
Departmental Committees

Note: Committee terms are from **May 1 - April 30** per changes to the Department’s Constitution, except for the Tenure and Promotion Committee whose term is April 15 to April 14.

Appointments Committee

Department Chair (Appointments Chair) Ex-officio  
J. Fowler Two-year term          To April 30, 2026   
E. Palsson Two-year term To April 30, 2026
M. Barker Two-year term          To April 30, 2025        
N. Dulvy Two-year term To April 30, 2025
J. Christians One-year term To April 30, 2025
J. Guttman One-year term To April 30, 2025
H. Hutter One-year term To April 30, 2025

Staff Support:  Melissa Stephens, Chair's Secretary   

Department Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee

N. Dulvy Two-year term                       To April 30, 2026         
I. Mladenovic Two-year term To April 30, 2026
Z. Punja Two-year term To April 30, 2025
TBA Postdoctoral Fellow representatives    
E. Kirkwood Undergraduate Advisor  
B. Danis, P. Gross, J. Hercus Graduate Student representatives  
J. Podrebersek, M. Tehrani Undergraduate representatives  

Departmental Graduate Studies Committee - DGSC

I. Côté
Two-year term To April 30, 2026
L. Julian Two-year term To April 30, 2026
L. M'Gonigle Two-year term To April 30, 2026
M. Hart two-year term To April 30, 2025
A. Mooers
Two-year term
To April 30, 2025
Graduate Student Reps (2)

Staff Support:  Laurie Sutterlin, Graduate Program Assistant  

Departmental Scholarship Committee - DSC

D. Green Two-year term To April 30, 2025    
W. Palen
Two-year term To April 30, 2026
Department Chair 
DGSC Chair (or designate)            
DUCC Chair (or designate)               Ex-officio  
TBD Graduate Student representatives Grad student reps (1 vote) TBD

Staff Support:  Debbie Sandher, Undergraduate Scholarship Secretary        
                           Laurie Sutterlin, Graduate Scholarship Secretary

Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - DUCC

K. Fitzpatrick Two-year term                            To April 30, 2026          
I. Mladenovic Two-year term                   To April 30, 2026
G. Rintoul Two-year term                          To April 30, 2025
S. Bisgrove                                                   Two-year term      To April 30, 2025
A. Becalska
Two-year term            To April 30, 2025
Department Associate Chair Ex-officio                 
E. Kirkwood, Undergraduate Advisor Ex-officio  
Undergraduate Student representatives (2)    

Staff Support:  Debbie Sandher, Undergraduate Program Assistant  

Outreach and Engagement Committee

P. Hollmann                                   Two-year term                           To April 30, 2026    
E. Palsson Two-year term    To April 30, 2026
T. McMullan Two-year term     To April 30, 2025
K. Bruzzini, S. Meraj          Graduate students    
E. Meyer, (1 Vacant) Undergraduate student  
T. Haapalainen Staff Member   

Staff Support:  Melissa Stephens, Chair's Secretary  

Tenure and Promotion Committee - TPC

T.D. Williams (TPC Chair) Ex-officio
B. Crespi (Professor)
One-year term
N. Dulvy (Professor) One-year term
H. Hutter (Professor) One-year term
J. Reynolds (Professor)   One-year term
J. Fowler (Assistant Professor) One-year term
M. Barker (Senior Lecturer) One-year term

Staff Support:  Melissa Stephens, Chair's Secretary