
Graduate Mini Course

Every year, a visiting professor is invited to the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Burnaby campus to teach a short course on a specialized subject in their field of expertise. It is a unique opportunity for graduate students to learn from some of the world's top scholars.

SUMMER 2024 

"Selected Topics in Health Economics" by Myra A. Yazbeck, University of Ottawa

 is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa. She received her PhD in Economics from Université Laval in 2011. In 2012, she completed a year of post-doctoral studies at McGill University, Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics and Occupational Health, where she developed a research agenda on health inequalities. Yazbeck's dissertation focuses on the impact of social networks on health outcomes. Her research interests are mainly in the field of health economics, social interactions/networks and inequality. She has published many articles in international refereed journals such as Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Social Choice and Welfare and Social Science and Medicine. Dr. Yazbeck is a fellow member of the Life Course Center (University of Queensland Australia) and an associate member of the Canadian Center for Health Economics (University of Toronto, Canada).

Recordings for this mini-course are available on the Grad Student Portal.

Summer 2024 Schedule

  • Tuesday, May 21st 9:30 am - 11:20 am
  • Wednesday, May 22nd 10:30 am - 12:20 pm
  • Thursday, May 23rd 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Friday, May 24th 10:30 am - 12:20 pm

Location: WMC 3611

Office hours: Friday 2:30 - 3:30 pm, WMC 3659

Course Syllabus

* Selected Topics in Heath Economics (002).pdf
A Short Course in Health Economics - Syllabus


The mini course is open to all economics graduate students.

Graduate students outside the Economics Department are welcome to attend (space permitting). Contact the Graduate Chair at econ_gradchair@sfu.ca.  

Past mini courses

2023 - David Andolfatto, Miami Herbert Business School



2022 - Colin Cameron, University of California - Davis


Slides and materials:

2019 - Ian Crawford (University of Oxford)

"Empirical Revealed Preference" 
* 2019 Ian Crawford mini course.pdf
Presentation slides

2018 - Arthur Lewbel (Boston College)

"The Identification Zoom - Meanings of Identification in Econometrics" 
* 2018 Arthur Lewbel_Part1.pdf
Presentation slides
* 2018 Arthur Lewbel_Part2.pdf
Presentation slides
* 2018 Arthur Lewbel_Part3.pdf
Presentation slides

2016 - Randall Wright (University of Wisconsin)

"Liquidity: A New Monetarist Perspective"

 2015 - Robert Feenstra (UC Davis)

"International Economics and Trade"

2014 - David Figlio (Northwestern University)

2012 - Jeff Smith (University of Michigan)

* 2010 Arthur Lewbel.pdf
Presentation slides

2010 - Arthur Lewbel (Boston College)

"Nonparametrics for Noneconometricians"

2009 - Klaus Schmidt (University of Munich)

2009 - Kevin Milligan (UBC)

2008 - John Abowd (Cornell University)

2007 - Randall Wright (University of Pennsylvania)

2006 - Randall Wright (University of Pennsylvania)