

Our Methods

1. ACT-OUT survey

2. Walk-along interview

3. Photographic and videographic documentation

4. Face-to-face sit-down interviews

3 sit-down interviews with each participant and care partner (if needed)

  • Initial sit-down interview to collect demographic information and explore weekly outdoor routine
  • Route planning collaboratively with participant

1 Walk-along interview

  • Consisting of guided conversations about participant's neighbourhood environmental perceptions, mobility and orientation decision-making, and behaviour while walking on a route of their choice

1. ACT-OUT Survey

The ACT-OUT tool (participation in ACTivities and places OUTside the Home for older adults) is used to collect data on neighbourhood destinations visited by persons living with dementia and patterns of change over time since their diagnosis.  It is a validated tool designed to collect quantitative data on participation inplace-based activities outside of the home for those living with dementia in the community.

Features of the ACT-OUT tool include:

  • Designed as an approximately 30 minute questionnaire divided into three parts (User’s Guide: ACT-OUT, 2016; Nygard, 2017).
  • Data on the neighbourhood places participants visit for various activities
  • Two sets of identical questions regarding places where theparticipant indicates there have been no (or anticipate there will not be) change in their patterns of useafter the diagnosis, and places where they feel there has been (or anticipate there will be) a change
  • General questions about attitudes toward risk-taking, perceived life satisfaction, and potential participant concerns

3. Photo and video documentation

  • Research team members will film and photograph the walk-along interviews with consent
  • Participants have the option to wear mounted GoPro cameras to reflect their perspective in the builtscape
  • Environmental features of interest identified by participant will be photographed using an iPad
  • Videos and photos will be reviewed in final sit-down interview

2. Walk-along interviews

  • Consisting of guided conversations about neighbourhood environmental perceptions, mobility and orientation decision-making, and behaviour while walking in the neighbourhood
  • Will take place in the participant’s neighbourhood on a route of their choice

4. Face-to-face sit-down interview

  • Final interview to review features identified during walk-along