
Mikhaela Ong - Co-op Q & A

BSc Biological Sciences Major (Open Concentration)

Co-op Term: Spring, Summer, & Fall 2019

1.    Where did you work (Department/Organization name and location)?



2.    What was your role (what type of work did you do)? What were some of your responsibilities?

I was a bee health research assistant, and I did a mix of lab and fieldwork. My responsibilities ranged from rearing Leafcutter bees, running experiments, collecting samples in the field to cleaning the lab.


3.    How did the skills/knowledge developed in the classroom apply to your job? What did you learn?

Knowledge from the classroom provided help with essential background, and it further developed my critical thinking skills that can be applied in the workplace.


4.    Can you share a challenge you faced in your Co-op and how you overcame it?

The biggest challenge for me was moving to a new province. Fortunately, I was able to embrace and adjust to the new experiences as I felt supported in the community and in the workplace.


5.    What was your most memorable Co-op experience?

The most memorable experience was getting hands-on experience of how research is done from start to finish.


6.    What have you learned through your Co-op experience?

I discovered there is a great amount of work that goes into research. Sometimes experiments can fail, and you have to restart multiple times. It can get tedious, however the end product is rewarding to see.


7.    What advice do you have for future Co-op students?

It would be great to know which subject or discipline you are passionate about, but remember, do not be afraid to try new experiences.