

2023 BISC Graduate Teaching Awards

November 23, 2023

Congratulations to this years winners of the 2023 BISC Graduate Teaching Awards: Miranda DennisEmmanuel Hung, and Philippe Fernandez-Fournier.

The Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to award this years Graduate Teaching Awards to our hard working grad students! Emmanuel Hung and Philippe Fernandez-Fournier were also awarded the Faculty of Science Teaching Award early this year, and this is Philippe's second time being awarded the BISC Grad Teaching Award!

Being multi-time awardees reflect the on-going committment to undergraduate teaching and demonstrates the passion and dedication that our students have. We are thankful and excited to have such excellent teachers and learners in our department!

Our graduate students even pursue their teaching efforts internationally: Phillipe is currently teaching at two Indonesian universities: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong ("Data processing in R") and Universitas Papua - Manokwari (coral reef biology). Not even being a jet-setter can't keep him from a classroom!

Congrats and thank you to Miranda, Emmanuel, and Philippe!
