
David Hik

Professor, Terrestrial Ecology (he/him/his)

Areas of interest

My research is focused on studies of the structure and dynamics of plant and animal populations and their interactions. We work mostly in mountain, northern and arid environments, where landscape heterogeneity, climate change, and seasonal variability have a strong influence on ecological processes. Through a variety of long-term and/or large-scale observations and experimental studies, this work has contributed to new understanding about the ecological consequences of a warming planet; the development of strategies for conserving biodiversity; and opportunities for maintaining and restoring disturbed ecosystems. Much of my long-term work is focused in the southwest Yukon, and increasingly is being conducted in collaboration with other academic, government and First Nations partners. Other work in Alberta and BC is focused on the resilience of bighorn sheep, mountain goats and high alpine habitats in the Rocky Mountains. Internationally, I maintain a number of collaborative research and teaching initiatives with colleagues in Iceland and Costa Rica, and beyond. A second area of inquiry is focused on the science-policy interface, knowledge translation, Open Science, and the resilience of social-environmental systems.


  • BSc, Queen's University
  • MSc, University of Toronto
  • PhD, University of British Columbia



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