

Encouraging Student Participation

Students are motivated to participate in surveys when they believe their feedback will impact change. When instructors remind their students how valuable their feedback is to the development of the course and teaching, students are more likely to provide meaningful reflection and feedback.

Students will receive an invitation to participate in the course survey when the survey period begins. At the same time, instructors will receive an email inviting them to share the course survey link and monitor student response rates. This is a good time for the instructors to provide a personal reminder or set aside time to complete the survey during class.  

Outlined below are some resources that can help you connect with your students:

In addition to our automatic email reminders, consider adding reminders for students throughout your course content such as a note in your syllabus, a slide in your presentation deck, etc.

Set aside some class time for students to complete the surveys by using the Live Response Rate Monitor in class to share your survey's unique QR code for easy access.