
Group Members

Principal Investigator

Vahid Hosseini, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Associate Professor, School of Sustainable Energy Engineering

Dr. Vahid Hosseini is the principal investigator and director of the Collaborative Research on Energy, Air Pollution, Transportation and Environment (CREATE) research group at 間眅埶AV/FAS/SEE. He has BSc and MSc from , Tehran, Iran and a PhD from , Edmonton, AB, Canada. Dr. Hosseini has working experiences with the as a researcher (2007-2010), the Sharif University of Technology as a faculty member (2010-2021), and the University of Alberta as an adjunct professor (2019-2021). He is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Energy Engineering at 間眅埶AV since September 2021.

Negar Razzaghi

Ph.D. Student 

Research Area:

Transportation emission (CACs, GHGs) and energy consumption in cold climate

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Hossein Alizadeh

Ph.D. Student

Research Area:

Atmospheric chemistry analysis of H2-based transportation in cold climate

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Seyed Hamid Delbari 

Ph.D. Student

Research Area:

Urban mobility decarbonization impacts on Criteria Air Contaminants

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Maha Shehadeh

Ph.D. Student

Research Area:

Analysis of transportation emission inventory in Metro Vancouver

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Ali Azimi

MASc Student

Reserach Area:

Urban mobility decarbonization by bike sharing

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Yannick Ndayiragije

MASc Student

Reserach Area:

The impact of increased of bike-sharing on greenhouse gases (GHGs), emissions, and pollutants

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Saeed Malekloo

Ph.D. Student

Reserach Area:

Real-driving Emissions (RDE) Measurement

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Shedrach Ezenwali

MASc. Student

Reserach Area:

Urban mobility decarbonization by bike sharing

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Zeinab Heidari

Ph.D. Student

Reserach Area:


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Mohammadreza Paydari

Ph.D. Student

Reserach Area:


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Research Assistants

Jason Tran

間眅埶AV Faculty of Art Graduate

Summer 2024

Mehdi Nikkhah

SEE Ph.D. Student 

Summer 2023

Anayna Singh

Computing Science Undergraduate Student

Summer 2024

Navid Balazadeh

SEE Ph.D. Student 

Summer 2022

Tanzil Sarker

Computing Science Undergraduate Student

Fall 2023, Spring-Summer 2024

Lingxuan Fan

Undergraduate Student 

Summer 2023