
Gordon Rintoul

Associate Professor, Cellular Neurophysiology, CIHR New Investigator in the Area of Aging

Areas of interest

Mitochondrial Dynamics

Mitochondria are often described as the "powerhouses" of cells, as they provide energy for cellular processes. Recent studies have revealed that mitochondria are mobile structures within many cells, including neurons. It is thought that the function of this mitochondrial motility is to deliver energy to metabolically active regions of neurons. In other words, mitochondria act as microscopic "meals on wheels" within neurons. Mitochondria are also morphologically dynamic organelles, continuously changing their shape, undergoing fission and fusion. The mechanics, regulation and even the significance of all these processes, are poorly understood in mammalian cells. The long term goal of my research is the elucidation of the regulatory mechanisms and cellular functions of mitochondrial dynamics. Further details of our research can be found on our lab website.


  • BSc, University of Western Ontario
  • PhD, University of British Columbia
