
Doctoral Thesis Preparation

Preparation for Examination of Doctoral Thesis

  • If travel arrangements are necessary for the external examiner to attend the defense in person, then ten weeks prior to the examination date the student must submit the Approval of Examining Committee form along with a pdf copy of the abstract. 
  • If no travel arrangements are necessary for the external examiner (e.g., the external examiner will attend by zoom, or the external examiner lives in Greater Vancouver), then eight weeks prior to the examination date the student must submit the Approval of Examining Committee form along with a pdf copy of the abstract. 
  • Note that these deadlines are two or four weeks in advance of the deadline for the Approval form and abstract to be received at Graduate Studies.
  • The Approval form must include signatures of all committee members, indicating that they have seen the thesis and agree that it is essentially complete and ready for the defence.  Please work with the Graduate Program Assistant to finalize the timing and arrangements for your defence.  The Graduate Program Assistant will obtain a chairperson for the defence."
  • Your final thesis must be submitted to the Graduate Progam Asstant no later than six weeks prior to the examination date


View Applicable Graduate General Regulations on Preparation for and Classification of the Doctoral Thesis

Thesis Defenses:  Important Information for External Examiners

Guidelines for Examiners in Biological Sciences