

This constitution was approved by the members of the 間眅埶AV PDA on June 19 2019.

Article I: Name and Definitions 

  1. The organization shall be named the 間眅埶AV Postdoctoral Association and will also be identified using the acronym 間眅埶AV PDA or PDA.
  2. In compliance with the Postdoctoral Fellows Policy (R 50.03), Postdoc refers to any individuals appointed to undertake advanced research and professional development at 間眅埶AV beyond a doctorate, in association with one or more 間眅埶AV faculty members for a limited period of time.
  3. Executive Council refers to the governance board of the PDA.
  4. Executive refers to a member of the Executive Council.  

Article II: Vision 

The overarching goal of the PDA is the improvement of the postdoctoral experience at 間眅埶AV (間眅埶AV). Toward this goal, the PDA will advocate for improvements in the Universitys policies related to postdoctoral training, working conditions, and social benefits. In addition, the PDA will work to strengthen the postdoctoral community at 間眅埶AV by enhancing engagement in University governance, as well as organizing events and initiatives to increase social support, wellbeing, and services to postdoctoral-association. We envision building and maintaining a strong community in which postdoctoral-association enjoy rights and privileges similar to other research and academic positions at 間眅埶AV, such as: fair compensation and benefits, a supportive social network, and effective professional development opportunities.  

Article III: Mission Statement 

  1. The mission of the PDA is to build the community described in the vision statement above (Article II). Toward this goal, the PDA will:
  2. Represent all postdoctoral-association at 間眅埶AV by acting as a collective voice for members on issues relevant, but not limited to postdoctoral policy, guidelines, and services at 間眅埶AV;
  3. Build and maintain a strong, caring, and supportive postdoctoral community by providing support services for members and facilitating communication and interaction among members via social and networking events or other initiatives;
  4. Act as the primary liaison between the postdoctoral community and the 間眅埶AV administration by meeting with administrators, in particular the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), to advocate for improved working conditions, training opportunities, and integration in 間眅埶AVs community;
  5. Organize career development events and knowledge transfer initiatives for members.
  6. Distribute information of relevance and share resources of utility to the postdoctoral community at 間眅埶AV;
  7. Solicit information about the experiences and views of our members via surveys and other means to ensure appropriate representation of the interests of members; 

Article IV: Membership

Section I: Eligibility

All postdoctoral-association engaged in research and/or academic duties at 間眅埶AV in compliance with the Postdoctoral Fellows Policy (R 50.03), are automatically considered members of the PDA, and are granted all rights afforded members under this Constitution. Membership ceases immediately upon the end or termination of an individuals postdoctoral contract at 間眅埶AV.

Section II: Rights of PDA Members

All members of the PDA shall have the right to: 

  1. Vote in any election or referendum conducted by the PDA;
  2. Be nominated and elected to any of the positions on the PDA Executive Council;
  3. Propose an amendment to this Constitution or to the bylaws.

Article V: Governance and Administration

Section I: The PDA Executive Council

  1. The PDA Executive Council shall be composed of PDA members elected in accordance with this Constitution. The governance and administration of the PDA shall be the sole responsibility of the elected officials that make up the Executive Council. 
  2. Any executives may resign at any time by submitting a letter of resignation to the Executive Council. An executive will automatically resign from office upon termination of their appointment at 間眅埶AV.
  3. An executive may be removed from office by a resolution passed by a minimum two-thirds vote of the council.
  4. If the office of President becomes vacant, one of the executives shall become the Acting President until such time as a new President is elected. If any other executive office becomes vacant, the duties of that office will be assumed by other executives of the PDA, until the next election.
  5. The executives shall vote number of the seats in the Executive Council. It should at least be composed by three members.

Section II: Duties of the Executive Council 

The Executive Council shall perform the general duties of governance and administration of the PDA. The Executive Council must assure the continuity of the association by transferring knowledge and experience to the next elected council. Specific duties of the members of the Executive Council must be decided by the executives. The elected positions on the PDA Executive Council and their respective duties shall be, but may not be restricted to the following ones:

  1. The president shall serve as the primary representative of the members of the PDA and play a lead role in setting the priorities of the Executive Council and ensuring adherence to this Constitution. The President is responsible for ensuring the effective and efficient functioning of the Executive Council and the continuity of the PDA.
  2.  Conduct all financial transactions on behalf of the PDA and manage all of PDAs financial accounts including the storage and sharing of financial records as needed and in accordance with 間眅埶AV policy.
  3. Act as public relations officer and, whenever possible, shall be the PDA liaison to the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars, other postdoctoral associations, off-campus groups, government agencies, granting agencies, and the public at large.
  4. Be responsible for disseminating information of importance to postdoctoral-association, including maintenance of the PDA email database, the PDA homepage, and official PDA social media accounts.
  5. Be committed to advocating for postdoc benefits and supporting the PDA members regarding 間眅埶AV policies related to postdoctoral employment status and working conditions.

Article VI: PDA Calendar Year and Elections 

  1. The PDA shall operate on the academic year that runs from August to July of each year. The election of a new PDA Executive Council shall occur annually at the end of the academic year. Ideally, the elections should occur at the end of June, in order to allow one month of transition and knowledge transfer from the current to the new Executive Council. 
  2. The new Council shall take over duties on August 1st of that year. Under special circumstances, the Executive Council may, by a simple majority vote of the executives, extend once the transfer of power to the new Executive Council for a period no longer than one additional month. 
  3. The Executive Council can decide after a unanimous vote, the anticipation of the election in case of resignation of half or more of the executives.

Article VII: Bylaws

The Association can adopt Bylaws that supplement, interpret, and are in accord with this Constitution.

Article VIII: Supremacy of the Constitution 

This Constitution shall be supreme to the Bylaws of the PDA or any other rules or regulations enacted by the PDA Executive Council. 

Article X: Amendment of the Constitution 

This Constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the PDA members who vote in a referendum called by the PDA President following the approval of a proposal for amendment to the Constitution by the Executive Council.