
CREATE Projects


Our objectives are to develop tools and methodologies that will be used to understand and analyze technologies and policies that will impact decarbonization pathways in the transportation sector.

The research utilizes state-of-the-art atmospheric physics and chemistry modelling platforms for the local case studies. Transportation accounts for one-third of GHGs in Canada, the US and worldwide, impacting air quality and health in many regions. Decarbonization pathways include technological advances in powertrain systems (electrification, alternative carbon-free fuels), modes (public transit, ride-hailing, ride-sharing, active transportation, bike sharing), and policies (zero-emission zones, congestion charging, parking fees).

We are looking into building innovative models capable of capturing the complexities and interactions of multiple decarbonization initiatives in communities of different scales for an optimized solution relevant to local conditions. Here our past and current projects are intrdocued for better understanding of the research group objectives. 




The CREATE lab is preparing to release Canadian Urban Transportation Emission Calculator (CUTEC) based on the US EPA MOVES by the end of 2024, designed to streamline and enhance emission calculations for transportation. The code will offer fast, reliable, and user-friendly solutions for gridding, speciation, and generating input files for chemical transport models. Stay tuned for updates!

Synopsis of the project goes here.


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Green Campus: Decarbonizing University Operations with Smart Energy, Integrated Scheduling, and Sustainable Commuting


CREATE's upcoming project combines insights from sustainable urban transportation research with building energy consumption, creating an integrated platform tailored for institutions with fluctuating building occupancy rates, such as academic campuses. In collaboration with University Canada West (UCW), the project will utilize UCW's campus buildings and student population to deploy and refine the modeling and optimization tool.

Synopsis of the project goes here.


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FTIR and Particle Number Count - PEMS Experimental studies 


In the research on FTIR-PEMS, an advanced instrument is employed to measure the diverse range of exhaust emissions, including regulated and non-regulated pollutants, particle count, and CO2, from emerging alternative vehicle technologies. The aim is to optimize a data-driven model to identify specific decarbonization strategies for light-duty transportation in urban areas.


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Images are from Wellons Canada

Biomass fuel quality impact on efficiency, emissions, and criteria air contaminants of heat and power generation


As of 2014, Canada has approximately 70 biomass-generating power plants with a total installed capacity of 2,408 MW1. British Columbia has the largest share of Canada's bioenergy installed generating capacity. 

This project will investigate the effects of fuel quality, plant operating characteristics, energy demand, and weather on performance, efficiency, emissions, and dispersion of pollutants in a biomass-burning heat generation facility that serves ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Burnaby Mountain campus. The research will develop numerous technology guidelines (plant operation, cycle control parameters, fuel procurement, aftertreatment system), policy directions (technical and environmental feasibility, plant placement, emissions), and training of interns in a multidisciplinary, multifaceted research and industrial environment.

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Utilizing Bike Sharing as an Equitable, Accessible, and Sustainable Urban Mobility Option


New research directions are in diversified opportunities needed for communities to reduce personal vehicle use and associated emissions under a changing climate, accounting for the fact that climate solutions are highly heterogeneous and depend on an area's climate, geography, social and economic context, and local values. A partnership was formed to fill the knowledge gap of the bike-sharing system's role, extent, potential, and limitations to provide a viable community-based urban mobility decarbonization option.

The objectives of the research are to quantify the impacts of increased bike share on GHG emissions and to explore the potential and extent of the bike-sharing system's impact on equitable access to urban mobility, vehicles' electrification infrastructure needs, and overall urban mobility experience.

Community-based alternative urban transportation decarbonization pathways and co-benefits for climate resilience, air quality, health, and equity


At CREATE, we are collaborating with Action on Climate (ACT), ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's Chris Buse, UBC's , and to explore urban transportation decarbonization options that are community-centred and developed. We are using extensive data from communities in the City of Burnaby and Metro Vancouver, combined with state-of-the-art modelling tools, to identify opportunities and investigate their impact on communities' resilience. Health impact analysis and environmental justice are key outputs of our mobility recommendations.

Global NEWS

Urban Transportation Emissions and GHGs; Technologies and Behavioral Shifts Towards Zero Emissions


Mobility options towards zero emissions 2050 targets are numerous and interconnected. Technologies include hybrid electric, plug-in hybrid, electric fuel cells. Autonomous vehicles and connected vehicles provide further opportunities for emission reduction. The project aims at understanding emerging technologies’ impact on GHGs and air pollution in a cold climate city. It includes studies based on Iteris (traffic data and analytics provider) data, City of Edmonton traffic output, emission measurement campaign data, and physics-based urban atmosphere modelling.

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Buttom-up emission inventories as an essential element of the modeling system 

Emission inventories are extensive data collection that provides information on releasing any substance into the atmosphere with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Our research group has developed and studied emission inventories for large cities. The inventory often includes detailed traffic and transportation activities, fleet composition, and industrial sources. The minimum time resolution is one hour, and geometries are divided into 1 km × 1 km cells. Species include CO, HC, NOx (NO, NO2), PM (TSP, PM2.5, PM10), NH3, SOx, CO2.

The objective is to generate a tool that has the most updated set of data, is calibrated with sensors, is sensitive to changes in climate and is highly localized. The toll can be used effectively to develop policies in any location to achieve clean air targets or zero GHG emission targets. The tool enables policymakers to investigate the impact of each policy on emissions. It is also used as an input to air pollution dispersion models. Innovative methods are used to improve the accuracy of emission inventories and use them as training datasets for emission projection using machine learning.

Tools such as , , and generate emission profiles and speciate substances.

Direct and inverse air pollution and GHGs dispersion models

Due to chemical reactions in the earth’s atmosphere, mass transport mechanisms, and active weather changes, emissions are dispersed, changed, and reacted in the urban atmosphere. We use a combined and modelling system to investigate dispersions, study the impact of emission changes on concentrations,  and analyze the effects of technology and policy shifts on local communities’ air quality and GHGs. The inverse modelling tool with data assimilation and optimization is used to improve the quality and accuracy of emission inputs and perform sensitivity analysis. The is currently is used.

Emission and energy consumption of vehicles in real-world

Laboratory environments are highly controlled experimental facilities that do not represent the real-world behaviour of vehicle technologies. The laboratory for vehicle energy consumption and emission measurements is ideal for the repeatability of experimental results and certification processes. Vehicles tend to behave differently in real-environment due to changes in weather conditions, driving cycles, and maintenance states. It has been found that the energy consumption and battery range of electric vehicles have significant geographical heterogeneities. We test many vehicle technologies on the road using our experimental portable measurement systems to quantify accurate emission factors for any local conditions used in the emission inventory projects.

Source apportionment using chemical analyses of particles

We are collaborating with other research groups and analytical chemistry labs to identify the chemical composition of air aerosols. Particulate collection campaigns have been done in many cities. Labs in the US and Europe conduct analytical chemistry tests. Results signify the contribution of sources to the chemical composition of particles. The emission sources that are not counted in emission inventories are identified. We use positive matrix formulation and chemical mass balance for source apportionment studies.  

Alternative combustion modes

The research group has been active in experimental and modelling studies of alternative combustion modes of HCCI, PCCI, and RCCI combustion to reduce NOx and PM of combustion and increase efficiencies. We test alternative bio-sourced, carbon-free, and hydrogen in alternative combustion modes. The recent work has focused on biomethane scape from the combustion chamber of a dual-fuel RCCI combustion engine by numerical simulation using ANSYS Fluent.

Collaborative Projects

Our research group has been actively involved in collaborative research projects with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Paul-Scherer Institute, Switzerland, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (TPH),  University of Karlsruhe (Germany), Landshut University (Germany), and Grenoble University (France). The collaborations have enabled our graduate students to access the latest experimental facility and world-class researchers in their respected fields. The recent collaborative projects are with the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Image: Fleet emission testing using OPUS remote sensing, Summer 2020, CASA collaboration

Sustainable Fleet Management

The University of Alberta is managing a fleet of 170 vehicles. University of Alberta sustainability funds the project. We collaborate with Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti (PI) and Dr. Bob Koch (co-PI), providing our expertise in emission measurement and analyses.

Image: The road to zero-emission freight transport in Alberta

Blue-hydrogen -diesel dual-fuel (HD2F) technology development

The project is funded by Alberta Innovates, The University of Alberta, and the Hydrogen Hub. It includes the development of an extensive high-capacity engine test cell developed with hydrogen use capabilities. The objective is to increase the share of hydrogen consumption in the class 8 long-haul truck sector of Alberta, so the hydrogen infrastructure will be ready to introduce pure hydrogen fuel cell trucks. Alberta is moving towards zero carbon emission solutions for long-haul truck applications by introducing the first two fuel cell hydrogen trucks in the AZETEC project.

The project is led by Dr. Bob Koch as PI, with Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti (co-PI). We provide expertise in combustion and emissions. Our research lab has contributed to the design and development of test cell facilities.

Image: A schematic of platooning testing in Alberta

Truck Platooning Emissions

Alberta Motor Truck Association (AMTA) is conducting a real-world trial of truck platooning (two class 8 trucks, lead and follower) in Alberta roads. Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti is the lead PI to study the impact of platooning on emissions and fuel consumption. We provide our emission measurement and data collection expertise to the project.

Image: A schematic of the experimental setup at the University of Alberta

Soot tendency of biojets

Biojets are emerging alternative fuels for the aviation industry to reduce the carbon footprint of extensive fossil fuel use. Prof. Koch at the University of Alberta is leading an experimental campaign on conducting sooting intensities of a biojet flame. We are collaborating on the design of the experimental setup and emission measurement.