The Criminology Graduate Students’ Association (CGSA) has been constituted as a caucus of the Criminology Student Society since February 11, 1988. Automatic membership in the association is extended to all graduate students in the School of Criminology. No differentiation of membership or voting status is made between MA and PhD students. No fees are charged, and students are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible.
As outlined in the CGSA constitution, the objective of the association is to promote and represent graduate student interests in the School of Criminology. This includes:
- Identifying and promoting the academic, intellectual, and career concerns of the membership;
- Providing social and recreational activities for the membership;
- Undertaking projects and activities to benefit the members; and
- Undertaking other such activities as the members may decide from time to time.
As with any other organization, the CGSA’s strength and its ability to meet its stated objectives depend on the involvement and energy of its members. The CGSA is the graduate students’ voice in the School of Criminology. Student participation, at least on a casual basis, is essential to ensure that this voice is representative and vital.
The CGSA usually meets once a month, for approximately one and one-half hours, although more frequent meetings may be scheduled to respond to pressing issues. Notice of the meetings is posted around the school, at least one week in advance. Student representatives on school committees, students wishing to be involved in special projects, and CGSA officers can expect a further time commitment of no more than about three hours per month.
CGSA officers and student representatives are elected for one year, at the first general meeting of the Fall semester. Involvement in the CGSA can afford a student the opportunity to be an active participant in the School and to meet fellow students.
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings take place every first Friday of each month at 2:30 p.m.
Graduate Caucus Positions
For more details about caucus positions, their associated responsibilities and time commitment, please click here.
Anonymous Q&A form
Students can submit their questions and/or concerns to be addressed during new business at the monthly meeting.
Submit your question by clicking .
Caucus Administration
Ashley Kyne
Kelley Massingale
Hana Georgoulis
Appointments Committee - Representative
Ryan Sandrin
Appointments Committee - Alternate
Caitlin Hyslop-Margison
Faculty Committee - Representative
Kristina Kocsis
Faculty Committee - Alternate
Social Committee Representatives
- August Skrudland
- Hanna-Rose MaCallum
- Alice Bison
- Alannah McPherson
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