
Career Possibilties

The world is changing rapidly and so is the full range of career opportunities that await. Armed with the knowledge and skills needed to inform meaningful environmental management, graduates pursue careers in jobs such as:

  • Economic Development Analyst 
  • Emergency Planning Coordinator
  • Environmental Impact Analyst
  • Environmental Technician
  • Geographic Info Systems Specialist
  • Land Use Planner
  • Land Developer
  • Natural Resource Specialist
  • Resource Manager
  • Public Utilities Specialist
  • Remote Sensing Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Site Researcher
  • Surveyor
  • Sustainability Planner
  • Systems Analyst
  • Educator
  • Traffic Management Specialist
  • Transportation Planner 
  • Sustainable Programs Manager
  • Urban Planner

Not sure where to start? Career Services can help you explore your options and create possibilities.