

Who Can Apply

Learn about the organizations and types of projects we support.

Eligible Applicants

This call is open to agritech companies, technology developers and providers, and CEA (greenhouses, vertical farms and other indoor growing systems) operators to support a new or adapted technology to improve CEA facilities' efficiency and productivity.

The lead applicant must: 

  • be a private corporation incorporated and headquartered in the province of British Columbia
  • have 499 or less full-time employees (FTE)
  • have been in continuous operation for two years at the time of application
  • have a clear plan to scale up their business
  • support research and development activities that take place in B.C. or Canada
  • have 50% or more of its FTE employees have B.C. as their ordinary place of work
  • have SMEs, agri-businesses and farms, post-secondary institutions, Indigenous communities, or government (including municipalities) as project collaborators
  • contribute 25% of the eligible project cost in cash.

Eligible Projects

Projects proposed must be between:

  • $200K to $1M in total project value (all funding sources)
  • 6-24 months in length

Evaluation criteria: The EOI and project proposals will be evaluated against social and economic benefits such as increased food security and stability by enabling year-round crop production and minimizing crop losses; environmental sustainability by reduced resource consumption (e.g., energy, water, fertilizer and other Ag-input) and lower greenhouse gas emissions; responsible pesticide use; improved quality and variety by higher-quality crops and cultivars. 

Current status of the call for proposals: Closed

We thank you for your interest. The deadline for submitting a proposal has now passed.