
Submit a request to create a new account

Requests for new location or resource accounts are accepted through the online forms linked below. Access to these forms is restricted to those on the resadmin-users@sfu.ca maillist. To submit a request to be added to the maillist, use your preferred method to Get Help.

For rooms, labs, and other locations, please use the following form:

For equipment, vacation calendars, absence trackers, and other schedules and bookable items, please use the following form:

For a guide to using the request forms, see New Account Request Form Help

After submitting your account request, please allow for 3-5 business days for approval. Once your request has been approved, you will then be able to:

New Account Request Form Help

Requested By

This section will automatically populate the following fields with your sign on information: Name, Computing ID, Email.


For Rooms
The Common Name for a room is an optional field. For example, if room AQ 1000 is commonly known as 'The Blue Room', enter 'The Blue Room' in this field. You may leave this field blank if the room is only referred to by its room number. For Site, choose the campus at which the room is located; likewise for Building. Please enter the Room Number without the building prefix (e.g., 1000 or 1000a). Indicating the Capacity of a room is optional, however please note that only numbers are accepted in this field.

For Resources
The Common Name is required for resource accounts. The Common Name given to a resource account will be used as a unique identifier. For Site, choose the campus at which the resource is located; likewise for Building. Please enter the Room Number without the building prefix (e.g., 1000 or 1000a). If the resource account is a tracking calendar for your department, enter the Site, Building and Room Number of the front desk of your department.

Example field entries:

Common Name of Equipment
ITS Staff Calendar
Site Building Room
Burnaby SH 1000

Resulting email address:



Reservation Policy

When a booking is requested...

  • Automatically accept all bookings: Choosing this setting will enable the room/resource account to automatically accept all reservations, including conflicts. As an example, you would likely use this setting for a departmental vacation calendar.

  • Automatically accept all bookings unless busy (avoid double bookings): Choosing this setting will enable the room/resource account to automatically accept all reservations, unless there is already an existing conflicting reservation. Essentially, this would avoid double bookings for the room/resource account. If a user attempts to place a reservation where a another reservation already exists, the user will receive a message indicating that their reservation has been declined. 

    Please note that room/resource managers (share recipients with 'Delegate' access) will override this feature when they make reservations directly on the room/resource account's calendar.

    *** This is the setting that is used in 90% of situations, so when in doubt, set it to this.

  • Room/resource manager manually accepts/declines bookings; auto decline if busy: Choosing this setting allows the room/resource manager to manually accept or decline reservations. The system will automatically decline new booking requests that conflict with accepted reservations.

  • Room/resource manager manually accepts/declines all bookings; no automation: Choosing this setting allows the room/resource manager to manually accept or decline reservations. This would allow people to request to book a resource that was already booked at a certain time and the room manager could then choose to accept it.

Automatically decline repeating reservations: Check this checkbox if you would like the account to automatically decline any series of repeating reservations. Note that this option cannot be chosen in combination with 'Room/resource manager manually accepts/declines all bookings; no automation'.

Who can request bookings?

  • Allow all 間眅埶AV users to request bookings: Choosing this setting allows anyone with an 間眅埶AV Connect account to request a reservation on this room/resource.

  • No one is allowed to request bookings: Choosing this setting restricts reservations to only the room/resource managers. Other staff and faculty must contact the room/resource manager directly to request reservations.

  • Allow only the following 間眅埶AV users to request bookings: Choosing this setting restricts reservations to only the 間眅埶AV users specified in the field below. Other staff and faculty not on the 'allow' list must contact the room/resource manager directly to request reservations. Enter the 間眅埶AV email addresses of the users who are allowed to reserve the room/resource. 間眅埶AV maillists cannot be used in this field at this time.

Owner Information

Enter the computing ID of the resource account owner, who will be able to log into the location/resource account through their personal account through OWA and manage the Resource Scheduling Settings for the account. 

Note: After your room/resource account has been created in 間眅埶AV Mail, shares from this account will need to be manually created by the resource account owner to other room/resource managers using the instructions to Share a location/resource calendar with a manager.

Assigned Account ID and Display Name (appears on confirmation screen)

The Account ID and Display Name fields only appear in the confirmation screen that appears after submitting the request form. These two fields are automatically assigned to the account by the migration request system after you submit the details of the room/resource account, and cannot be edited.

Account ID: The Account ID will be used for signing into the account, as well as the email address of the account.

Display Name: The Display Name is what will appear as the name of the room/resource when retrieved as a search result under either Find Locations (for rooms) or Find Resources (for all other resources). This enables 間眅埶AV Connect users to search by the Common Name of the room/resource and/or by the room number.