
Herbert Grubel



Papers in Draft (September 2005)



Papers not on website are available from author  

Longer papers:

“The Canada – US Softwood Lumber Dispute: The Basic Cause and The BC Government’s Remedy”, 7,300  words   Click here for paper

 “Recycling Solid Waste is a Waste”, 10,400 words      Click here for paper

 “Economic Freedom and the War on Terrorism”  5,200 words plus graphs   Click here for paper

 “Employment Insurance”, Contribution to a Fraser Institute project “A Common Sense Vision for Canada”  Click here for paper     Click here for paper

 “Policies affecting Inflation, the Exchange Rate and the Banking Industry”, Contribution to a Fraser Institute project “A Common Sense Vision for Canada”     Click here for paper


Short Editorials:

 “They are selfish, stupid”, 900 words  

“The Myth about Russian Kyoto Carbon Sinks”, 791 words

  “Here comes China:  Watch out”, 990 words

 “Why Canada is doing poorly”, 714 words


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