literature for the VSB Aboriginal Steering Committee.
  • 2010–2011
    Indigeneity Research Cluster in Educational Studies
    Research Assistant: Worked with Dr. Jo-ann Archibald on a research cluster to understand the wholistic dimensions of Indigeniety and its possibilities in order to transform and improve Indigenous education. Research topics included: placed-based knowing, relational ontology, traditional ecology, identity, culture, and language. Research coordination & summary of literature.
  • 2010–2011
    Aboriginal Youth Mobility Project: Preparing to Make the Medicine Bundle
    Research Assistant: Worked with Dr. Jan Hare on a longitudinal case study that examined the choices that a cohort of 33 First Nations youth made about staying, leaving, or returning home to their reserve community, in light of the patterns of observed among Aboriginal populations in Canada. Literature review & qualitative data analysis.
  • 2009
    Justice Institute Aboriginal Mentoring Research
    Research Consultant: Worked with Dr. Michelle LaFlamme on an Aboriginal Youth Mentoring Research Project. Coordinated focus groups, analyzed qualitative data, & report writing.
  • 2009–2010
    Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement Undergraduate (SAGE U)
    SAGE Undergraduate Provincial Network Coordinator: Worked with Dr. Jo-ann Archibald to co-develop and coordinate an Aboriginal peer mentoring project at UBC, UNBC, UVIC, VIU & ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. Supervised five SAGE U Research Assistants and  coordinated SAGE members at SAGE U meetings across the province. Collaborated and assisted in the development of curriculum and workshops to be used for SAGE U sessions. Assisted with data analysis and the SAGE U Community Report.
  • 2010
    Aboriginal Undergraduate to Graduate Transitions Project (ATU2G)
    Research Assistant: Worked with Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Dr. Michelle Pidgeon & Dr. Colleen Hawkey on a provincial research project aimed at enhancing undergraduate to graduate student transitions. Facilitated and coordinated an Aboriginal Mentorship Research Assistant Symposium, faculty video interviews, & SAGE U curriculum. Analyzed qualitative data, report writing, video coordination.
  • 2006–2007
    International Study of Indigenous Language Nest Programs
    Research Assistant for Qualitative Research Study in New Zealand. Conducted interviews.

International Project Activity

  • 2020-2021
    Land as teacher: Understanding Indigenous land based education
    Description: Collaborated with leading Indigenous scholars and leaders to guide the design of the knowledge mobilization project, provided an expert interview, identified and supported an Indigenous graduate student who was also a Squamish matriarch to participate in an expert interview. In addition, co-developed a knowledge media mobilization report with respected members of this working group to share and promote understandings of Indigenous land-based education with the Canadian public and international audiences. .
    Affiliated Institution(s): The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Canada Working Group on Indigenous Land Based Education
    Funding Agency: Canadian Commission: United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organization

Other Scholarship and Research Activities

Performance Scholarship

It is not culturally appropriate to review the following dance and cultural performances of this nature. Rather, there are strict cultural protocols that each person in the dance group must learn and follow in order to be a member of this group. My children and I are members of the group. I also write grants, so that the group’s leadership are honoured for their time and contributions. The grants have also supported our dance group members (many who are low income) to participate in cultural opportunities that would not be available to them due to travel expenses or costs associated with regalia.

  • 2020-2020
    Kwhlii Gibaygum Nisga’a Dancers. (2020, June 12). Kwhlii Gibaygum Nisga’a Dancers Special Cultural Sharing for Auntie Davina Ridley [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl53VYRRQKA.
  • 2020-2020
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2020, February 29). Performance at Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Hobiyee (New Year) Celebration [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxzfooOvtHE.
  • 2020-2020
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2020, February 28). Performance at Nisga’a Hobiyee (New Year) Celebration, Gitlax̱t’aamiks (New Aiyansh) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APEBbjrxVno.
  • 2019-2019
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2019, September). Performance at Gathering of the Salmon People. Live performance at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Burnaby, BC.
  • 2019-2019
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2019, June). Performance for National Aboriginal Day. Live performance at Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2019-2019
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2019, June). Dance Performance. Live performance at BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2019-2019
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2019, February). Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Hobiyee (New Year) Celebration. Live performance at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2018-2018
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2018, August). Dance Performance. Live performance at the Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2018-2018
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2018, June). Dance for National Aboriginal Day. Live performance at Performance at Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2018-2018
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2018, February). Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Hobiyee (New Year) Celebration. Live performance at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2017-2017
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2017, December). Christmas Celebration. Live performance at Circle of Eagles Society, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2017-2017
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2017, February). Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Hobiyee (New Year) Celebration. Live performance at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2016-2016
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2016, December). Winter Solstice Celebrations. Live performance at the Native Education Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2016-2016
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2016, September). Performance for Student Celebration. Live performance at the Native Education Centre, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2016-2016
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2016, August). Dance Performance. Live performance at the Pacific National Exhibition, Vancouver, BC.
  • 2016-2016
    Kwhlii Gibaygum (Nisga’a) Dancers. (2016, July). Canada Celebrations. Live performance at Oppenheimer Park, Vancouver, BC.