

About the Indigenous Student Centre

ISC Misson & Approach

The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is dedicated to providing Indigenous students with programs and services that are unique, cultural, and wholistic. Our vision is for Indigenous students to succeed and thrive, as our Ancestors envisioned, with a balance of culture, tradition, and academic success. 

With the student experience being at the core of our work, the ISC strives to provide space, access and resources that support the emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual well-being of Indigenous students. The ISC offers a welcoming and inclusive space for Indigenous students to study, network, access additional supports such as academic success, health and counselling, and so much more.

ISC programs and services can be accessed virtually or in-person on Burnaby and Surrey campuses. To learn more about these spaces check out the Study Spaces page.

ISC Hours of Operation

The ISC services are available Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Connect with the Indigenous Student Centre at:

askisc@sfu.ca to learn how to become a part of the ISC Community.

At the ISC you can expect to be a part of a community that offers, 

  • A Welcoming Gathering Space – common areas, study spaces, smudging and medicine, student kitchen, full student computer lab. 

  • Mental Wellness and Care – ISC Counselling, Elders Program and Wellness Program.  

  • Support for Academic Success – academic advising, academic success workshops, tutoring, research and writing assistance.  

  • A Social and Cultural Community – Peer Cousins Mentorship Program, Elders Program, Indigenous Living and Learning Community (ILLC), Wellness Program, Cultural Workshops and Events, Social events, Volunteer Opportunities. 

  • Pathways toward accessing other Student Services – Health and Counselling, Financial Aid & Awards, Careers and Volunteer Services, Residence and Housing. 

  • Cross Campus Spaces – the ISC has spaces across the Burnaby and Surrey campuses.

Follow the ISC on Social Media!


The ISC Logo

Our logo is by Sk’aal Tsiid (Flicker Bird) James Cowpar, Tsaalth Clan, Haida Gwaii

With the circle we see the representation of Métis and Plains peoples through the unity and sweet grass. Inside are the main crests of our coastal peoples, the eagle, and the raven, representing power, strength, wisdom, and community. Beneath the wings of the eagle and raven are its offspring, a man and a woman holding a textbook. Together they create a sacred circle representative of Indigenous peoples. Combined, the logo conveys the life cycle of an Indigenous student, whereas the elements of our culture combine to create unity and strength among our peoples. Representation of Métis, Plains, Northwest Coast design/crests capture the diversity of Indigenous peoples attending post-secondary institutions. The addition of the man and woman, west coast style design, combines our identity within the design, creating a sacred circle describing who we are and what we stand for.