

The Power to Grow

Become a leader in agritech innovation by accessing investment and support to help you develop, test and pilot your product.

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We understand the critical challenges facing B.C.’s agriculture sector. To help address these challenges, we are here to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and agriproducers to develop products and help position British Columbia as a world leader in agritech. 

Advancing Your Agritech

Increase your productivity and profitably. The Agritech Development Program provides investment, expertise and support to help you project manage your technology and grow your agritech business. Our goal is to reduce your upfront costs, remove barriers and mitigate the risks for advancing innovative products and services for agri-food producers and processors.

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Impacting B.C.'s Agritech Future

The B.C. Centre for Agritech Innovation is at the forefront of agritech progress in B.C., driving industry advancements through strategic partnerships and impactful initiatives


invested in agritech projects


highly qualified personnel (HQP) trained, including six Indigenous trainees


jobs created, including thirty-nine HQP and six non-HQP


partners, across national and international markets

Co-creating and Knowledge-Sharing

When you join BCCAI, you will have access to a network of experts specially tailor to provide support for your agritech project. Our program connects small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and agriproducers in the agritech sector with industry experts, academic researchers, government partners,  the Indigenous community and non-profits to develop technology solutions that build resilient supply chains and generate global solutions for food security and climate change.

Connect with us

Our network of experts will work with you to find solutions to your unique challenges.

Shaping the Next Generation of Agritech Leaders

Agritech training and upskilling are the driving forces behind innovation and sustainable practices in modern, resilient agriculture resulting in a stable and secure agriculture sector. If you are interested in partnering with BCCAI for training opportunities, reach out now.  

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Tell Us About Your Idea

See if your organization is eligible to apply to the Agritech Development Program.

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Submit your application today.

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