

Who sees my responses?

All of your responses are confidential. Your instructor will not know what responses you individually submitted or which comments were yours (note that the CES program only conducts surveys for courses that have 5 or more students to keep your feedback confidential).

Your instructors receive a report of students feedback once grades have been submitted for the course.

These reports may be accessed by:

Course Instructor

The instructor receives a course report at the end of each semester. The feedback that you provide can help the instructor understand what helped you learn in the course and what could be changed in the future.


The Senior Administrator (Chair, Director, Associate Dean) responsible for the program receives a copy of the course report at the end of each semester.  Part of this person's role is to ensure the quality of teaching and course offerings in the department or school. 


The Dean has access to the reports on an as-needed basis. For example, the Dean could review a course report as part of the faculty member's regular review.

Tenure & Promotion Committee

Faculty members go through a regular review by the Tenure and Promotion Committee. This is an opportunity for your instructor to reflect on their teaching practice and their interactions with students. This committee has access to the multiple-choice question responses from course experience surveys, but not the student comments.