
November 2022

A Climate Reckoning: The economic costs of BC’s extreme weather in 2021

A new report undertaken by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) provides a first-ever estimate of the total economic costs associated with the 2021 heat dome, wildfires, floods and landslides in British Columbia.  The study finds the total costs to be between $10.6 billion and $17.1 billion. Read the full report .

June 2022

The Pacific Water Research Centre Annual Report 2021-2022

View the full report here.



July 2021

Costing Floods and Other Extreme Events

Read the project policy brief

August 2020

The Pacific Water Research Centre Annual Report 2019-2020

View full report.  

April 2019   
Ban the Bottle ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Report 2018-2019

View full report.

April 2019
The Pacific Water Research Center Annual Report 2018

View full report. 

May 2018
Policy brief: Women and Water Security for Peacebuilding in the Arab Region

The Pacific Water Research Centre has just released their policy brief based on the discussions during the Symposium on Women and Water Security for Peacebuilding in the Arab Region on May 9 - 10, 2018.
More →

May 2018
Discussion paper: Women and Water Security for Peacebuilding in the Arab Region

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and PWRC organized the , aiming to review and advance the emerging water security gender nexus in the Arab region. A paper and summary composed by the PWRC for this symposium gives an in depth overview of the role that women in the Arab region have in water secuirty and peacebuilding within their commuities. More →

April 2018
The Pacific Water Research Centre Annual Report 2016-2017

View full report.

March 5, 2017
The Protection of Pacific Wild Salmon: Understanding potential risk factors and seeking solutions
Recommendations from a think tank of scientists

Scientists and experts from academia, First Nations, industry, non-profit organizations and government from Western Canada, Atlantic Canada, Norway, Ireland, Iceland and the US met in January 2017 to pool expertise to assess the status of Pacifc Salmon, and to advance opportunities for science-based management to address their multiple stressors. This report offers scientific findings and recommendations to Canada's Government in the hope of supporting their stated commitments as they apply to the management and conservation of wild Pacific Salmon.  More →

February 2017
A Snapshot of community Based Water Monitoring in Canada

PWRC member, Tyler Carlson (Master's Student, School of Resource and Environmental Management) with co-authors Alice Cohen and Kat Hartwig released A Snapshot of Community Based Water Monitoring in Canada.  Community-Based monitoring (CBM) is providing invaluable support to the monitoring of Canada's freshwater resources to address the diminished or inconsistent capacity of governments to monitor the health of watersheds.  Understanding the current state of CBM programs and their potential to inform decision-making is paramount. More →

October 31, 2016
Imagining Industan - Overcoming Water Insecurity in the Indus Basin

The release of "Imagining Industan - Overcoming Water Insecurity in the Indus Basin" co-edited by PWRC Executive Director Zafar Adeel garners international media attention.  In just two days, the book has received coverage from over 2,700 news outlets. 

The UNU book "appeals to the three nuclear armed powers sharing the Indus River basin - India, Pakistan and China - and Afghanistan to cease decades of conflict and self-serving policies and begin working together as never before to manage the precious resource." 

Read more: 

December 2015
Evaluating the Coquitlam Watershed Roundtable Planning Process

PWRC Member, Gillian Fielding has released a report, "Evaluating the Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable Planning Process" that examines community-based water resource management plannning in a local watershed.  More →