
Undergraduate Research

Build research experience while completing your degree

Participating in undergraduate research is a fantastic way to build your research skills. It also provides opportunities to:

  • begin applying concepts you are learning in the classroom
  • deepen your understanding of a particular field or topic within biology
  • build connections with faculty members and graduate students in your area of interest
  • learn more about the type of research you would like to participate in post-graduation
  • gain relevant research experience

See the 2023 Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Award Winners!

Biological Sciences Research in Action

My name is Aryan, and I started my research journey in early 2020 when I joined the Gries lab, engaged in colony maintenance on false black widow spiders. From 2021 onwards, I enrolled in all available BISC research courses - 298, 497W, 498, and 499 - while also dedicating extra time to doing research outside the courses. Through this experience, I've contributed to six projects focused on Black Widows and Stable flies, resulting in future co-authorships, participation in an international conference, and learning invaluable skills. My involvement in research has been the highlight of my academic journey at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, providing unparalleled experiences and growth opportunities. I recommend research to all upcoming BISC students, as it not only helps academic pursuits but also gives the opportunity for personal and professional development. - Aryan Monfared

My name is Kiara Kattler and I graduated from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Biology with my honours degree in 2022. Throughout my degree, I was able to be involved in great projects within Dr Isabelle Côté's lab. I completed a 499 class with fellow undergraduates looking at invasive mudsnails. This is now published in a peer-reviewed journal (). I also had the opportunity to complete an NSERC USRA with Dr Côté, where I looked at foraging differences between sexes of invasive European green crabs. I was lucky to spend my summer at the Bamfield Marine Science Centre alongside her research group. This paper was also published ()! The research opportunities I experienced during my undergraduate degree allowed me to gain huge amounts of experience, as well as allowing my passion for marine research to evolve. I am forever grateful for these opportunities that Isabelle has provided me with, as they have set me up on a bright path to the future and I could not be where I am today without them.

Ways to Get Involved in Research