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Meeting Room Booking
Equipment & Facilities Booking
Please note:
- Biology Meeting Rooms: Booking access is restricted to Biological Sciences Personnel.
- Meeting rooms are available M-F between 8:30-4:30. If you require an after-hours booking please contact biscrec@sfu.ca to make arrangements.
- Meeting rooms are available M-F between 8:30-4:30. If you require an after-hours booking please contact biscrec@sfu.ca to make arrangements.
- AV Equipment: Equipment must be returned to the Biology Office immediately after use (please note the office closes at 4:30 pm). If this is not possible, it must be locked in a faculty member's office overnight (NOT a lab or general student seating space where multiple people have access) and returned by 8:30 the following morning. In the exceptional case where this is not possible, biscrec@sfu.ca must be notified BEFORE booking.
- Dean of Science Rooms: Do not book rooms for office hours, social events or parties. Email scirec@sfu.ca if you have any questions.
- Crowdmark Machine: Users must receive training before booking the machine; an up-to-date list of trained individuals is kept in the Biology Office. After booking the machine, please come to the Biology Office for the machine key and door code.
- Shared Lab & Facilities Equipment: Booking access is restricted to individuals trained and authorized to use lab equipment.
Please direct questions to:
- Financial & Administrative Assistant at biscrec@sfu.ca for inquiries about Meeting Room, AV equipment, and Crowdmark Machine bookings;
- Ahmed Sayed Ahmed at biscshft@sfu.ca for inquiries about Shared Lab & Facilities Equipment bookings;
- Manager, Operations & Projects at biscmlo@sfu.ca for inquiries about Vehicle bookings