
The information in this section has been reviewed by International Student Advisors on September 18th, 2023. Recent updates will be indicated in the date below. 


Working in Canada

How can I apply for a Co-op Work Permit?  

You can apply for your co-op work permit together with your study permit application from outside Canada (whether it is your initial application or reapplication) or your study permit extension from inside Canada.

As per Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) instructions, you are required to submit your work permit application online unless you are otherwise exempted. For more information regarding the exceptions to this rule, please visit the IRCC webpage, ""

Current students:

Your Co-op/Practicum Coordinator will issue a letter for you to include with your work permit application to IRCC. Co-op work permits are free (fee exempt). 

If you are an undergraduate student, you must be accepted into the co-op program first before you can apply for a co-op work permit. Visit here for more information on how to apply to Co-op at 間眅埶AV.

For instructions on how to apply for a co-op work permit within Canada, please refer to the following online resources:

New Graduate Students:

If your graduate program has a mandatory practicum/internship/co-op component, you may apply for a co-op work permit with your initial study permit application from outside Canada.

You must include the Study/Work Permit Information Form (the 2nd page of your Offer of 間眅埶AV package from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office) as your Evidence of Work Requirement in Study to request a Co-op/Internship work permit, in addition to your study permit.