
Creating Safe Cities for Salmon: A Case Study of Policy Alignment with Salmon-Safe Standards: Dec 15, 2020


On 15 December 2020, Salmon-Safe BC in partnership with the Pacific Water Research Centre (PWRC) hosted a presentation of policy research conducted by PWRC member and Masters of Resource Management (Planning) candidate Andrea McDonald. Her presentation summarized the findings of her Masters research that is working to identify alignment between Indigenous, Federal, Provincial, and Local government policy and the objectives and standards of the Salmon-Safe Urban BC Program. 

Through her research, McDonald has identified a mosaic of urban development and riparian protection standards across the region. Her presentation highlighted both the progress the region has made toward improving and strengthening development standards to mitigate impacts on water resources and fish habitat, and the current weaknesses and gaps that still exist. To conclude the presentation, McDonald outlined the detailed insights she received during the interview portion of her research project. These insights and the findings from her policy analysis emphasize the need for a watershed scale approach to rainwater management, better communication and multi-level government collaboration, and the strengthening of urban development standards to better align with those of Salmon-Safe to create safer cities for salmon. A final report of her findings will be publicly available by the Spring of 2021. 

Watch the full webinar .This webinar is part of Salmon-Safe BC's three part series called Salmon-Safe Community Dialogues. For more information on the series, visit the .

For any questions, comments, or feedback on Andrea McDonald's research please reach out at andrea_mcdonald_3@sfu.ca. 

For more information on the Pacific Water Research Centre, reach out to us on , , , or .

Please register for the event through Salmon-Safe BC or click .