
Mission Statement

The Department of Biological Sciences has 4 main goals. These are:

  1. to produce and disseminate new information based on rigorous and original scientific research;
  2. to graduate bachelors-level students who have a broad understanding of contemporary biology and its significance to society, an in-depth comprehension of selected subjects, and well developed analytical and communication skills;
  3. to graduate masters and doctoral students who meet the highest international standards, who are expert in specialized areas of the biological sciences, can conduct definitive scientific investigations, are skillful communicators, and who have a highly-developed sense of scientific and social responsibility; and
  4. to serve the University and the wider national and international communities by providing ideas, interpretations, and advice.

We will achieve our goals by following a carefully-considered course of action that includes:

  1. offering rigorous and dynamic undergraduate and graduate curricula that are scientifically strong and embody a measure of uniqueness;
  2. incorporating an appreciation of scientific investigation and self-directed learning through undergraduate classroom, tutorial and laboratory experience;
  3. supervising graduate students so that they are encouraged to grow intellectually, and learn to pursue challenging scientific and professional endeavours with independence, confidence and ability;
  4. providing a supportive and nurturing environment for all members of the department;
  5. providing a collegial and open-minded environment in which policies are arrived at through discussion and consensus; and
  6. maintaining support services that facilitate excellence in teaching and research.

In achieving our goals we will be guided by the following principles:

  1. a commitment to excellence;
  2. a belief that diversity of disciplines in both faculty and curricula adds richness and quality to our department;
  3. an understanding that strength in selected areas and overall breadth are not mutually exclusive;
  4. a strong faith in the scientific method in both basic and applied research; and
  5. a profound sense of scientific, professional and social ethics.