

Elder Request Form

Elders and Knowledge Keepers work with students, staff, and faculty as part of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community in the following ways: 

  • Provide guidance, support, and mentorship to ISC students 
  • Guide traditional ceremonial activities 
  • Support special events
  • Participate in interviews, guest lectures, and committees
  • Please note: Elder Requests are only available for internal ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV events and programs.


Elders Program Protocol Guide

The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) recently updated its Protocol Guide to ensure that Elders and Knowledge Keepers have consistency in requests and are treated with respect during their time at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. These guidelines have been created by ISC staff in consultation with the current Elder's and Knowledge Keeper's in Residence. When making a booking please ensure to read and follow the guide provided.

Elders Program Protocol Guide

Submitting an Elders Request

If you would like to invite an Elder to support your event, please complete the Elders Request Form at least two weeks before the event date. 

Elder Request Form

Requester Contact Information


Event Details

What time does the event start and end?
What time will the Elder need to be on-site?
Please provide details on the purpose and objectives of the event.


Information for Elder 

Are there certain activities or protocols that you would like the Elder to facilitate?
What is the allotted time for the Elder to speak?
Who will be the Elder's point person? (if different from requester)
What number can the Elder reach you at? (if different from requester)

In-Person Requests

To ensure the comfort and safety of Elders while attending in-person events, we are asking that event organizers coordinate and cover the cost of transportation (i.e. Uber) to and from the event, as well as provide refreshments (i.e. snack and/or lunch) as required.

Is your department able to coordinate and cover the costs of transportation for the Elder to travel to and from the event?
Is your department able to coordinate and cover the costs of refreshments for the Elder attending the event?


To ensure proper and respectful recognition of the Elders time and energy, please identify how long the Elder is being requested for your event. 

Requested Attendance
Payment Method

Honourarium Amount
Up to one hour
$300: More than 1 hour but not exceeding 2 hours
$400: Half day or less (maximum 4 hours)
$800: One day (maximum 7 hours)