
IUPP: Curriculum

During the summer, IUPP in collaboration with , offers the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Math Immersion Program for Indigenous Students (MIPIS), which prepares incoming IUPP students for university-level Math courses. MIPIS is a 4-week, 3-hour a day summer enrichment program designed to help Indigenous students improve their mathematics skills. The final goal of this camp is to encourage students to pursue more advanced courses in mathematics, and to help them gain more confidence in their ability to succeed in any field from Arts to STEM.

FALL 2023 (11 Units):

  • INDG 101-3: Introduction to Indigenous Studies
  • FASS 120-2: Learning Strategies for Academic Success
  • FAL X99-4: Foundations of Academic Literacy (Foundations course)
  • FAN X91-2 (Part 1): Foundations of Analytic and Quantitative Reasoning (Foundations course)

SPRING 2023 (13 Units):

  • EDUC 100W-3: Selected Questions and Issues in Education
  • HSCI 130-4: Foundations of Health Science
  • INDG 102-4: Indigenous Academic Research
  • FAN X92-2 (Part 2): Foundations of Analytic and Quantitative Reasoning (Foundations course)

* Subject to minor changes

TOTAL: 24 units over 8 courses
(16 academic units and 8 units of Foundations courses).

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV considers students as being full-time students with a course load of nine units (credits) per term.

IUPP Topics:


Angela Wolfe, Director of Indigenous Recruitment and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVs

Upon completion of the IUPP

Normally, a GPA of 2.5 will guarantee direct admission to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and your completed credits will count towards your undergraduate degree.

Additional requirements for Faculties other than the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) may apply. For example, to transfer from FASS to the Faculty of Science, you must meet these specific admission requirements:

  • Minimum ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV CGPA of 2.00 (attained by successfully completing IUPP)
  • Minimum 12 units completed at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV (attained by successfully completing IUPP)
  • Minimum of 3 Faculty of Science courses taken at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, with a minimum C+ in each of the three courses (one must be Math 150, 151, or 154).