

This page features selected Alumni of Dr. Hosseini’s research group at various institutions, primarily the Fuel, Combustion, and Emission (FCE) research group at the Sharif University of Technology. If there is missing/incorrect information, please contact Dr. Hosseini for correction.

Kowsar IranManesh

Visiting Research Student, 2024 |  

Kowsar is a Ph.D. student, and she worked as a visiting research student (VRS) at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV/SEE/CREATE research lab. Her research as a VRS was identifying climate change resilience indicators.

Erfan Hajiparvaneh

MSc, 2023 | University of Alberta

Erfan has a MSc degree in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta, jointly supervised by Prof. Bob Koch. He also supported CREATE research in Summer 2023 as an RA. 

Hossein Shahbazi 

Ph.D.  2022  |    Sharif University

Dr. Shahbazi got his PhD degree from FCE lab at Sharif University in 2022. His research interests are emission inventory development, air quality modelling and data assimilation. Hossein is also affiliated with Tehran Air Quality Control Co. 

Maryam Moradpour

Ph.D.  2020  |    Sharif University     

Dr. Moradpour obtained her Ph.D. in the FCE lab at Sharif University. She is currently a post doctoral fellow at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. 

Mohammad Taghi Zarrinkolah

Ph.D.  2022  |    Sharif University

Dr. Zarrinkolah obtianed his PhD in FCE research lab at Sharif University on alternative combustion. 

Masoud Reyhanian 

PhD, 2020

Dr. Reyhanian got his PhD in the FCE research lab at Sharif University on HCCI combustion kinetics. 

Milad Rezaie

MSc, 2020

Milad is a Ph.D. student at the , USA.

Mohammad Amin Zamani 

MSc, 2020

Mohammad Amin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Sharif University of Technology. His research field is flameless (MILD Combustion) technology. 

Hamidreza Abediasl 

MSc, 2019

Hamidreza did his M.Sc. thesis on emission analysis of NOx and particle (PM & PN). He is now a Ph.D. student at the University of Alberta. 


Ensiyeh Sadeghi-Maleki

MSc, 2020

Ensiyeh is a sessional Instructor at the University of Gonabad - Mechanical Engineering. 


Navid Balazadeh

MSc, 2019

Navid is a Ph.D. Student at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV (¶¡ÏãÔ°AV), Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE) in the VESST research lab. 

VEST research group


Sepideh Esmailirad 

PhD, 2019

Sepideh got her Ph.D. in modelling secondary organic aerosol formation from vehicle exhaust and evaporative emissions. She did one year of research at PSI in Switzerland when she experienced the time of flight mass spectrometry, smog chamber measurements, and particulate source apportionment analyses.


Majid Abdolalinezhad 

MSc, 2019

Majid did his  M. Sc. thesis on the investigation of using biofuels and their effects on the engine's fuel supply system, overall performance, and functionality.



Amin Imani  

MSc, 2019

Amin is an R&D engineer at AIRIC Co. in Tehran, Iran.



Behzad Ashjaiee  

MSc, 2018

Behzad did his M.Sc. thesis on PEMS/RDE emissions and light-duty diesel pickups. He has served as the executive assistant of the national committee in air pollution mitigation measures at Iran's department of environment. 

Saeed Malekloo  

MSc, 2018

Saeed is currently a PhD student at CREATE lab, School of Sustainable Eneregy Engineering, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 


Saeed Norouzi  

MSc, 2018

Saeed did his master on the relationship of emission and air quality to the economy. 

Reza Safavi   

BSc, 2017 

(MSc, 2020, Aachen University) 

Reza is a Ph.D. candidate at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 

S. Alireza Sharifi A.   

MSc, 2017

Ali is a Ph.D. student at Iran's University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Milad Saeedi    

MSc, 2017

Milad is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto - Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, starting 2021.

Hosna Geraei       

MSc, 2017 

Hosna is a Ph.D. student at McMaster University Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Iraj Ghofrani      

MSc, 2016

After getting his M.Sc., Iraj continued his studies at Sharif University and earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering.


Mahdi Doozandegan      

MSc, 2016

Mahdi is the founder and CEO of the first diesel particulate manufacturing company in Iran. He did his M.Sc. on developing solutions for exhaust after-treatment of diesel trucks when the sulphur content of the fuel was high. 


Samira Akbari   

MSc, 2015

Amin Hassani      

MSc, 2015

Amin got his  PhD at Sharif University of Technology, Department of Energy Engineering as of 2015. 


Farzad Esteghamat      

MSc, 2015

Farzad is the executive director at Protein Arman Jonoob (Tohfe food industries) in Iran. 

Samira Mirshi

MSc, 2015


Omid Orujlu      

MSc, 2015

Omid is the business development manager at AlaaTV, an online teaching platform in Iran.

M. Rasool Morovatiyan (PhD)      

MSc, 2014

Rasool got his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in the USA. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Computing.

Sina Voshtani      

MSc, 2014

Sina did his MSc in chemical kinetics modeling. He is a PhD student at Carleton University. 


Rachel Rahatlooei      

MSc, 2014

She did her MSc project on engine combustion modelling (Investigation of the effects of variable valve timing and lift on knock limits. She is an HVAC mechanical engineer in Stantec, Melbourne, Australia.

Touraj Tabatabaei      

MSc, 2014

Touraj did his MSc thesis on developing a SI combustion engine model code. He is an R&D engineer at Mega Motor Co. in Tehran, Iran.

Hamid Eftekharian 

MSc, 2013

Hamid's MSc degree was focused on the thermal management of cylinder heads using numerical modelling. He is a building services engineer in Stowe, Melbourne, Australia.

Pedram Falsafi      

MSc, 2012

Pedram worked on engine OBD and diagnostics for his MSc thesis. He is currently working in supply chain management advanced data analytics in Kinaxis in Ottawa, ON, Canada