
Safety and Study Abroad

Your safety is paramount for all ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s study abroad programs. ISS exchange, short-term summer programs, and field school programs are governed by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s interim university-related international travel policy. After selection, you will automatically be enrolled in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Travel Safety Program which gives you access to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s international travel safety information and emergency support provider, International SOS.

The below provides further details on the safety-related programming, resources and support for ISS study abroad programs that require travel.  We are here to support you through your study abroad journey before, during and after your study abroad.  More in-depth information is provided once you have been approved for participation in your study abroad program.   


Acknowledgment and Waiver
Review the signed Acknowledgement and Waiver documents that you submitted for your program application. These documents outline the general terms and risks of your participation. It is important to read these thoroughly, and to contact ISS if you seek clarification on any of their contents. 

Collection of Emergency Contacts
You are required to submit at least one emergency contact as part of your application. ISS would contact this person only in the event of an emergency that directly impacts you, or if ISS needed to verify your location or safety and was unable to contact you through other methods.

Travel Health Insurance 
Travel medical coverage is part of your secondary medical coverage through the  or  StudentCare program, unless you have opted out, are travelling to your home country, or are participating in a field school as a visiting participant. You are responsible for purchasing sufficient travel medical insurance based on your own needs to cover you while in the host country and while travelling. Additional consideration details on the importance of navigating your insurance and limitations are included in the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Study Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation program.  

Risk Assessment
Use this Risk Assessment, Student Safety Planning Record for Exchange template to identify the health, safety, and security hazards associated with your exchange term, and how you are planning to reduce the impact or likelihood of those hazards affecting your exchange. Use this form prior to and during your exchange term.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Pre-Departure Program

After selection into the program, you are required to complete a Pre-Departure Orientation program: Exchange 101 or Field Schools 101.  This program is delivered through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s online learning platform, Canvas, and you will have access for the full duration of your study abroad program. This program includes safety-related topics such as: 

  • Personal safety and risk management
  • Researching and planning for your host country and other travel destinations 
  • Travel preparation (eg preparing documents, packing and arrival plans)
  • Travel health
  • Travel health insurance
  • Emergency support and contacts (eg Global Affairs Canada and consular services, International SOS)

    This robust resource also includes modules on cultural transition, financial planning, and academic preparation. You will be invited to a pre-departure session during which you can often meet past program participants, as well as other students who will be travelling to similar locations.

Resources for Independent Research on Host Destination

  • : This site has important information regarding safety and security, travel warnings, consular contact information, and more , for each host destination. Global Affairs Canada also provides an online registration service. Non-Canadian citizens are recommended to look at whether similar resources are provided by their country of citizenship.
  • : You can contact International SOS 24/7 for pre-travel information. They can provide itinerary-specific advice and information to help you make informed travel decisions. To contact International SOS call ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s dedicated number at +1-215-942-8478 and give them ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s membership number, 27acas593560. You can also review destination-specific reports through the to help you prepare for your trip.  
  • Immigration: ISS cannot assist with the immigration process to host destinations. For inquiries, you are to contact your host institution or host country’s consular services directly. If you are an international student at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, you should contact ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's International Student Advisors to discuss your exchange as it pertains to your status in Canada.


¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Travel Safety Program

When you participate in ISS' study abroad programs (where travel is required), you are automatically enrolled in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Travel Safety Program, which includes:

  • Enrollment in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Travel Safety Registry for your study abroad program dates. In the event of a major incident in or near your host location, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will contact you and/or in-field program staff to verify your safety and offer support as needed.  
  • Access to  (via phone, website or Assistance App), which is one of your first points of contact in the event of an emergency abroad. They provide 24/7/365 medical, security and logistical expertise to travellers before, during, and after international trips and while abroad. International SOS is not a travel insurance provider. To contact International SOS call ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s dedicated number at +1-215-942-8478 and give them ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s membership number, 27acas593560.

Consular Support

You are advised to register your travel details with the Consular Services of your citizenship, such as the , so that they are aware of your location in the event of an emergency (this information is presented in ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s pre-departure program also).

Support from Host Institution

All exchange and short-term summer programs, and some field schools, are hosted by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s partner institutions abroad. These institutions have their own health and safety supports for students, and will connect with ISS staff as appropriate

Mental Health Resources

The following resources are in place to support you, your mental health, and well-being. 

  • International SOS offers in over 60 languages as part of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Travel Safety Program, which is automatic for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s study abroad program participants. 
  • My Student Support Program (My SSP) is a free service available to you as an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate and undergraduate student, including before, during and after returning from abroad. With My SSP, you will have access to immediate or ongoing, confidential support - accessible from anywhere in the world by phone or through the downloadable app. Worldwide, immediate options are available 24/7 in multiple languages.


¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Returning from Study Abroad Program

  • This optional course is designed to help you transition to life back home following your study abroad experience. This is an ungraded/unmoderated course which you are enrolled in following the end of your program, with resources to reflect upon after your return home. 
  • This course also reminds you of the many supports available at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to support your return, including Health and Counselling Services and the My Student Support Program (MySSP), and continued support by ISS’ Study Abroad Team.


Studying abroad is a special opportunity, and international travel and living abroad can be complex and unpredictable. As you decide to apply for a future exchange and/or field school program, you are advised to:

  • Not purchase any flights or make non-refundable arrangements for your proposed exchange or field school until you are comfortable with the likelihood the program will proceed.
  • If applying for exchange, be aware that there may be uncertainties regarding access to courses and to accommodation at your host institution.
  • If applying for a field school, be aware of your program's contingency plan in the event that your program cannot proceed abroad as planned. Also, be aware that details of the program may be subject to change based on external factors.
  • Carefully review the following for additional information and considerations.

What causes ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to cancel an in-person program?

The health and safety of students, staff and faculty is paramount. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will cancel a program if it is not in compliance with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's interim university-related international travel policy. And/or if the location is determined by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to be unsuitable for a study abroad program (e.g. due to safety or security issues, border closures etc.). It may also be cancelled or curtailed if ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV faculty/staff or third parties (including ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s exchange partner institutions) are no longer able to deliver the program. When making these determinations, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV consults numerous resources, including the following:

    ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will not require or regard any university-related travel to any Level 3 or Level 4 destination to be essential travel, and will not approve university-related travel for students for Level 3  or Level 4 destinations as per the 
    interim university-related international travel policy
  •  (member code 27acas593560)
  • ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s partner institutions and providers in impacted regions

The decision to cancel a program is made with consideration to academic and financial impacts, and measures are taken to mitigate these impacts to the degree possible.

What are the financial considerations of applying for exchange?

  • There is no application fee to apply for an exchange. 
  • Exchange participants will be charged a Formal Exchange Participation fee. This fee is charged after the Opt-out deadline.
  • In consideration of unexpected uncertainties that may arise and prevent you from participating in an in-person exchange, you are advised to not purchase airfare or make non-refundable arrangements relating to a prospective future in-person exchange program until you are comfortable with the likelihood the program will proceed. Any such incurred expenses will be solely your personal responsibility and will not be reimbursed by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • If you are enrolled in a fee-paying study abroad program, you would be subject to your host institution’s refund policies (Fee-paying programs include: University of California, Berkeley – Summer Sessions and Korea University International Summer Campus).
  • Depending on your host destination's policy, you may be required to acquire a visa to study as an exchange student in your host destination. Each host destination may have different visa policies and procedures, and you must research the relevant policies in advance and on a continous basis as it may change anytime without notice. This includes but not limited to: the cost to apply for visa, how to apply and/or where, and that applying for a visa may require travel to another country/province, etc. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is not liable for informing exchange participants of such changes nor any resulting impact to their ability to participate in the exchange program and/or financial loss.

To find out more about the funding you may be eligible for, please refer to  for more information.

What happens if my in-person international exchange is cancelled?

If your future in-person exchange is cancelled - either by your host institution or ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV - International Services for Students will work with you and attempt to make one of the following alternate arrangements. The specific options available would depend on the timing of the cancellation and other factors at that time:

  • Consider an alternate destination: ISS will work with you in the event that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV allows for in-person exchanges, but your destination is determined not to be a suitable location for in-person exchange.
  • Virtual exchange alternative: Some institutions may offer a virtual exchange alternative, however not all institutions may be able to do so.  This may require changing institutions if your host institution does not offer a virtual alternative.
  • Cancel your exchange: If you are not interested or able to pursue alternate arrangements, ISS will explain how you can cancel your exchange.
  • Re-Apply for a future term: Check the application website for more information on dates and deadlines. Deferrals across program years are not possible. 

If you are enrolled in a fee-paying program and your exchange is cancelled, you would be subject to your host institution’s refund policies (Fee-paying programs include: Beijing Institute of Technology; University of California, Berkeley – Summer Sessions; Korea University International Summer Campus).

What if my in-person exchange isn't cancelled, but I’m no longer comfortable or able to participate?

In consideration of unexpected uncertainties that may arise and prevent you from participating in an in-person exchange, you are advised to not purchase airfare or make non-refundable arrangements relating to a prospective future exchange program until you are comfortable with the likelihood the program will proceed.

You may request to make the following changes to your exchange program in the event of extenuating circumstances. The specific options available would depend on the timing of your request and other factors at that time:

  • Consider an alternate destination: Contact ISS if you wish to explore an alternate destination for your in-person exchange (in the event that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is allowing in-person exchanges but you are no longer comfortable with your selected destination), but cannot be guaranteed.
  • Switch to a virtual exchange alternative: You can request to change your program from an 'in-person' to 'virtual' alternative that can be completed remotely. This may require you to change institutions if your host institution does not offer a virtual program, and cannot be guaranteed.
  • Re-Apply for a future term: There are two rounds of deadlines in January and May for upcoming exchange terms. Please visit our exchange application webiste for more information on dates and deadlines. Deferrals across program years are not possible.
  • Cancel your exchange: You will be asked to complete an online form to make the cancellation official. Consider the following:
    • Your host institution’s cancellation deadlines (would any fees be charged by your host institution? Have you paid any deposits such as housing that may not be refundable?)
    • Any independent travel arrangements you have made (any such incurred expenses will be solely your personal responsibility and will not be reimbursed by ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.)