ࡱ> M bjbj== WW%ljzL*\*."""-------$. 0-"!"""-#-###".8-#"-# #-- C*tA"---0.-1"1-#** The Canada US Softwood Lumber Dispute The Basic Cause and The BC Governments Remedy By Herbert Grubel Senior Fellow and David Somerville Chair in Taxation and Finance, The Fraser Institute and Professor of Economics Emeritus, ԰AV Note: This is a first draft (March 2004), circulated for discussion and not to be quoted without permission from the author. He thanks Gordon Hamilton of the Vancouver Sun, Bill Howard of the Revenue Branch of the BC Ministry of Forestry and Jeremy Brown of the Fraser Institute for informative discussions of the subject. Canada is a lucky country. It has great riches of natural resources, which can be sold for much more than it costs to produce them. Trees are turned into timber worth $1,000 at a cost of only $700. This, at any rate is the conventional wisdom. Canada with a relatively small population has long had a rich endowment of natural resources of minerals, forests, fish, energy and agricultural soil. They all yield what economists call economic rent, the difference between the market values and production costs. But there are many problems, the sum of which has caused some economists to argue that countries like Canada are burdened with the curse of resource riches. One of the problems to be addressed in this study involves the distribution of the economic rent. The following analysis focuses on the economic rent from forestry with special emphasis on conditions in British Columbia. The problem with economic rent from forests is especially acute in that province because for historic reasons since its foundation in 1858, nearly all of the forestland is owned publicly, or by the Crown in common terminology. The present analysis has been prompted by two important events involving the economic rent early in 2004. First, there was the finding of an appeal panel of the World Trade Organization that Canadas lumber exports were subsidized through access to logs at below world prices. This subsidy is provided through a complex mechanism under which the government computes stumpage rates payable by firms that hold the right to harvest specified forest areas. As will be explained in more detail below, stumpage fees were designed to move the economic rent from the pockets of the private firms harvesting forest resources into the coffers of the government where it is used to benefit the population as a whole. This decision was a blow to the governments of Canada and British Columbia, which had denied that the calculation of stumpage rates that they used in any way represented a subsidy to the forestry sector. This blow was especially hard since in an earlier ruling the WTO had found that the stumpage system was not a subsidy under the strict definition of the WTO treaty. Politicians and interest groups saw this ruling as a victory for Canada, even though some cooler heads had warned about the fact that it involved a relatively minor technical issue. The US government continued to pursue the basic issue before the WTO and with the January 2004 ruling by the appeal panel, there are no more legal maneuvers available. Canada has to change the present system or pay the import duties for as long as the US interests want. The second important development in January 2004 was the announcement by the government of British Columbia that by the end of February 2004 it would adopt a market-based system for the determination of stumpage rates in the coastal regions of the province. This objective will be supported by genuine auctions for the right to harvest trees. To assure that the size and number of auctions are sufficient to provide reliable information about market values, the government has rescinded about 20 percent of the long-term tree cutting licenses it had granted in the past. Over half of these recovered cutting rights will be used in auctions while the rest has been granted to native bands and small communities. The nature of this new market based system will be discussed at length below. Suffice it here to note that the new system changes the process used in calculating stumpage that it eliminates the element of subsidy that was identified by the WTO in its ruling, even if it does not eliminate all US objections to the present system used in British Columbia. The main policy implications of this study is that the new market based policy for calculating stumpage should be used to argue that the US tariffs on lumber are no longer justified and demanding that they be removed on future exports. The paper also concludes that the recent move to use markets in the allocation of forestry resources should be continued with the ultimate goal being the complete privatization of the forestry resources. Economic Rent in a Market System The problems associated with the system existing before the end of February 2004 are due to the way in which the BC government approached the exploitation of the resource and appropriation of the economic rent. It designed a system that leased the right to harvest trees on a long-term basis to private firms, but it retained the ultimate ownership of the resource. In the following section, this system will be discussed in some detail. The present section considers the characteristics and effects of a system, which uses market mechanisms to price and distribute the economic rent from natural resource endowments. This analysis facilitates the understanding of the problems associated with the system actually in use. The Model Consider what would have happened if upon the creation of British Columbia as a province, it had been decided that all of the claims to resources on crown land under its jurisdiction would be sold to private entrepreneurs. Assume that the government sold as a separate package the right to harvest forests under clearly specified conditions designed to protect the environment, to assure reforestation and provide access to the land for recreational use. The timber cutting rights are granted in perpetuity. In determining how much to bid, entrepreneurs would have obtained the best information possible about the future market value of the timber, the cost of cutting the trees and sending them to market and the cost of meeting the conditions the government had specified. The estimated costs would include those for labor, interest on capital and profits, where the latter served as a return to compensate entrepreneurs for taking on the uncertainties around future sales values and production costs. Competition among the bidders would have assured that the calculations by the entrepreneurs used to prepare the bids were based on the best possible estimates of income and costs. Bidding too much and winning the contract would result in bankruptcy; bidding not enough would have the contract go to another entrepreneur. Under these assumptions, the value of the winning bid is equal to the difference between expected revenues and costs from exploiting the natural resource, the forests. By definition this sum is equal to the economic rent. In the example used in the opening paragraph, given the revenue for one tree of $1,000 and costs of producing the timber of $700, the rent would be $300. In practice, such calculations would be made for future years and the annual rent discounted to the present at the relevant interest rate. Now assume that the entrepreneur who won the bid used an interest rate to discount the future stream of income that was the same as the one the government can earn on its investment of the money received for the contract. Under these conditions, the governments average annual income from the investment is equal to the average annual economic rent from forest resource involved. The preceding analysis could be extended in several directions, but the following addresses just three important ones, the first two of which are the basis of objections to the auctioning of cutting rights. First, it is often argued public land may contain valuable other assets that are not known at the time of bidding and therefore are not included in the determination of the bid made. This concern is addressed through the fact that the winning bid receives only timber cutting rights. Any future discoveries of minerals, oil, gas, water and other resources remain the property of the crown and can be sold in new bids for clearly stated exploitation rights. Second, the sale of timber cutting rights is often opposed on the grounds that the private winner of the bid would neglect the general public interest in certain benefits of forests, like recreational use and the preservation of habitat for endangered species. Another concern involves the replanting of trees after harvest. These and other social objectives can be achieved under the auction system if the government stipulates that the winner of the bid has to meet specified conditions designed to assure that these public benefits are preserved. Under these conditions, the costs of providing the public goods lower the size of the bids and government revenues. In effect, the public benefits are paid for out of the economic rent accruing to the government and taxpayer. If the government decides after the initial bid to obtain such social benefits, it has to compensate the owner of the cutting rights for the resultant costs. Both the lower initial bid and required compensation introduce a highly desirable transparency into the economic costs of gaining the social benefits for the public, which makes for efficiency, equity and good government. Third, the entrepreneurs owning the right to cut timber in perpetuity won in an auction have every incentive to operate their business efficiently in order to minimize costs and maximize profits, just like any other privately owned business operating in a competitive environment. Technological innovations in the cutting and transportation of trees will be introduced and labor use will be reduced whenever it is profitable. This has not been the case under the present system for reasons to be discussed next. Economic Rent and Licensing As it turns out, the government of British Columbia did not auction tree-cutting rights to the highest bidder. Instead, it issued long-term licenses to companies for the cutting of trees while it attached a wide range of conditions on the operation of these licenses. Some of these economically important conditions are as follows. First, these licenses were valid for a limited time period only, mostly 40 years (check) with the presumption that the initial holders would receive preferred consideration when the licenses were renewable. Second, logging roads had to be built to standards much higher than those private entrepreneurs would have chosen. The purpose was to provide access to the wilderness by future generations of hunters and outdoor enthusiasts and to provide employment to workers building these roads. Third, in order to subsidize the development of remote regions of the province tree license holders had to continue logging certain amounts annually even if the prices and demand for lumber depressed timber prices and made the logging unprofitable. This condition was designed to shift the problems associated with periodic slumps in the lumber industry to the license holders. However the ultimate cost of this condition was born not by the license holders but by the general public through a mechanism to be described in detail below. The government provided for the collection of the economic rent through a system that was alleged to mimic the market process. It collected statistics on the market prices for logs and on the costs of cutting the trees, transporting them to the saw mills and meeting the non-economic requirements set out by the government. The difference between the revenue and cost experienced by the holders of the licenses was considered to be equal to the economic rent payable to the government. The government called the assessments stumpage rates. The stumpage rates were calculated for specific parcels of land to reflect different costs and log qualities. They were estimated quarterly and applied to operations that took place in the quarter after the calculation was made. (check for accuracy) The BC system just described was considered a great success. The forestry industry expanded rapidly. Remote regions were settled. The entire provincial economy prospered as the forest industry demanded many business services provided in population centers like Vancouver. Substantial revenue from stumpage fees allowed the government to increase the services it provided, in particular it built an extensive network of roads that lowered transportation costs, increased the efficiency of the entire industry and further added to prosperity. However, the system used by the BC government also brought some important problems. The most serious involved inefficiencies in the operation of the logging and sawmill operations that would not have existed if the economic rent had been extracted through the outright sale of logging rights. The following are the most important of these costs. Loss of valuable wood Visitors to freshly logged forests in British Columbia are often appalled when they see the large numbers of trees that have been cut but have been left to rot on the ground or are burned. The basic reason for this phenomenon is that stumpage is payable only on trees removed from the logging site. The stumpage fee is like a cost that is added to that of felling, scaling, removing and selling these trees. Thus, at the given prices for timber, some trees, which could have been removed and sold profitably if there were no stumpage fee, are left behind. Under the auction system for the collection of economic rent, this wasteful procedure would be avoided. The owners of the cutting rights would remove all logs that fetch prices in excess of the cost of removing them since the prepayment of the economic rent to the government is a sunk cost irrelevant to current operations. The cut trees left to rot represent a true economic waste of scarce resources. They also are indicative of foregone revenue for the government because if the cutting rights had been auctioned off, the amount paid by the license holders would have been higher by the present value of the difference between the market value of these now-lost trees minus the cost of harvesting and selling them. Invisible Subsidies The conditions attached to the operation of tree-cutting licenses were considered to have been necessary because without them it would not have been profitable to develop some of the remote communities based on the forestry industry or to build logging roads to standards that make them serve other users. These conditions therefore are analytically equivalent to government subsidies, except that they do not show up in government budgets but result in lower stumpage fees collected. The government of British Columbia may well have had good justifications for the granting of such development subsidies and the merit of the policy cannot be discussed here. Relevant for the present discussion is the fact that the particular method for delivering the subsidies has several negative consequences that would not exist if the cutting rights had been auctioned off. First, the reduction in stumpage fees collected has resulted in higher provincial taxes to provide a desired level of public services. It is well known that the collection of taxes distorts incentives and causes substantial losses in efficiency and output. Second, the subsidies have the effect of inducing the building of communities and roads that are economically inefficient since otherwise these activities would have been carried out by the private sector. Third, the subsidies have created economic rents for the subsidized workers and license holders. While these rents do not represent a waste of resources, they do redistribute income from taxpayers to a relatively small number of workers and business. The economic rent for workers developed through time as unions flexed their muscles, extracted ever-higher wages and prevented the use of labor saving technologies. During the 1980s (check), the wages of forestry workers in British Columbia were the highest in the world and inefficient work practices were rampant. The unions were successful in achieving these benefits for their workers and their organizations because the costs they imposed on the industry came at the expense of lower stumpage fees for reasons explained above. The stumpage fees were periodically adjusted to reflect the difference between revenues from the sale of the timber and the cost of producing it so that higher costs simply reduced the size of these fees. Fourth, in such an environment the level of unionization, union power and unions public image are higher than in competitive industries where economic rents do not exist. British Columbia forestry unions could rightly claim that they delivered the goods for their members. Employers tended to oppose union demands in public, but had no real interest in preventing the cost increases due to union militancy. As long as there was economic rent, and the way in which stumpage rates were computed, higher costs did not affect their own bottom lines. Politicians had no interest in opposing the unions and the loss of stumpage income since the general public had no understanding of the way in which higher wages indirectly led to higher taxes. There was in fact a widespread favorable assessment of union activities by the public. As long as the high wages did not cause unemployment, they did not cause any obvious economic damage. The public also realized that the high wages of the forestry workers helped raise wages in the rest of the provincial economy. Confronting the forestry union demands was a sure way to lose elections. Employers themselves positively liked the BC system for harvesting forests because they owned many of the sawmills that received timber from their tree cutting activities at subsidized rates. Given the world price for lumber produced by the mills, the use of the subsidized timber increased their profits. These firms thus obtained a share of the economic rent just like the workers did at the expense of the general taxpayer. In addition, it has been suggested that the management of the tree license holders enjoyed some economic rent by engaging in sloppy practices that made life easier but resulted in higher costs without effects on profits. The economic distortions caused by the high wages and poor management practices caused the industry to be less efficient than it would have been if the economic rent from the forests had been paid to the government up front and not left accessible to workers and employers. Moreover, the experience of workers supported by their unions resulted in expectations about future income and employment that were unrealistic. Economic rents generally and especially in the forest resource, tend to be exhausted. When this happened increasingly in British Columbia in recent years, the resultant disappointment of expectations resulted in political upheavals and brought to power NDP governments that had promised continuation of conditions in the industry that could no longer be financed. Fifth, the union movement during these periods of great success extended its reach into BC industries that used the lumber produced by the sawmills. The consequences were very unfortunate. During the 1950s (check) British Columbia had a substantial industry producing furniture from the fine woods available at low prices from local forests and accessible at low transportation costs, paying its labor the going wage in the non-unionized sector. However, after the workers in the furniture industry were unionized, they insisted on getting the same wages rates as those paid in the forests and sawmills. These wage rates, inflated as they were through the appropriation of the economic rent from the forest resource, made the furniture industry non-competitive. Employers either quit the industry or moved their capital and expertise to Quebec, which presently has a flourishing, large furniture industry while that of British Columbia is virtually nil. (Try to find references to this?) Diminishing Rents The system that resulted in the distribution of rent to workers and employers just described has begun to run into difficulties since some time during the 1980s. There were increasingly fewer stands of virgin forests containing large trees with valuable old-growth characteristics that could be accessed at low cost. Harvesting had to move to forests that held less valuable trees and that required higher costs to harvest and market them. The size of the economic rent at the existing wages, works practices and employers management habits had virtually disappeared. Eventually, as it became obvious that the fat times were over, unions accepted changes in work rules that led to a dramatic reduction in the work force by about 50 percent (check, get numbers) without any reduction in the amount of timber and lumber produced. This miracle was achieved in part because the relaxation of the work rules allowed the introduction of new, highly efficient machinery used in the forests and sawmills. However, the wage rates of the remaining, unionized work force have remained high in comparison with wages in the rest of the BC economy and by international standards. The fallout from this revolution in the forestry sector is still being felt in the new century. Communities based on the industry are shrinking, as fewer workers are needed and alternative employment opportunities are unlikely to develop at rates sufficient to absorb them in the locations. The main reason for this problem is that these communities are far away from major markets and face high transportation costs for the goods they could produce and the materials they need for production. Manufacturing industries in these remote communities could become profitable only if wage rates were much lower than they are. The prospect of this happening is very low, especially since some residents of these communities remain gainfully employed in the forestry sector, have unions to protect their positions and the other workers in the community demand wage parity. Politicians are in a quandary in what to do about the remote communities in distress. There is little rent left for further indirect subsidies provided through the stumpage system. The NDP government during its regime in the 1990s provided direct and open subsidies out of current revenues, but the need to raise taxes added to the distress of the provincial economy. Yet, these remote regions elect a substantial numbers of the members of the provincial legislature. As a result, no party can afford to neglect altogether the well being of the workers in these regions. Economic Rent and the Softwood Lumber Dispute The preceding analysis discussed some of the real economic costs, fiscal implications and political repercussions of the use of the tree licensing and stumpage system used in British Columbia for several decades. These effects alone represented a powerful argument for replacing the existing system with one that extracts remaining economic rents on a more rational, less distorting and less political manner. However, the strength of these arguments during the last 50 years has been insufficient to lead to reforms of the system for provincial political reasons. Now, the US softwood lumber tariffs mentioned above have resulted in additional costs for the industry. These extra costs have provided the needed further stimulus for the provincial government to adopt some reforms of the existing system used for calculating stumpage. A simple economic model is useful in understanding these reforms and the way in which they deal with the US complaints about the current system. For this purpose consider the following diagram in Figure 1. It represents conditions of the average sawmill in Canada and the United States, which for convenience are assumed to have identical costs and demand for the lumber. In the initial equilibrium, market conditions are reflected in the marginal revenue curve MR0-MR0. The sawmills marginal cost curve is assumed to be MC0-MC0. According to economic theory, profit maximizing output for the BC and US sawmill is the same at 0Q0. Now assume that demand conditions deteriorate and shift the marginal revenue curve for both sawmills downward to MR1-MR1. This change in demand does not affect cost conditions for the US firm. Therefore, its profit-maximizing output falls to 0Q1. Figure 1  Dollars  MR0 MC0  MC1  MR1  MR0 MC0 MC1 MR1 0 Q1 Q2 Q0 Quantity of Output However, the marginal cost curve for the Canadian sawmill is shifted downward to MC1-MC1 because the cost of logs is reduced automatically so that the BC firms profit-maximizing output is 0Q2, which is clearly more than 0Q1. The cost of logs is reduced for the following reason. As noted above, a condition of holding long-term tree cutting licenses is that trees continue to be harvested and sold to the sawmills even if world prices and demand for lumber reduce the amount of it that could be produced profitably. The license holders are required to charge for their logs prices low enough to assure that sawmills can lower their lumber prices sufficiently to sell all that they produce. License holders do not mind the mandated production and sale of logs since the resultant lower revenues reduce stumpage rates correspondingly and their profits do not suffer. In fact they can retain their employees working the forest during the world slump in demand and continue to use capital equipment that can be depreciated over a larger output than they would produce in the absence of the requirement. In many locations in British Columbia, the license holders own the sawmills. Under these conditions, accounting prices charged by the harvesting division for the timber sold to sawmills are reduced sufficiently to keep them operating profitably. The lower revenues from the sale of the logs again lower stumpage fees and leave profits unchanged. During slumps in lumber prices and demand, the lower Canadian prices for lumber increase sales in the United States and result in a larger market share for Canadian lumber at the expense of US lumber producers. To complete the analysis surrounding the above graph considers what happens to lumber producers in the two countries when market conditions return to normal. For US producers the marginal cost curve returns to its initial equilibrium position and they restore their output 0Q0. If the Canadian producers marginal cost curve also returned to its original position the net effect of a full cycle of a recession and boom in lumber demand and prices would be neutral on market shares. The softwood lumber dispute would not have a rational basis. However, in fact the Canadian marginal cost curve shifts upward but does not return to its original position because Canadian producers defend their increased market share by lowering their lumber prices sufficiently to maintain sales. This policy is again driven by the fact that sawmills can count of paying less for logs they pay to license holders, who in return do not suffer lower profits due to the reduction in stumpage rates caused by the system. In effect, under this system used to calculate stumpage rates, BC taxpayers subsidize the increase in the BC industrys share of the lumber market in the United States. The process just described and the resultant loss of market share of US producers basically underlies their complaint about the existence of subsidies and represents the reason why tariffs were imposed and the WTO considered them to be justified. However, it may well be that the US lumber producers might not have taken this action, had their market share not been eroded by another important influence, the secular decline in the Canadian dollar exchange rate. During the last 30 years the value of the Canadian against the US dollar has fallen at about one cent annually for reasons that need not concern us here. This trend lasted until 2003, when the Canadian dollar began to appreciate. However, the US trade dispute covers conditions before that year when the seemingly small annual depreciation during the preceding 30 years had resulted in a cumulative subsidy equivalent of 30 percent. US producers are not able to influence the value of the US dollar against the Canadian dollar. The market determination of the exchange rate is complex because speculation about future economic and political developments is very important and its effects are virtually impossible to quantify. Central banks have found it difficult to influence the exchange rates except in the short run and for limited periods of time. The softwood lumber producers in the United States, therefore, realized that they were unable to remedy their loss of competitive advantage by trying to influence the exchange rate. Instead, they concentrated their attack on the subsidies implicit in the way stumpage fees were calculated. This is not the place to review the history of the softwood lumber dispute. It is very complicated in detail and highly charged politically. The tariffs imposed affected not only BC exports but also those from the rest of Canada, even though some of Atlantic Provinces produce lumber mainly from privately owned forests. Even within British Columbia, the arguments over policies to deal with the dispute have been complicated by the fact that economic conditions differ greatly between coastal regions and the interior. On the coast, valuable timber is taken mainly from old growth forests from terrain where harvesting costs are high. In the interior, smaller trees of lesser value are harvested at relatively low cost. In British Columbia few analysts agreed with the main thrust of the preceding analysis that showed how the existing stumpage system was equivalent to a subsidy. To argue that the Americans have a case has been and remains viewed as unpatriotic. Others use political rhetoric to deal with the issue. Many argue that even if the Americans have a case on the subsidy issue, British Columbians have a right to use economic rent as they see fit in the development of communities based on forestry and paying high wages to workers in the industry. The continued and strengthened use of subsidies to these communities and workers are argued to characterize Canada as a caring society and one that is morally superior than that existing in the United States. Because of the popular appeal of this rhetoric and voting power of the subsidized workers the system just described was entrenched deeply. No political party could afford to propose alternative policies. The NDP government ruling during much of the 1990s strengthened the system. It did so to repay unions for their support in the elections that brought them to power. The new NDP policies faced the problem that the size of the economic rent in many parts of the province had become very small and the old ways of providing benefits to workers no longer existed. As a result the government was forced to pay traditional subsidies amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars to firms in unsuccessful attempts to prevent unemployment and regional declines in economic activity. The New Policies After nearly 3 years in office, the Liberal provincial government under the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell, in January 2004 finally made a politically courageous change in the way stumpage fees will be computed in the future. The paper is quite technical but the basic concept is clear from the following quote: auctions of standing timber establish the market value of the timber, and those market values can then be used to determine the stumpage price for the timer harvested under long-term tenures. (BC Ministry of Forests, 2004, p.1) This determination requires also information on the cost of harvesting the trees, which has been collected routinely and for a long time through surveys of the holders of tree cutting licenses. The stumpage rates under the new system are then computed for each parcel of forest by subtracting from the market timber prices the cost of harvesting the trees, tailored to reflect a wide range of conditions that influence these costs. Figure 1 lends itself to an easy explanation of the effect of the implementation of this new policy. It is recalled that when the when the world price for lumber falls, the marginal cost curve for the representative BC timber producer shifts downward because the cost of stumpage falls automatically. Under the new system, the price of timber is determined by information generated outside the system used for calculating stumpage. As a result, the marginal revenue curve no longer shifts down automatically when world prices and demand for lumber decrease. In effect, the new system removes the ground for the US complaints used in the softwood lumber dispute. Log prices paid by BC sawmills are no longer too low. There are some risks that the new policy does not mimic completely the way in which market forces determine economic rent. The auctions of cutting rights involve only a small proportion of the total market for timber so that the prices derived may be an incomplete representation of true market conditions. This problem does not appear to be serious, especially since the government has taken back some cutting rights from long-term leaseholders and offers them for sale to private bidders. The cutting rights granted to native bands and municipalities are also likely to offer the harvesting jobs to the highest bidders from the private sector. A second problem involves a possibly imperfect link between the market prices for logs in British Columbia and the rest of the world and the United States. This imperfection is due to existing restrictions on the export of logs, which prevent the normal arbitrage of prices. These restrictions had been imposed at the same time that the entire system of long-term cutting rights had been installed. They were designed to keep jobs at sawmills in British Columbia. The government has decided to keep these export restrictions in place, presumably because the political cost of removing them is too high. Fortunately, the complete removal of the export restrictions is not necessary to transmit world prices to the BC market since the existing regulations permit the export of a small proportion of logs with permits granted by the government. Such small trades can transmit prices across borders efficiently as is obvious from the fact that only marginal amounts of gold produced and in stocks are traded and yet gold prices are the same throughout the world. Given the size of timber auctions and log exports, it is reasonable to argue that the new BC government policies have eliminated the main grounds on which the US case for the timber exports rests and that the WTO in the future will find that the US tariffs are unjustified. Summary and Policy Conclusions The government-owned forests of British Columbia contain substantial amounts of economic rent, which rightly belong to all citizens of the province and can be used to provide needed public services. Economic principles suggest that this rent is extracted most efficiently through the competitive sale of permanent tree cutting rights to the highest bidders. The prices paid for such rights represent the present value of the difference between the market value of the timber produced by harvesting the forests and the cost of operating the business. For historic reasons, the government of British Columbia did not sell permanent tree cutting rights. Instead, it used a peculiar system, which allowed the government to retain its ownership over the forests in the longer run. Licenses were issued for 40 years to private firms. The license holders were required to incur some costs to provide economic and social benefits that otherwise would have been the fiscal responsibility of the government. The economic rent was extracted through a complicated system under which the government estimated firms production costs were subtracted from the revenues from the sale of the timber. This residual was considered to be equivalent to the economic rent from the forest. The particular method for extracting rent chosen by the BC government wastes resources in a number of ways outlined above. It also has provided a mechanism for the subsidy of lumber exports to the United States. The US government imposed tariffs to counter this subsidy. The Canadian government argued that there was no such subsidy. The resultant so-called softwood lumber dispute has been costly for Canadian producers and US consumers. At the beginning of 2004 the WTO ruled in favor of the United States and declared that the Canadian system of forestry ownership and rent extraction has resulted in a subsidy warranting action by the injured country. Many more skirmishes in this war lie ahead, especially over the exact size of the damage suffered by US producers and the rate at which the tariff is to be set as a result. However, the basic problem facing Canadian policy makers and especially those in British Columbia is how to eliminate the subsidy. While the elimination of the subsidy would to little to deal with the US actions taken when the offending system existed, it can and should be used to demand that future exports are allowed to enter the United States without having to pay a tariff. The analysis of this paper suggests that the government of British Columbia has adopted policies that eliminate the subsidy. The governments of British Columbia and of Canada should present evidence on the operation of the new system to the US government and in the WTO and NAFTA committees concerned with the softwood lumber dispute and demand the removal of tariffs on future exports to the United States. The analysis of this paper also suggests that the new system still leaves in place many of the incentives that caused inefficiencies under the old system. The long-term goal of BC governments should be to eliminate these inefficiencies through the full privatization of the forest resource through the sale of permanent tree cutting rights. The government would through this process obtain for its citizens the true economic rent from the resource. Unfortunately, there are difficult financial and political problems associated the privatization of the forest resource. The present holders of long-term tree cutting licenses would have to be compensated. The political objection to the sale of the provinces crown jewels has to be overcome. These problems are not insoluble and their importance is diminished with the growing depletion of economic resource rents. Needed is the political will to tackle the issues. Perhaps, if the new market based policy is successful in resolving the present trade war and preventing future such conflicts and avoids major economic dislocations it will show that further market reforms leading to the full privatization of timber cutting rights are in the interest of British Columbians and are politically feasible. Appendix Alternative Model to Explain Stumpage and Subsidies An alternative method for describing the historic and new system for collecting economic rent uses the following equations. SF = RE CP (1) CP = CP* (2) RE = f(WL) dRE/dWL<0 (3) Where SF is the stumpage fee payable by the holders of tree cutting licenses RE is the revenue from the sale of logs to sawmills CP is the cost of producing the logs, including a normal profit WL is the world price of lumber It is useful to consider these variables to apply to a unit of logs or timber. Equation one reflects the fundamental government policy. Stumpage fees charged to the long-term holders of tree-cutting licenses are equal to the revenue received from the sale of the logs to sawmills minus the cost of operation, which consist of cutting the trees, processing them into logs and shipping them to the sawmills. The costs also include profits to the firms holding the licenses in order to assure that they remain competitive in the world market for capital and risk-taking. Equation 2 for the present purposes of analysis assumes that the cost of production is given. Changes in the stumpage fees relevant to the softwood lumber disputes are considered in equation three, which says that the revenue from harvesting trees is a decreasing function of the world price and demand for lumber. Now consider what happens if world lumber prices decline for exogenous reasons under the system just described and in operation for several decades. The world prices for logs, revenues of the license holders and stumpage rates decrease correspondingly. However, the costs remain the same and the variable determining the level of operations, profits remain unchanged since their level is guaranteed by the way the stumpage rates are calculated. When US owners of forests face the same decrease in world prices just assumed to confront BC producers, their revenues also decline. Their profits decline and they cut back on their operations and employment. The equivalent of their stumpage fees, the interest payable on loans taken out to buy the forests, are unchanged by reductions in world lumber prices. Marginal costs and revenues determine the level of output. The difference in the profitability of the tree harvesting operations in the two countries, however, is not the main problem underlying the softwood lumber dispute. The main problem arises from the conditions set out in the BC licensing agreements: Even when lumber prices fall, logging must continue and the logs must be sold to sawmills at prices that assure the operation of the saw mills at or near their normal levels. The objective of this requirement is to assure that employment in tree harvesting and sawmill operations are immune from fluctuations in the demand for their output. In order to sell the continued output of the sawmills in the United States, the prices charged for the lumber are reduced as needed. The prices of logs required to keep the sawmills operating at these lower lumber prices are adjusted downward correspondingly. This fall in the cost of logs not available to US sawmills has led to the accusation that BC timber prices are too low and subsidized by the way in which stumpage rates are calculated. The requirement to keep on cutting logs in spite of lower lumber prices, the fall in log prices and the lower revenues of license holders do not attract protests to the government for the reason obvious from equation one. The lower revenues leave costs and profits unchanged and only result in lower stumpage fees. In many locations, large firms holding the tree cutting licenses also own the sawmills. Such integrated firms operate to create the same outcome as in the case just described where sawmills are owned separately but trees have to be cut regardless of conditions in the market for lumber. They lower the accounting price for logs charged to the sawmills such as to assure the operation of the mills at their optimum level. The new BC government policy announced in January 2004 no longer makes the stumpage fee endogenous to the revenues collected. The stumpage fees are a function of the prices bidders are willing to pay for the right to cut trees and sell logs in the open market for export or to domestic sawmills. This new rule imposes on the holders of long-term tree cutting licenses the same market conditions facing US owners of forests. The loss of revenue from charging lower log prices to sawmills in British Columbia can no longer be recouped by lower stumpage payments. It is clear from the preceding analysis that under the new policy BC sawmills and tree harvesting operations will face increased fluctuations in output and employment in response to changes in the world demand and prices for lumber. These fluctuations may well lead to political protests from the workers and their unions that have lost their subsidies, but on the other hand, the industry and workers will benefit if the softwood lumber dispute is settled as a result of the new policy. Taxpayers are certain to profit from the increased revenues from stumpage fees and the more efficient use of resources of the provinces forests. Only time will tell whether the new policy will remain in place when the losers from the new policy organize effective political opposition while the winners from the policy find the gains to be too small to warrant giving their political support to the initiators of the policy. References To be supplied  In the following the words timber and logs are used interchangeably. They both describe trees that have been cut, trimmed and otherwise prepared for market. In the BC Coast Region, most of the timber is used by sawmills to produce lumber. A small proportion of the timber is exported under special government licensing. Timber is cut into lumber and used to produce products like plywood and laminated beams.  The Government of Canada is seeking the removal of the tariffs through the trade dispute resolution mechanism under the NAFTA treaty. While a finding in favor of Canada cannot be ruled out, it is highly likely that the WTO decision will dominate the policy stance taken by US policy makers. In this context it is important to note that US trade policy is administered by a quasi-judicial body, the US Tariff Commission, which is required by law to protect US industries injured by the use of subsidies and dumping by foreign governments.  Unfortunately, this new system is irrelevant for the trade dispute that has made headlines for a number of years since it involves conditions before February 2004. The resolution of this conflict involves a host of other issues that will not be discussed here.  Or is done often in such situation, the lease is for 100 years, which in many situations is equivalent to outright ownership at the time of the transaction. However, given the length of time required for the regrowth of forests, the usual 100-year lease might be inadequate for the operation of incentives for the proper management of the resource and it would probably be more efficient if the rights were granted in perpetuity.  The economic rent model just presented disregards complications that might give a slightly different conclusion. These complications result from the fact that the discount rate used by the private sector in estimating the present value of the future net income flows is likely to be increased by the existence of private risk, which may not be included in a calculation undertaken by the government. In addition, some people believe that the cost estimates of the private sector are inflated by its desire to earn a return and profit on the needed investments, which means that a government-run operation would have lower costs. Under both scenarios the privately determined value of the rent is lower than the true rent and the public interest is correspondingly damaged. The merit of these and other arguments cannot be discussed here. Suffice it to note that such arguments are based on models of behavior of government, politicians and bureaucrats, which are now widely considered to be unrealistic. It makes no sense to compare an imperfectly operating private system with an idealized and perfectly functioning public system. Empirical studies show that typically the government deviations from the ideal have more costly economic consequences than the private deviations from the ideal, especially if the private sector bids are produced in a competitive environment and unimpeded by government and politically motivated conditions, like the exclusion of foreign bidders.  If the cutting rights are awarded for a long period of time, it is not necessary to make replanting a condition since the owner of the rights have every incentive to replant in order to maximize profits. It should be noted that under such conditions not all forestland would be replanted. It makes no economic sense to do so since harvested forestland regrows trees by natural processes, just like forests destroyed by fire have done in the past and under certain conditions the investment in planting yields a negative rate of return. The reasons for this outcome can be understood readily by considering that in some locations the growth of trees to harvest takes a long time and the accumulated interested on the planting costs can become very large. Assume that the time required for trees to reach maturity is 50 years and that planting costs $1000 per acre. By the end of the 50 years the value of the investment in the planted trees is equal to $1000 times (1+r) raised to the power of 50. If the interest rate r is equal to 5 percent the cost will have risen to $11,500 dollars, at 10 percent to $117,400. Given these planting and interest costs it is profitable to replant only if the value of the trees in the replanted acre exceeds that obtained from naturally regenerated acre by $11,500 or $117,400 if interest rates are 5 or 10 percent respectively. In some areas of British Columbia the time required for trees to reach maturity is near 100 years and the case for replanting is correspondingly diminished. Only in BC valleys on the coast (and in foreign countries much closer to the equator) do trees grow rapidly enough to justify replanting. In British Columbia, the decision to replant land is influenced heavily by political considerations rather than economics. As a result, there are substantial costs. They are incurred partly because the existing system of tenure provides imperfect market incentives and partly because politicians cannot afford to alienate the votes of environmentalists and their less vocal supporters who put a high value on conservation and environmental quality for its own sake. Nor can politicians afford to lose the support of the tree planting industry, especially the large number of young voters earning an income during summer breaks at schools and universities.  Russia has adopted a similar system to attract entrepreneurs into the business of logging vast stands of mature trees that can be used to make high quality lumber, while at the same time reducing unemployment and encouraging development in otherwise depressed regions. The next crisis in the worlds markets for forestry products will arise from the increased supply from Russia. The resultant problems for the US industry may well be much more serious than those caused by Canadian producers.  During the 1980s, the method for assessing stumpage fees was changed because the existing method resulted in government revenues that fluctuated widely and complicated fiscal planning. The change involved the government in setting a target for revenues it wanted to collect and thought the industry could pay without financial distress over the cycle of high and low prices for their products. Experts at the ministry of forests translated these revenue requirements into stumpage rates charged to the license holders. In principle the new method of collecting rent was designed to extract the same amount of rent as under the old system, except that the fluctuations in annual values caused by changes in market conditions were shifted from the books of the government onto the bottom line of the private license holders. The following analysis considers some of the major problems associated with the first system used for calculating stumpage since it is identical in its economic effects as the new system except for the implied shift in risk due to market fluctuations already mentioned.  One might ask why these trees are cut in the first place if they cannot be sold profitably. The answer is that the removal of all standing trees clear-cutting - costs less per unit of salvaged timber than does selective cutting.  These costs have been estimated to equal $1.55 and $.56 for every dollar of taxes raised through the corporation and personal income taxes, respectively. For an analysis of these costs and references to the academic and government studies explaining how these estimates were made see Grubel (2000), page 60.  See the Appendix for an analysis using some equations to explain the current and revised system.  For the present purposes of analysis it is not important to discuss the extent of the downward shift of the BC mills cost curve or the size of the reduction in output. What counts for the argument made by the US industry is that the Canadian firm does not reduce its output as much as the US firm when both face the same decrease in demand.  To keep the analysis simple, the diagram neglects the fact that lower Canadian prices result in a downward shit of the marginal revenue curve for US producers, which at any rate, may reasonably be assumed to be very small.  For details on this issue see Grubel ( ), Courchene and Harris ( )  It is worth noting that the depreciation was not accompanied by a correspondingly higher rate of inflation in Canada, as has been the case historically. During the last 30 years the cumulative rate of inflation in Canada and the United States have been virtually identical.  The biggest subsidy program involved the pulpwood mill in Prince Rupert, which was hidden behind loan guarantees and resulted in write-offs of over $100 million (check and look for other examples) when the mill defaulted on the obligations. The analysis of this paper concentrated on the way in which the stumpage system subsidized the log and lumber operations of the BC forest industry, mainly because the softwood lumber disputed provided a useful motivation. However, an analogous story could be told about subsidies to the pulp mill producers and workers involved in these mills and providing the wood used by them. The policy recommendations made below in the context of the softwood lumber problem are strengthened by the fact that they would lead also to a more rational collection of economic rent from forests used by pulp mills.  British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Revenue Branch, Market Pricing System: Coast, January 16, 2004, available on the government web site. v"w"Z&[&++,,Z6[6::<O@PAQAP^~^bbccccccccGdHdddddBeCePeTeeefelemeseteveweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffgfjfkfffff0JH*jCJUmHnHuH* 56\]6]5\ j0JUT,-\]^_`abcdefghil{W$a$$a$WX"#  x"y"%%>'?'))++++----//1194:4667777789;;<<<<>>N@O@RASA!B"BCC\D]DFF+H,HwJxJMMMPPSSTTMVNVXX\\O^P^~^^``aabbJdKdFeGePeWe$a$Weeeveeeeeeeeefffffhhhjijkkllnn2q3qs^`ffffffffllmmssttdeab\øĸ̹͹ι}~MNPklm_`/012ijklj0JCJUCJ5\ j0JUH*0JH*Gssttww^z_zR}U}fgxycdUV)*ߍ:; ϘИij/0 [\]^_hi$a$1B]`fg$DE&'xy889uvRSø˹̹}Migk_`0j/ =!"#$% i4@4 NormalCJ_HmH sH tH 6@6 Heading 1$@& 5CJ(\6@6 Heading 2$$@&a$CJ 2@2 Heading 3$@&5\2@2 Heading 4$@&6]<A@< Default Paragraph Font2@2 Footnote TextCJ8&@8 Footnote ReferenceH*,B@, Body Text$a$ vZ"(Z26P=^bhopd|a} yI g[,f !%%%,-\]^_`abcdefghil{WX"# xy!!>#?#%%''''))))++--90:022333345778888::<O<R=S=!>">??\@]@BB+D,DwFxFIILLOOPPMRNRTTXXOZPZ~ZZ\\]]^^J`K`FaGaPaWaeavaaaaaaaaabbbbbddhfifgghhjj2m3mooppss^v_vRyUyf|g|x|y|c}d}}}~~UV)*߉:; ϔДij/0 [\]^_hi1B]`fg$DE&'xy89uvRSô˵̵}Migk_0j00000000-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-00000000-0-00-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-000000(0000800000000000000000000(0-0-+00-+0-+0-+0-+0-+00-+0000-+0080-+09009090900980-+80-+80-+80-+80-+80-+0A0A0A0A00A0A0A0A0A00A0A0A0000A00A800T0T0T00T0T0T0T0T80-+0d^00d^00d^00d^00d^0d^0d^0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^@0d^0d^0d^00d^00000000d^0000d^00d^00d^00d^0d^0d^00d^0(0-(0-0|0|0|0|0|0000|00|00|000000|0|(0-0]00000000000000000000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@00(000@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0-+@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0 fnvW7MWes8oqrstuwxyz{p8@ <(  NB  S DNB  S DHB  C DHB  C DNB  S DTB  c $DTB  c $DNB  S DTB  c $DB S  ?PaQaRaSaeavaaaa}?} t [ t t  tu 75 t) 7t [tttNU$0%0*090W?WCWX}}}~BGI]"333333GH-:0>>IIY~CDIcnqyY\_B`y´ôHerbert GrubelaC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\My Documents\My Documents\Papers 2004\Forestry Paper.docHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelaC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\My Documents\My Documents\Papers 2004\Forestry Paper.docHerbert GrubelpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Forestry Paper.asdHerbert GrubelaC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\My Documents\My Documents\Papers 2004\Forestry Paper.docHerbert Grubel ReEtiredpC:\Documents and Settings\Herbert Grubel\My Documents\My Documents\Frontpage Website\_private\Forestry Paper.doc@`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qhړړJ7#20>2'The Canada  US Softwood Lumber DisputeHerbert GrubelHerbert Grubel ReEtiredOh+'0 4@ \ h t(The Canada US Softwood Lumber Disputehe Herbert Grubel erberbNormal Herbert Grubel ReEtired2rbMicrosoft Word 9.0i@@LqC@LqC՜.+,0 hp  Retired7J> (The Canada US Softwood Lumber Dispute Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~Root Entry FC1Table}1WordDocumentSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjjObjectPoolCC  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q