
Sharing & Delegation

Learn about how you can delegate your account and share mail folders and calendars with your colleagues.

A guide to Sharing and Delegation

Need some guidance on whether to set up delegation or sharing permissions?
See the table below for common workflows and potential solutions.

Scenario Possible solution
I need to view a colleague's calendars
to view the appointments within that calendar.
Have your colleague share their calendar with
you, giving you Full Details permission level.
I need to edit meetings/appointments on
behalf of a colleague, but do not want to
receive meeting invitations on their behalf.
Have your colleague share their
with you, giving you
Editor permission level.
I need to fully manage a colleague's
calendar, including receiving meeting invitiations
and responses on their behalf.
Your colleague will need to share
their calendar
with you,
providing you Delegate permission level.
My colleague and I both manage a mail folder
that contains items pertinent to both of our work.
The owner of this mail folder (the account
the folder was originally created in) will
need to share that mail folder with whoever
requires access to it, and provide the appropriate
permission level.
I need to be able to send email messages
on behalf of a colleague's account.
Your colleague will need to provide you
delegate permissions
to their email account. 
I need to be able to send email messages
as a colleague's account.
A request to enable Send As permissions will need to
be sent to the Exchange Administrators in IT Services
by your department's technical support staff.  

Delegation (Send on Behalf Of)

This section provides instructions on how to set up and use the Send on Behalf Of feature in 間眅埶AV Mail.

Sharing Mail Folders

Learn how to both share your folders with your colleagues as well as how to accept and view folders that have been shared with you.

Sharing Calendars

The links below provide instructions on how to both share your calendar and accept and view calendars shared with you.