
Stronger Together Supercluster Project

February 09, 2021

間眅埶AV STAR has partnered with  on a new initiative which was launched in early January 2021. Stronger Together: Social Infrastructure for Community Health is a program designed to help patients, parents and caregivers during COVID-19 with access to expert programs, peer-to-peer communities, in-app virtual care and more. Stronger Together is recruiting participants who will be able to join the community that best suits them. 

There are 13 open/public communities for interested residents of both Canada and the United States to join as a general member via direct download of the app at . These communities include:

  1.  Stroke Recovery (To support those recovering from a stroke)
  2. Respiratory Health and Wellbeing (To support those living with respiratory disease)
  3. Prostate Cancer (To support those living with prostate cancer)
  4. Plan to Move Your Kids (To support parents/caregivers of children living with a disability in being physically active)
  5. Parenting During COVID-19 (To support parents/caregivers of kids, from newborns to teenagers, during the COVID-19 pandemic)
  6. Keeping Mentally Strong with Multiple Myeloma (To support those living with multiple myeloma)
  7. Disability and Physical Activity (To support those with a physical disability in keeping active)
  8. Cardiovascular Health and Wellbeing (To support those living with cardiovascular disease)
  9. COVID-19 Survivors and Long Haulers (To support those recovering from the COVID-19 virus)
  10. Joint Replacement (To support those preparing for, and recovering from hip or knee joint replacement surgery)
  11. Colorectal Surgery (To support those preparing for, and recovering from colorectal surgery)
  12. Healthy Hearts Cardiac Wellness (To support those living with heart disease, recovering from a heart event, or in a cardiac wellness program
  13. Prediabetes (To support those living with prediabetes)