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The collection and disposal of ordinary garbage costs the City $64 a ton while the cost of collecting and recycling the three solid types of waste old newspapers, mixed paper and containers - comes to $100 a ton. Reintegration of the normal and solid wastes will save $57 million a year and take 1000 trucks off New Yorks congested streets. In March 2003, Valfrid Paulsson, a former head of Swedens environmental protection agency and Soren Norrby, the former campaign manager for Keep Sweden Tidy, published an article in which they claim that the alleged benefits of recycling solid wastes are nullified by the environmental cost of hauling and processing them. They believe that it would be environmentally more benign instead to incinerate such wastes in efficient and safe facilities, producing valuable energy in the process. What makes these two recent developments so significant is that they are based on real evidence on the costs of recycling, which have become available now after many years of experience with the activity. Many advocates of recycling had been arguing that initially costs would be high but that eventually economies of scale and new technologies would lower these costs and bring them below the benefits derived. The predictions of the advocates for recycling appear not to have been realized. Why was recycling of solid wastes instituted in the 1970s and later? The following analysis considers this question and uses the information to investigate the two important challenges to existing recycling programs just noted. In the final section of study I consider evidence from an apparently successful recycling program in Canada and draw some important conclusions about the merit of such programs in general. But before I do so, a general comment on my analysis and environmental concerns is in order. It is well known that environmentalists, whose actions have been mainly responsible for the creation of recycling programs in industrial countries, are dedicated persons with high ethical standards and strong emotional attachments to their cause. It has been my experience that these environmentalists greet any analysis critical of recycling programs with scorn. They question the motives of the persons engaged in such an analysis and accuse them of showing no concern about the welfare of future generations and the global environment. Such questioning of motives is not helpful in advancing rational discussion of the merit of any human action. In the end, logical and empirically based conclusions are what count. But just to set the record straight, in this and all of my work as an economist I have been driven by a strong desire to shed light on the effects that government policies have on the welfare of present and future generations. It is because I care about them, at least as much as activists in the recycling movement that I have undertaken the following analysis. The Case for Recycling I have always found it useful to understand the history of and reasons why some policies have been put into place before turning to an analysis of their costs and benefits. In this vein, it is important to note that the private sector has long recycled aluminum, copper, steel and newspapers profitably and without subsidies before mandatory recycling became a political and popular issue. The recycling movement of the 1970s pushed for legislation, which was designed to force the general public in their capacity as consumer to recycle more of these products and to operate programs for a number of other products that otherwise were disposed of in general garbage dumps. Two arguments were used to support this call for more recycling. First, increased recycling would slow the depletion of the earths resources, which exist in only finite quantities and should be properly managed for future generations. Second, recycling would bring environmental benefits from the reduced need to burn wastes, fill land with polluting garbage, cut down trees and produce new raw materials. These benefits would not only improve the environment, they would also increase human health and longevity. Some very optimistic proponents of recycling had predicted that it would become privately profitable and ultimately would function without public subsidies. They argued that recycling traditionally did not exist because allegedly private entrepreneurs were shortsighted or they profited because the raw materials prices they produced were higher in the absence of the supply of recycled materials. They argued further that once mandatory recycling was in place it would become privately profitable. They expected economies of scale in recycling to become so large that the recycled materials could be sold at prices below those charged by the producers of primary materials. Under this scenario society would be in a win-win situation. Recycling would bring environmental benefits through the saving of limited resources and space in dumping sites. At the same time it would also lower the cost of raw materials and of the goods produced with them, to the benefit of all consumers. These optimistic predictions never were realized and recycling requires continuous subsidies from taxpayers and consumers required to incur extra expenses of money and time. Faced with the reality that recycling requires subsidies, most advocates now argue that these subsidies are worth paying for the benefits of preserving exhaustible resources for future generations, a better environment and greater human health. A Sober look at these Claims It is no coincidence that the recycling movement came into existence during the 1970s when the oil crisis and rising raw materials prices swept the world. These developments led to projections that the world would soon run out of resources and that public policies were needed to replace the invisible and fallible hand of private markets to assure the well being of planet earth and future generations, to use the kinds of words and phrases in which the debate was couched. It is now clear that the projection of a world shortage of minerals was not realized. Instead, prices of raw materials fell and the stocks of recoverable reserves returned to their traditional levels. It is true that all substances on earth are in physically limited supply. But free market prices and adjustments assure that these physical limits remain irrelevant economically and as effective restraints on human welfare. As it turns out, the shortages and increasing prices of the 1970s had been caused by sudden and unexpected world inflation, which had driven the rate of consumption of raw materials much above the long run trend. The private producers of these materials could not keep up with the surging demand because the discovery and opening up of new reserves is time-consuming and costly. Once the inflation stopped, the stock of recoverable reserves returned to normal. In addition, there has been a decrease in the demand for raw materials - including energy - because new capital investment and technologies reduced the growth in demand for these goods as a percent of total national output. These efficiency increasing investments and technologies were partly driven by the temporarily high prices of raw materials and partly the result of a regular process driven by scientific and engineering advances that make new investments profitable. Another concern raised by the advocates of recycling was that the world was running out of space suitable for landfills that would receive all of the wastes produced by a growing population and income. This concern has turned out to be misplaced. The acreage needed for landfills is very small, especially relative to the size of the earth. Thus, it has been calculated that the worlds garbage expected to accumulate during the next thousand years will not quite fill a square-shaped pit 100 meters deep and sides measuring 9 kilometers. Nor is the problem caused by the absence of land suitable for use as landfills or the absence of affordable technology to prevent toxic substances from seeping into groundwater. The real problem with landfills is political. Residents near potential sites use their voting power to prevent new developments in the classical illustration of the not-in-my-backyard principle. Such political action clearly is in the personal self-interest of the activists, whose real motives are disguised by emphasizing the alleged public interest: Run-offs from landfills endanger local water supplies. This danger no longer poses a threat since sites now are lined with impermeable membranes and there are only minor leakages into the environment. Methane gas escaping from landfills and entering the atmosphere as greenhouse gases is now widely captured and used for electricity generation, which in turn reduces the production of greenhouse gases by generating stations using oil, gas or coal. The Environment and Public Health While the argument for recycling based on the need to preserve resources for future generations has proven to be invalid, the second argument for recycling that it is good for the environment and human health is more difficult to evaluate. Arguments for recycling of this nature have much emotional appeal. Thus, recycling reduces the scarring of the landscape and the pollution produced by mines. Trees remain uncut and some old-growth forests are saved for the preservation of endangered species and enjoyment by future generations. Energy saved through recycling and the elimination of other air and water pollutants have beneficial effects on human health. There are few people in the world who do not think that these benefits of recycling are worth having. But clearly, issues of public policy should not be decided on the basis that a certain government activity produces some benefits. What needs to be considered are the size of the benefits relative to the full economic and social cost of producing them. Resources used up in unproductive recycling are no longer available to provide healthcare, education or public infrastructure. The qualitative and quantitative importance of these environmental benefits from recycling is not great. Most mines have tiny footprints. They are found usually in locations remote from population centers and in settings where they interfere with the pleasures of only very few people enjoying the wilderness. After mines are exhausted, the affected land is restored to nature. Pollution of the air and water caused by mines has been virtually eliminated by appropriate government regulation, new technologies and public responsibility codes of companies. Most important, in cases where politics and economics have prevented the installation of modern air scrubbers, recycling has had no influence on this outcome. The preservation of forests is a major target of environmentalists. Yet, a closer look at conditions shows that trees cut down to produce newspaper pulp in most parts of the world comes from tree plantations and second-generation forests. Forests on these lands are constantly in rotation. Replanting or natural processes quickly cover harvested land with new growth. In developed countries, market incentives and, in the case of forests on public land, government regulations assure that these resources are managed for the benefit of present as well as future generations. In this context it is interesting to note that presently the total area in North America covered by trees is greater than it has been since the first arrival of settlers over two centuries ago. Old-growth forests of interest to conservationists because of unique biological or ecological characteristics have been set aside in many countries and therefore will be preserved for future generations, particularly in British Columbia and other parts of Canada with important stands of virgin forests. There is a problem of loss of old growth forests in the transitional economies of the former Soviet Union and in many developing countries. However, the recycling of paper in the industrial countries will do little to save these forests because, while recycling lowers the global price of pulp to a small extent, the supply from these countries is very price inelastic. In these countries the need for income and employment is so great that they will continue to harvest old growth forests regardless of the lower price caused by recycling. Given present human needs in these countries, such policies are rational and can easily be defended on humanitarian grounds. The Need to Consider Costs Many people who agree that the prospect of global shortages for raw materials has disappeared and therefore does not constitute a valid case for recycling may still insist on the need for recycling as a method to protect the environment from degradation and pollution. This argument in favor of recycling needs to be subjected to a cost/benefit analysis. Some people object to such an economic approach to the issue on principle, arguing that the protection of the environment and the benefits from the prevention of pollution are so valuable that no price is too high. Clearly, such a position is not rational and should not be used to justify policies on recycling by politicians acting in the general public interest when they consider appropriate legislation. The resources employed in recycling have alternative uses where they might provide greater protection of the environment and more reduction in pollution than does recycling. Unfortunately it is not easy to make a traditional cost/benefit analysis of recycling. The costs are relatively easy to estimate. The problem arises from the fact that there are no market prices for the benefits. Economists and other social scientists have attempted to overcome this problem by developing a variety of indirect methods to derive estimates of the value of such benefits. One of these involves the use of public surveys. For example, people might be asked how much a company should have to pay if it wanted to take over an existing urban park for commercial use. However, there is a serious problem with this approach. When the same public is asked how much they think the government should pay to buy land and establish such an amenity, the answers usually imply that its value is much lower than the one the public put on it when asked how much a private firm should be forced to pay to alienate an existing amenity. Which of the two figures should be used to value a given public park? Fortunately, to reach decisions on the merit of policies to recycle, it is not necessary to obtain a reliable estimate of the monetary value of benefits derived. Instead, the following approach can be used. Identify the benefits in terms of simple units. For example the benefits might be the number of people spending time in a park every year or, closer to the issue of this analysis, a simple, measurable benefit would be annual the number of lives saved or tons of pollutants kept out of the atmosphere. The second step in the cost/benefit analysis then is to estimate the monetary cost of obtaining these benefits through mandated recycling. Such estimates are reasonably easy to make since private agents have to be paid or machinery has to be bought in private markets to carry out the policy. With such an estimate in hand it is then possible to ask how many lives can be saved or tons of pollutants can be kept out of the atmosphere by spending the same amount of money on other approaches, such as forcing polluters to install additional scrubbers to clean exhaust gases from industrial processes. This approach to the evaluation of recycling programs is important and can be illustrated by the following example. Assume that recycling in Canada lowers pollution and saves 100 hundred lives annually. The cost of the recycling program is $500 million. The cost of saving a life (or more perhaps more accurately, the cost of extending one persons life by one year) therefore is $5 million. The crucial question for public policy then is how many lives could be saved using these $500 million annually to buy more diagnostic equipment for hospitals, increase the number of healthcare workers or improve the safety of roads? Alternative Methods for Getting Environment Benefits Complicating the analysis further is the fact that the benefits from recycling in the form of less environmental degradation and pollution can be achieved also by other, possibly cheaper methods. The Canadian public has successfully pushed politicians for the application of such methods during the last half of the 20th century when the quality of the environment was recognized increasingly as a matter for public concern. This concern had arisen because industrial production and natural resource exploitation increased rapidly and greatly during the decades following the Second World War. During this period Canadians not only became increasingly concerned about the environment, they also became rich enough to afford the cost of reducing the degradation of the environment. Many economists think that public demand for a clean environment has a high income elasticity and is much like the demand for luxury goods. In addition, technological advances involving sophisticated control devices that use semi-conductors and computers made many forms of pollution abatement feasible and affordable. The increased public demand for improved environmental quality has been very successful, especially after the oil crisis in the 1970s had added concerns about the depletion of natural resources to the public agenda. Here are a few examples of this success. Pollution by vehicles has been reduced through the use of catalytic converters and smaller, more efficient engines, even for large Sports Utility Vehicles; manufacturing firms, municipalities, mines and forest companies limit the pollution of air, water and land in conformity with strict government regulations. Airliners have reduced engine noise and the emission of pollutants. The results of these direct attacks on pollution show up in official statistics. The Fraser Institute, drawing on official government data, publishes annually data that show a very marked and continuing increase in the quality of the environment. Globally the same trend has taken place. Air pollution in Los Angeles is reduced so that air quality warnings have become a rarity. Salmon once again populate the Thames in London and fish caught in the Detroit River are once again fit for human consumption. The evidence is clear. The regulation of mines, forest practices, smelting and other industrial processes has lowered the environmental cost of producing raw materials, including pulp and paper. This fact implies that the benefits from recycling and the reduced demand for the output of these industries brings considerably fewer benefits than it did before the controls on these industries became effective. The Environmental Cost of Recycling At the same time that the environmental cost of producing raw materials has dropped greatly, the experience with recycling has shown increasingly that the process itself has significant negative effects on the environment. These two developments underlie the decision by New York City and the recommendations of the Swedish experts noted above to stop government recycling programs. The latter comment focused on the energy cost of recycling and the following analysis does the same. In most jurisdictions newspapers, mixed paper, glass, metals and plastics are collected from households by special trucks while other trucks collect the general garbage. While the total amount of waste moved by the two fleets of trucks is the same with and without recycling, evidence shows that the cost and energy used by the two fleets are higher than they were when only one was operating. The extra set of trucks on the road not only consumes more energy directly, it also increases traffic congestion in densely populated areas like New York and large Canadian cities, which in turn causes extra energy use by idling vehicles. Furthermore, the extra trucks damage roads that need to be repaired and thus require the additional use of energy. More extra energy is used when recyclables are trucked to processing facilities that are often further away from homes generating the wastes than are general garbage tipping facilities. Public authorities force households to sort and clean recycled materials. In the process they often use hot water and in warm climates, pesticides to keep away insects and other pests. Processors engage in further sorting and cleaning that involve the use of energy. The de-inked, shredded and crushed materials are then shipped to large facilities that mix the used with newly produced raw materials. These facilities tend to serve large markets so that the average shipping distances are great and involve the use of yet more additional energy. By contrast, in the absence of recycling, only one general garbage truck visits households once a week. All of the garbage is trucked to a central tipping facility where metals and combustible materials, including plastics, are removed. The central tipping facilities tend operate plants that are of optimal size and therefore labor, capital and energy efficient. The combustible materials are used to generate electricity for sale to the public grid, which purchases correspondingly less electricity from regular power generating stations. The combustion process uses modern air filtration systems and emits very few pollutants. Recovered metals are sold to scrap dealers who pick up the materials at intervals that minimize the cost of transportation. All processing and combustion are subject to strict and easily enforceable environmental control regulations. The bulk of garbage collected in these tipping facilities is shipped to general landfills by trucks, railways or barges, depending on which is the cheapest. In the past, distances from garbage tipping points to landfills have tended to be short. They still are in rural areas and smaller towns. However, in larger cities like Toronto and Vancouver, lobbying by environmentalists and local politicians has resulted in the closure of these facilities and the garbage often has to be shipped to landfills located far away. For example, most of Vancouvers garbage is trucked to Cache Creek, a small municipality that requires trucks to travel about 300 kilometers on provincial highways each way. The preceding analysis suggests strongly that New York City and the Swedish commentators are correct. Recycling involves a net waste of energy because the process has many more stages than traditional disposal of general garbage. Recycling thus adds unnecessarily to pollution and the creation of Green House gases. Summary and Conclusion of General Analysis The case for recycling based on the need to save non-renewable resources for future generations has been erased by the elimination of the global inflation that had caused shortages during the 1970s. Private market incentives operating in response to higher prices resulted in the discovery and production of more commodities and decreases in demand for them by consumers. On the basis of careful economic analysis it is now clear that the world is certain to have enough resources to assure the well being of future generations without any recycling programs. If and when depletion of non-renewable energy sources and some minerals becomes a problem, the resultant high prices will lead to further reductions in demand and the development of alternative sources of energy and substitutes for scarce minerals. For some materials, like aluminum and copper, for which recycling is profitable without legislated requirements, the market has provided it in the past and will do so in the future for these and possibly other products. The case of recycling on the grounds that it protects the environment has been weakened if not erased by two developments. The environmental cost of producing raw materials has been cut sharply by the creation of strong regulations limiting pollution and other degradation of scarce resources. Higher energy prices have induced the development of more energy-efficient technologies for the production of these raw materials. In addition and in the light of the events noted at the beginning of this study, experience has shown that the recycling process itself uses up more energy and produces more pollution than would be the case if recyclables were included in general garbage and combustible material recovered from this garbage were used to generate electricity rather than used to replace newly produced raw materials. RECYCLING ON THE VANCOUVER NORTH SHORE The research, which resulted in the preceding conclusions, led me to interview Allen Lynch, the manager of North Shore recycling program in Vancouver in order to gain a perspective on recycling from a program that is hailed as being very successful. First of all, Allen Lynch disputes the validity of the views expressed by the Swedish commentators and therefore my conclusions just presented. Lynch used a powerful fact to back up his view. He noted that the costs incurred by the North Shore through recycling are less per ton than are the tipping fees per ton for general garbage. His records show that in 2002 recycling the municipalities served by his program saved a total of $846,000, or $13 for each of the 64,000 households in the area. The following describes the recycling program of the Vancouver North Shore and analyses critically the extent to which its experience requires the preceding general conclusions to be modified. The Institutions The North Shore of Vancouver consists of three municipalities, which jointly operate the recycling program but handle general garbage collection separately each. West Vancouver contracts this collection out to the private sector. The other two municipalities, the City of North Vancouver and the North Vancouver Regional District use their own, unionized employees to collect the garbage. The municipalities are members of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, which deals with transportation, water supply and garbage disposal issues for the entire metropolitan area to exploit economies of scale. The North Shore has 37,457 single-family dwellings and 26,592 families live in apartment buildings. Solid wastes are collected for recycling from the single and multiple family dwellings, which are charged a special annual fee for this process. General refuse is collected through municipal programs only from single-family dwellings, which are charged a separate special fee for this service. Multiple-family dwellings contract out general refuse collection to private contractors, whose fees include the cost of collection as well as the tipping fee at the regional refuse depot. According to Lynch, the North Shore recycling program is one of the oldest and most successful in Canada. Households separate and put into special blue boxes near 95 percent of recyclables (the US average is about 50 percent). There are three types of recycled materials: newspapers, mixed papers, plastics and containers made of glass and metal. Households are required by municipal laws to separate these materials and put them into special containers for weekly collection. A recycling program for garden clippings is operated separately. Its existence owes much to the fact that the climate on the North Shore is so wet and with moderate temperatures throughout the year that the biomass growing on an acre is greater than that found on an acre in the tropics. The solid waste recycling program and collection of garden clippings remove about 50 percent of the total tonnage of wastes generated by single-family dwellings in the region. There is no information on the amount of garbage collected from multi-family dwellings since this operation is carried out by a number of independent, private firms. Deposits on beverage containers The Province of British Columbia operates a program for the recycling of beverage containers. Consumers pay a deposit of 5, 10 or 20 cents on bottles, metal cans and containers made of paper and plastic, which contain beer, wine, soda, milk, water and many other consumer products when bought in retail outlets. In addition, the buyers of these products are charged a fee of 2 cents per container, which is included (and thus hidden from the public) in the prices charged by retailers. This program has been expanded recently to include the familiar containers for milk and juices made of wax-coated paper. Consumers return containers to special depositories for refund. The money collected from the public covers the operating costs of the depositories and the refunds paid to consumers. A portion of the costs of the system is covered by profits, which results when the public paid deposits but does not return the containers for refunds. The container refund system is praised for helping to rid the environment of beverage containers discarded in public. Some people collect the small proportion of containers discarded in public places without compensation in order to obtain the refunds. The container refund system also reduces the tonnage of general garbage collected and processed. The program for the recycling of containers involves the obvious costs to consumers equal to 2 cents per container. But in addition, consumers incur hidden costs. They spend time and energy to sort and clean the containers and take them to depositories. The environment also suffers because transportation of the containers from the depositories to locations for further processing involves the use of energy by trucks and adds to traffic congestion. It may well be that the public paying for the recycling of containers considers these cost to be worth the benefits of not seeing containers littering public places and of saving scarce resources needed for the extraction of material needed to make new containers. However, from my research it appears that the public is not aware of the full cost of the program and the small environmental benefits it brings. Few people know that crushed glass cannot be turned into new containers at monetary and energy costs less than those involved in the production of new containers. Such glass is crushed and put into landfills, except for beer bottles, which are used a number of times by breweries. Nor is it economic to recycle metal cans used in the sale of sodas and beer. Aluminum cans are recycled, but this process had existed well before mandated recycling came into effect. The overall merit of the container-recycling program deserves a separate study and public discussion. The issue is not considered further here. The Cost of Recycling and Garbage Disposal This section attempts to estimate the monetary cost of recycling and of general garbage disposal on Vancouvers North Shore. Because of limited resources, the study is restricted to the accounts of two of that regions three municipalities, each of which has its own mayor, governance and budgets. The data are from the City of North Vancouver and the District of West Vancouver and cover the year 2002. They were obtained from published budget statistics of the City of North Vancouver. Equivalent data were obtained from the District of West Vancouver through the Freedom of Information Act. What are the costs of disposing of the different types of waste? All of the following figures refer to the year 2002. Allen Lynch gave me printed information publicly available that shows the tonnage data for some categories. For some others they were inferred from financial information. General Refuse Garbage The benchmark cost against which the cost of recycling is to be compared is that of disposing of refuse (the official term) or garbage (in popular language). To establish this cost consider that the garbage collected in each of the two municipalities is dumped at the regional site in Burnaby at the tipping charge of $65 per ton. The number of tons collected can therefore be inferred from the entry Disposal Charges found in Table 1. Thus, $298,000/65 implies that the City of North Vancouver has collected and disposed of 4,585 tons. For the District of West Vancouver the numbers were $480,000/65 = 7385 tons. Table 1 Refuse Accounts 2002 (thousands of dollars) Refuse Revenue City of NV West Van Dist. Levies and special fees 689 971 Subsidy from general revenue 24 0 Total Revenue 713 971 Refuse Expenditures Salaries for Operations 76 NA Administrative Expenses 58 56 Cost of Garbage Collection 281 435 Disposal Charges 298 480 Total Expenditures 713 971 Source: Budget for 2002, Municipality of North Vancouver District; West Vancouver: Special information obtained through Freedom of Information Act. Notes: * West Vancouver only supplied data for Green Waste Charges in place of the Yard Trimmings Collection and Yard Trimmings Disposal costs supplied by North Vancouver City. NA = not available The cost of collection is also found in Table 1. In the City of North Vancouver it is shown to consist of cost of collection, $281,000 plus salaries for operation $76,000 plus $58,000 administrative charge, for a total of $415,000. For the District of West Vancouver the costs are $435,000 for collection plus $56,000 for administration, for a total of $481,000. The District does not show the equivalent of salaries for operation since collection is done by private contractors. Dividing the total costs by the number of tons collected provides us with the cost per ton of garbage collected and disposed of: For the City of North Vancouver the figures are $415,000/4,585 = $90.51. Adding the tipping fee of $65 per ton makes the total cost $155.51 per ton. For the West Vancouver District the costs of collection are $481,000/7,385 = $65.13, plus the tipping fee makes the total $130.15 per ton. Yard Trimmings As can be seen from Table 2, the two municipalities carry in their recycling accounts the data on the cost and revenues associated with a program for the collection and disposal of yard trimmings. The introduction of this program was accompanied by the prohibition to dispose of yard trimmings through the general refuse collection system. This rather unusual program is very seasonal for obvious reasons. It diverts substantial amounts of biomass from the general garbage collection system through which the yard trimmings previously had been disposed of and where they were available for incineration and the production of electricity. The present system turns the trimmings into marketable mulch and compost, but the revenue is insufficient to pay for the process and the operator of the facility charges the municipalities a fee for handling the trimmings. Table 2 shows that the City of North Vancouver collected 1,055 tons of yard trimmings at a cost of $187,000, made up of collection costs and disposal fees, for an average cost of $177 per ton. The corresponding figures are 2,505 tons, $361,000 and $144 per ton for the District of West Vancouver. It is interesting to note that the City of North Vancouver has higher costs collecting garbage and yard trimmings of 38 and 23 percent, respectively than the District of West Vancouver. The Districts lower costs are probably due the fact that it contracts out the collection of collection while the District relies on municipal employees. The public employees are unionized while the private firms may or may not be unionized. Table 2 Recycling Accounts 2002 (thousands of dollars) Recycling Revenue City of NV West Van Dist. Recycling Levy on Households 579 788 Recycling Sales Rebate 205 240 Subsidy from general revenue 34 0 Total Recycling Revenue 818 1,028 Expenditures Recycling Charges 600 560 Administrative Salary Charge 30 107 Yard Trimmings Collection 90 * Yard Trimming Disposal 97 361 Total Recycling Expenditures 818 1,028 As it turns out, the government-operated system for the disposal of yard trimmings is supplemented by the efforts of private individuals. While the municipally operated system collected 7,423 tons from curbsides on all of the North Shore, private individuals together transported 6,353 tons to the local depository, where no fees were charged for loads over 100 kg. Why do the citizens of the North Shore leave only 54 percent of their trimmings at the curb to be collected by the municipal program and incur the time and expense of taking 46 percent to a dump in their own cars, trailers or trucks? Part of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that commercial gardeners create some of the trimmings and their employers compensate them for shipping the clippings directly rather than leaving them at the curb. In part the trimmings resulted from the personal efforts of homeowners. Both gardeners and homeowners prefer to take trimmings to the dump rather than to leave them at curbside because they may remain there for days before the municipal collection takes place. In the meantime they create an eyesore, especially since the elements and animals can disperse them. It is interesting to speculate about the cost involved in the private disposal of yard trimmings. Under the assumption that the average weight of trimmings taken to the dump is 50 kg, then the total 7,423 tons involved require 127,000 round trips. If the average weight is 75 kg, then there were 84,707 round trips. Under the further assumption that each round trip costs $5 for fuel and other vehicle operating costs, the economic cost born by private individuals is $635,000 if the average load is 50 kg and $424,000 if it is 75 kg. Dividing these totals by the number of tons delivered, the cost is estimated to fall into the range of $100 and $67. But the cost estimates just presented omit one additional, important element, the opportunity cost of the time persons use in loading and unloading the trimmings from their vehicles, driving to and from the disposal site and often waiting to be processed by guards there. Let us assume that on average this work involves one hour and the time is valued at $10. Under these assumptions, the 127,000 round trips results in a time cost of $1.27 million if the average load is 50 kg. If the average load is 75 kg, the time cost is $840,000. Adding these time costs to those of operating the vehicles noted in the preceding paragraph, the cost per ton delivered privately is $1,270,000 + $635,000 = $1,905,000/6,353 = $300 per ton if the average delivery weighs 50 kg and $840,000 + $424,000 = $1,264,000/6,353 = $199 per ton if it weighs 75 kg. To keep the exposition simple, in Table 3 below, the data on the cost of disposing of yard trimmings privately is averaged for the two figures derived on the basis of assuming average weights of 50 kg and 75 kg. This cost is therefore $84 without and $250 with the cost of time included. The last calculation using the opportunity cost of time as an element of cost follows the methodology used widely by economists because, in an important sense, the most limited resource available to all people in this world is time, whether it is used in production or leisure. It makes no sense to disregard it in the calculation of costs of alternative methods of disposing of waste, any more than it does in the planning of road and other transportation systems. It may well be that some people consider the driving of yard trimmings to a depot on weekday evenings or weekends to be a partly a leisure activity. The preceding calculations can readily be adjusted by making the preferred assumptions. It may equally be desirable to recalculate the cost of delivering yard trimming privately by altering the assumption that the opportunity cost is $10 per hour, surely an assumption on the low side, given the high average earnings of the citizens of Vancouvers North Shore, which rank near the top of regions in Canada. However, such refinements of the basic calculations are not undertaken here since they do not affect conclusions significantly and they are unlikely to satisfy those opposed to the economic valuation of time on principle. Other Recycled Materials Recycling Statistics, a table compiled by the North Shore Recycling Program shows that in total 2.918 tons and 3,604 tons of recyclables were collected in the City of North Vancouver and West Vancouver District, respectively. These tons are made up 53.2 percent of old newspapers, 33.4 percent of mix papers and 13.4 percent of co-mingled containers (glass, plastic, treated paper). The costs attributed to the collection and disposal of these recyclables shown in Table 2. For the City of North Vancouver: Recycling Charge of $600,000 plus 2/3 of administrative salary charge $20,000 equals $620,000. Divided by the 2,918 tons collected, the average cost is $212.50 per ton. For the District of North Vancouver, the corresponding numbers are $560,000, $70,000 and 3,604 tons, for an average of $174.90 per ton. However, the sale of recycled paper products gives rise to substantial revenue, which after adjustment for the cost of operating the Recycling Program is distributed to the 3 municipalities on the North Shore according to a formula that reflects the contributions of each to the total recyclables collected. Table 2 shows that this sales rebate was $205,000 and $240,000 for the City of North Vancouver and the District of West Vancouver, respectively. After adjustment for these rebates, the cost of recycling total is $415,000 total or $142.20 per ton for the City of North Vancouver. For the District of West Vancouver the cost is $390,000, or $108.20 per ton. Comparison of Costs Table 3 puts together the estimated costs of disposing household refuse and recyclables and will be used for financial and economic analysis in the following section. Table 3 Cost per Ton of Disposing of Garbage, Yard Trimmings and Recyclables CollectionCollection plus tipping chargeGovernmentPrivate MoneyPrivate TimeCollectionCollection minus rebateCity of North Vancouver9115617784250213142District of West Vanc.6513014484250175108 Garbage Yard Trimmings Recyclables Notes to Table 3. For data sources and assumptions underlying these cost comparisons see text. Figures have been rounded to the nearest dollar. Tipping charge for garbage is $65 per ton. Financial and Economic Analysis To assess the desirability of having recycling programs we need to distinguish three important issues regarding the choice of having a recycling program rather than disposing of the materials as part of general refuse: Cost effectiveness; impact on the environment; and differences between large and small population centers. Cost Effectiveness of Recycling As noted above in the discussion of the origins and history of mandatory recycling in Canada, the driving force behind it were concerns over running out of raw materials and the quality of the environment. Presently, another benefit is considered to be important. As Allen Lynch pointed out to me and in conversations with the media, the recycling program of the Vancouver North Shore also saves taxpayers money. The data in Table 3 suggest that this proposition is not true for some parts of the program. Considering conditions for the City of North Vancouver first, the government cost of collecting and disposing of yard trimmings is $177 per ton while those costs for general garbage are only $156. The recycling of garden wastes costs taxpayers $21 per ton extra. The private disposal of garden wastes including the opportunity cost of the time used by the citizens, which is forced upon them by municipal law, makes the program even more costly relative to including garden trimmings in general refuse. The cost per ton of collecting garbage is $91 per ton for the City of North Vancouver. However, the full cost of the garbage disposal system requires the payment of a $65 per ton tipping fee at the central processing station in Burnaby so that the total cost to taxpayers is $156 per ton. The cost of collecting recyclables is $177 per ton but the money received from the sale of paper products reduces the taxpayers cost for recyclables to $142 per ton. The bottom line is that the recycling program saves the City of North Vancouver a total of $6 per ton. The analogous bottom line figures for the District of West Vancouver are somewhat better for taxpayers. The recycling of yard trimmings costs only $14 per ton more than disposal of this material in general garbage. For other recyclables taxpayers savings are $22 per ton. The figures just cited support the claim of the North Shore Recycling organization that the program they administer saves taxpayers money. However, since half of the tonnage of recycled materials is due to the separately operated program for yard trimmings and the two are recorded together in municipal budgets, it is legitimate to combine the fiscal implications of the two. The result is that for the City of North Vancouver, the reduction of $6 per ton gained from other recycled materials is more than wiped out by the $21 extra cost of the yard trimmings program, resulting in a net cost to taxpayers from all recycling efforts of $15 per ton. For the District of West Vancouver, however, the numbers produce a more positive outcome. The savings from the general recycling program are $22 per ton while the extra cost of the yard trimmings program are only $14 per ton, leaving a net benefit for taxpayers of $8 per ton. As noted above, the large differences in the costs per ton in the two municipalities for the collection of all three types of waste is almost certainly due to the fact that the City of North Vancouver uses its own employees while the District of West Vancouver contracts to the private sector the collection of these materials. If the City of North Vancouver were really concerned about saving taxpayers money, it should also privatize garbage collection. Chances are that such a step would lower considerably the cost of disposing of all waste and would also make recycling profitable. Private individuals who bring nearly half of the yard trimming dumped at the processing facility are also taxpayers. These people pay a share of the fees for recycling and then pay out money and use time in getting their yard trimmings to the processing station. It could be argued that these private costs are a form of taxation and should be considered in the overall taxpayers burden from the alternative methods of disposing of household waste. Doing so might well change the bottom line that in the District of West Vancouver the recycling program saves taxpayers money. In a more comprehensive calculation than is undertaken here, the bottom line conclusions should also be adjusted for the costs incurred by homeowners in complying with the recycling regulations. The system requires households and apartments to have extra space to store the recycling containers. Such space costs money and has valuable alternative uses. Citizens use up resources cleaning recyclables as is required by law. Most important, they use time in extra trips to the recycling bins in their homes, taking and taking them to the curb for collection. Some proponents of recycling ridicule such economic calculations of the opportunity cost of space and time in principle. Of course, such objections are not valid, but because the actual computation of costs is difficult and in the absence of case studies has to rely mostly on assumptions, these opportunity costs are disregarded here. However, their existence should be remembered in reaching a final assessment of the merit of recycling. Finally, it is important to move from the consideration of taxpayers costs on the North Shore of Vancouver to such costs for the wider, global community, much as do environmentalists who like to emphasize that policies should take account of the fact that humans have stewardship over the entire planet earth. Table 3 shows clearly the important role played by the revenues obtained from the sale of recyclables in turning the process less costly than the disposal of the same material as garbage. According to Lynch, almost all of the net income from the recycling program stems from the sale of newspapers and mixed paper to processors whose operations are profitable only because the State of California and some other US states have in effect laws requiring that pulp used to make newsprint paper for sale in their jurisdictions contain a certain amount of recycled material. Without this legislation, the demand for recycled pulp the recycling of newspapers and mixed paper would not be profitable. The need for legislation to force newsprint producers to use recycled pulp is evidence that otherwise they would not do so. In effect the legislation increases the cost of newsprint. This higher cost is passed on to the buyers of newspapers and other products made with such recycled pulp and is equivalent to a tax. This tax represents a subsidy to the North Shore recycling program and its taxpayers. But if this money is included in estimating the effect of recycling on all taxpayers, including those in California, the calculation shows that recycling does not pay for taxpayers. Environmental Effects Some advocates of recycling wastes acknowledge that the activity imposes a burden on taxpayers but that it involves money well spent on saving the environment and, especially in recent years, reduce fuel consumption and thus the emission of greenhouse gases. On the issue of saving the environment, the evidence is very strong that it does no such thing. On Vancouvers North Shore, 87 percent of all recycled waste by weight consists of paper products. The remaining 13 percent consists of plastic, metal and other solid materials. This latter refuse is collected and, after crushing the glass products, is buried alongside general garbage. It simply costs too much to sort and reprocess these materials in the quantities available even in a metropolitan area of over 2 million inhabitants in Greater Vancouver. Recycling of these wastes has not reduced the number of Canadas mines and smelters for metal, factories using petroleum to produce plastics or using sand to make glass products. The recycling of paper products does not change the size of forests in Canada or the United States for reasons already noted above. Pulp is made from wood chips that are the by-product of producing lumber or small trees that come from forests of no ecological interest or from tree plantations cultivated for this purpose. In both cases, the removal of trees leads to replanting or self-seeded reforestation. Tree cutting mostly results in changes in the average age of commercial forests. Ecologists have succeeded in their efforts to protect ecologically interesting old-growth forests in Canada and the United States, which therefore are not affected by pulp recycling. On the other hand, the recycling of paper products has the effect of increasing the consumption of energy and the production of greenhouse gases. The collection of recyclables requires trucks to make an extra round of households in addition to that made by general garbage trucks. As noted in the introduction, this activity keeps an extra 20,000 trucks on New York City roads every day. The fuel consumed by these trucks and by other vehicles slowed down by the increased congestion caused by these trucks adds large amounts of extra greenhouses into the air. The production of the extra trucks needed involves more energy consumption in making steel, plastics, rubber and the myriad of other components. More energy is consumed in the transportation of the recycled paper products from a central collection point to the factories that de-ink the newsprint and otherwise process them. The processing of the products into pulp in turn requires energy. The cost of shipping the recycled pulp to the producers of newsprint involves yet another expenditure of energy. Of course, the energy consumed in the collection and processing of used paper products leads to a reduced need to produce, cut and transport woodchips and trees, produce virgin pulp and ship these materials to ultimate users. However, the energy costs per ton required to produce and transport virgin pulp is less than that required in the recycling process. All of the activities in the production of virgin pulp involve optimum scale economies and technologies refined over many decades. Pulp producing plants are located where they can be supplied efficiently with the raw materials needed and rail or water transportation permits shipping of the pulp at low energy costs. Another factor needs to be included in the energy equation. If paper products were intermingled with general garbage, they would be removed at a transfer station through highly efficient processes that sort garbage into metals, plastics, glass, paper products and other materials. These processes use magnets, air blowers and conveyor belts that cause materials with different specific weights to drop into different bins. Paper products separated in this fashion could be incinerated to produce electricity in facilities operated under strict environmental control regulations. The present recycling of paper products therefore requires the production of the equivalent energy by other means, which still involves mostly the burning of coal, oil or gas, which add to the release of greenhouse gases. The recycling of garden trimmings on the North Shore also results in a diminished supply of materials that otherwise would have been incinerated and used to produce electricity. The organic soils and mulch produced under the present recycling system for garden trimmings could be purchased from commercial producers operating at optimal efficiency and using readily available supplies. Large and small Population Centers The preceding analysis of costs focused on conditions on Vancouvers North Shore. This region enjoys some conditions that lower the cost of recycling and that are not available in other population centers in Canada. Thus, the North Shore is relatively densely populated so that trucks collecting refuse and recyclables on average have to travel only short distances. The facilities at which the recyclables and refuse are delivered for further processing in turn are located quite close in Burnaby. Greater Vancouver has a population large enough to permit these facilities to operate at or near optimum scale. A serious disadvantage facing the Greater Vancouver District and implicitly the North Shore is the fact that the dump, or landfill facility, is located near Cache Creek. To reach this landfill, garbage trucks have to make a 300 kilometer round trip. The salaries paid to the truck drivers, the fuel consumption and depreciation of the trucks are very costly and are to a considerable extent responsible for the high tipping fee of $65 a ton. It is important to note in the context of the analysis of the implications for taxpayers from recycling that if a disposal site existed a shorter distance away, the tipping fee would be lower and the calculation of taxpayers savings would be impacted. It is very likely that the recycling program would impose a substantial cost on taxpayers, rather than the nearly neutral effect noted above. Half of the population of British Columbia lives in rural communities where conditions are much different from those on the North Shore and Greater Vancouver. Population densities in these communities are less and therefore the costs of collecting refuse are higher per ton. Most important for the present purposes of analysis, the cost of transporting recyclables to facilities for processing are likely to be very high. Such facilities need a minimum supply of materials for processing that is generated only over a large geographic area with low population density. On the other hand, landfills for smaller communities in British Columbia tend to be close to the dwellings generating the refuse. Such facilities have operated for a long time and few are subject to pressures for closure from environmentalists. They allow garbage disposal at much lower cost than exists in Greater Vancouver. The preceding analysis and cost data imply that recycling of solid wastes in smaller communities and regions with low population density involves a serious waste of taxpayers money and undesirable effects on the consumption of energy and the quality of the environment. Such regions should be encouraged to resist pressures originating mainly from cities to create new or operate existing recycling programs. Conclusions and Policy Recommendations The recycling of paper, plastic and metals in Canada was instituted during the 1970s to save for future generations forests and non-renewable minerals that at the time appeared to be getting depleted at an unsustainable rate. This justification for recycling is completely invalid. Since the 1970s when general global inflation caused high prices and shortages for these materials, world supplies have increased. Technical innovations have decreased demand for many materials. As a result the real prices for many of these materials have remained constant and for some have fallen steadily. It is virtually certain that the operation of free markets and the adjustment of prices assure that future generations will never run out of natural resources. The second reason for recycling is to protect the environment and is based on the proposition that recycling is environmentally more benign than is the production of raw materials in forests and mines. This justification for recycling has lost much of its validity during the last 30 years. The production of raw materials increasingly causes less environmental damage as new regulations for forestry and mining are enforced and new technology makes it possible to meet these regulations at low cost. The legal protection of old forests assures the survival of their environmental benefits. Commercial forests are well managed and harvested at sustainable levels. North American land area covered by trees is greater than it has been for at least 150 years and the process of reforestation began long before mandatory recycling was introduced. The environmental damage caused by landfills has been virtually eliminated through the use of systems that prevent the leakage of wastewater. Methane gases produced in landfills is used for the generation of electricity. At the same time, the environmental cost of recycling has turned out to be higher than had been expected. Responsible for this outcome are the high costs of transporting, handling and processing the recycled materials. It appears that these costs are greater than those of disposing of these materials as part of general garbage and using combustible products to produce electricity. This conclusion is especially strong for municipalities that are far from processing facilities and close to landfills. A study of conditions on the North Shore of Vancouver implies that recycling is marginally less costly for taxpayers than is the disposal of the recycled materials in landfills. In the case of recycled garden trimmings, taxpayers are burdened with substantial extra costs. The existing, small local taxpayers benefits depend on transfers from California and other jurisdictions that mandate the use of newsprint containing a substantial proportion of recycled pulp. These transfers are raised from California taxpayers and if their extra payments are included in the equation, taxpayers in North America face substantial extra costs caused by recycling. Taxpayers savings or extra costs are only part of the calculation that determines the desirability of recycling programs. Costs are worth incurring if they create a desirable product. Environmentalists have argued that one such desirable product is the saving of energy and reduced atmospheric pollution that recycling brings. Our analysis sheds serious doubt on the existence of this benefit. Recycling involves a net increase in the use energy, mainly because of added transportation costs and the inefficient sizes of processing facilities. Policy Recommendations In my view, the preceding analysis implies unambiguously that recycling of solid wastes in small Canadian communities should be terminated. On balance these recycling programs damage the environment and bring no benefits for future generations. In fact, the waste of resources reduces the income they will earn and wealth they will inherit. Larger communities facing favorable costs of recycling and high costs of disposing of general garbage often benefit financially somewhat from their recycling programs, mainly because of the subsidies paid by other jurisdictions for the recycling of paper. Given these conditions, a case can be made that the present recycling system should be continued. If economic conditions lead to a lowering of the price at which recycled pulp can be sold, the resultant higher taxpayers costs should lead to a serious re-examination of the case for recycling even in larger communities. If Canadas commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions leads to actual policies, the elimination of the recycling programs should be one of the leading candidates for action. My final policy recommendation concerns the location of general landfills for large metropolitan areas. Since the 1970s these landfills have been moved further and further away from the locations where the garbage is generated. The higher transportation costs bring environmental costs for the world that did not exist before. It is ironic that Canadians with great concerns about the environment and non-renewable energy supplies did allow these conditions to develop. The problem lies with the political power of small groups of people who do not wish to have a public facility in their neighborhood. The problem known as NIMBY, not in my backyard, is as old as democratic government. It has in the past been fought and the public interest has been served by governments use of the power of eminent domain. In many jurisdictions it is still used to make possible the building of roads and the creation of parks and public recreation facilities. Politicians must use this power and assure the location of landfills at economic distances from metropolitan areas. To have general public support and to be fair, such a policy must be accompanied by appropriate compensation of those asked to sacrifice their self-interest to the public good. It may be useful to conclude this analysis on a philosophical note. Environmentalists who have persuaded politicians to enact the recycling programs are individuals dedicated to increasing the welfare of humans for all future generations. It is easy to understand that such a lofty and moral goal has made the environmental movement strong, large and politically powerful. If my conclusions, the pronouncement of the Swedish activists cited above and the policies of the City of New York are based on proper information and analysis, these dedicated and concerned environmentalists must admit that the policies they have recommended lower rather than raise the welfare of future generations of humans. Logically, we should expect these environmentalists therefore to oppose recycling with the same dedication and fervor with which they once proposed it. I doubt, however, that environmentalists will act in this logical fashion. The analysis and calculations used to show that recycling is detrimental to human welfare is complicated, dull and requires much solitary effort to understand. The need for such efforts cannot compare with the ease with which it can be seen clearly and unambiguously that, for example, the recycling of paper must result in the saving of trees, energy consumption and other such benefits good for the environment. It is too bad for future generations that this and other clear and unambiguous results on policies so often have many unintended and harmful effects.  The following people have helped me with this study by providing useful information, comments and data: Allen Lynch , Manager of the North Shore Recycling Program in Vancouver; Barbara Johnson, Revenue Accountant of the City of North Vancouver; and Phil Bates, Engineering and Transportation, West Vancouver Municipality. Ken Green, Chief Scientist of the Fraser Institute provided me with the benefit of his vast stock of knowledge on all issues affecting the environment.  See Kirk Johnson, The Mayors Budget Proposal: Recycling glass, metal and plastic may become plain trash, The New York Times on the Web, February 14, 2002. In January 2003 the City of New York announced that it had received an offer from a firm in New Jersey to pay $5.15 per ton of recycled plastics. As a result, the City had planned to resume recycling of plastics on June 1, 2003, but this decision has been reversed pending a budget dispute with the State of New York. See Michael Cooper, City to Resume Recycling of Plastics, The New York Times, Late Edition Final, Section B, Page 1, January 14, 2003. The proposed payment for the recycled plastics lowers the citys cost since before it had to pay recyclers to accept the material. But this payment falls far short of the cost of collecting the recycled material at $100 a ton. It is noteworthy that the recycling of newspapers raised enough revenue to cover New Yorks cost of collection. Consequently, there was no talk about ending the recycling of newspaper waste. The recycling and garbage collection programs of New York City are in constant flux during the early part of 2003. In early May the City announced a one-third reduction in the number of garbage collections to save money. The cost of garbage disposal is expected to increase sharply as new landfills are opened up and the fees charged by the landfill owners are raised in the knowledge that the public concern over environmental damage makes it increasingly difficult to find new sites. As a result, it is possible that the cost of disposing of waste through recycling will be lower than the cost of dumping the same materials in landfills. This condition would eliminate the savings that prompted the elimination of recycling other than newspapers noted in the text. In part two below I present data, which show that in parts of Vancouver it is cheaper to recycle than to dump the solid wastes in landfills. Another development worth noting is the fact that after the recycling of plastics and metals had ended, the amount of newspapers put out for collections dropped sharply, which in turn endangered the existing profitability of newspaper recycling. For more details on these and other developments see the New York Times website and references to news stories on recycling in New York. In August, 2003, the City of New York asked for bids from the private sector for looking after the recycling of wasters, covering a contract to last for 20 years.  The article was first published in Swedish in a Stockholm newspaper. David Harrison of the London Daily Telegraph published an article in English reporting on the paper by Paulsson and Norrby. The Harrison article was published also in The Washington Times on March 4, 2003 with the title Time to throw out myth of recycling. Michael Friscolanti reported on this Swedish article and the reactions of Canadian recycling experts in Activists call recycling trash waste of time. The subheads were: Canadians shocked, Swedes say so-called benefits nullified by the environmental cost of hauling, National Post, Monday, March 3, 2003. Paulsson and Norrby informed me that their publication had aroused interest from many sources in all parts of the world. I contacted Paulsson and Norrby to obtain a copy of the research report on which they based their views. They replied that they were not based on new research but that it drew on their extensive experience in their previous professional positions. They also noted that their views had been influenced strongly by the following, scholarly analysis: Radetzki, Marian, Fashions in the Treatment of Packaging Waste: An Economic analysis of the Swedish Producer Responsibility Legislation, Brentwood, UK: Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd., 2000. The study by Radetzki provides the following bottom line. The marginal cost of recycling package waste per ton is SEK 34.3 thousand and for recycling newsprint SEK 6.4 thousand. The disposal of waste through either burning or landfill costs SEK 1.8 thousand. These costs are net of the environmental benefits derived from avoiding the primary production of materials made possible by the industrial use of the recycled materials. The study by Radetzki includes in its estimate of the cost of recycling the time-cost of households that have to sort, clean, store and handle further the solid wastes. Still, the excess cost of recycling over disposal is so large that even if the cost estimates are biased upward, the entire issue calls out for further study and consideration by governments.  My research into conditions in Canada led me to an interview with Allen Lynch, who is the manager of the North Shore Recycling Program in Vancouver. He handed me the following two studies that he uses to justify the existence of the program he manages. Daniel Scott, Redeeming the Blue Box: Complaints that recycling is too expensive just dont add up, Alternatives Journal, 25:4, Fall 1999. Scott is an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Geography, University of Waterloo. The second paper is by Richard Denison and John Ruston, Recycling is not Garbage. It is printed from the website  HYPERLINK "http://www.techreview.com/articles/oct97/recycle.html" www.techreview.com/articles/oct97/recycle.html. Denison and Ruston are analysts with the Environmental Defense Fund in Washington DC and NewYork City, respectively. These two articles contain many references to the very large literature on the pros and cons of recycling.  For a review of the evidence on this matter see Stephen Moore and Julian Simon, Its getting better all the time: 100 greatest trends of the last 100 years, Washington, DC: The CATO Institute, 2000. This book also contains many references to studies of the 1970s, which had concluded that shortages of raw materials and energy were imminent.  See Wiseman, C., Government and recycling: Are we Promoting Water?, Cato Journal, 12, Fall, 1992  See Moore and Simon, op. cit.  See Frederickson, Liv, Environmental Indicators (5th edition), Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute, 2002  For a journalistic but rather factual analysis of recycling on the North Shore see Colin Wright, Making money from the blue box: North Shore municipalities at the top of the recycling heap, North Shore News, March 9, 2003, p. 3  To make even this system function economically, the brewery industry reached an agreement to limit the sizes and shapes of bottles. This limitation is anti-competitive and represents a barrier of entry for new firms that want to differentiate their product through the use of distinctly different containers. This issue has been raised in the middle of 1993 when a Brazilian company began to market in Canada a beer - ironically called Bavaria , which has as one of its branding features a non-standard bottle shape.  After the City of North Vancouver had supplied me on my first visit with the required accounting data, I visited Richard Laing, the Director of Finance for the District of West Vancouver. He gave me the astounding information that his department responsible for producing the Districts budgets did not compile equivalent data but that he would consult with the engineering department to see what he could do to obtain the information I requested. After several weeks of waiting, I sent several emails and left two recorded phone messages for the Chief Financial officer. There was no reply, not even an acknowledgement that the messages had been received. Certainly there was no indication that the data were being assembled. Finally and reluctantly I requested the data under the Freedom of Information Act. They were in my mailbox about three weeks later. Later I found out that Mr. Laing had distributed a draft of my paper to at least one official involved in the North Shore recycling program, presumably to warn him or her of the fact that someone was in the process of investigating the financial conditions of the program. I am tempted to consider Mr. Laings failure to respond to my request not only a violation of my rights as a taxpayer of the North Shore but also as an attempt to block or at least discourage my study.  Such differences in the cost per ton of garbage collected by public service employees has been found in many case studies of privatization. Unionization is not the sole factor explaining the difference in costs.  The tons of yard trimmings delivered privately at the dump are for the entire North Shore, not just the two municipalities under study here. Since the figures involve average costs per ton, this fact does not matter.  It is ironic that the main landfill for Vancouver is so far away from the city. Governments throughout history have used their power of eminent domain to expropriate land in the public interest to build roads, railroads, harbors, airports, defense and other facilities and to protect the environment through the establishment of parks, wilderness areas and nature preserves. Such expropriation always involves proper compensation for individuals losses of property and conveniences. Socially acceptable procedures are used to deal with holdouts. Yet, in the case of environmental protection through the proper disposal of wastes, the same governments have been unwilling to use their powers of eminent domain to assure the creation of efficiently located landfills and the minimization of transportation costs. PAGE  PAGE 31 hjkl01v w F G &&--n4o4HHJHNNJkKkl l'uGu~~ك 7:<? &#_`?DFJilu{,2= 6CJ]>*>* 56\]H*6] j0JUj0J5CJ$U\ 5CJ$\jCJUmHnHuCJLijlmn0122323! 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