


March 7, 2005

Revision Date

June 1, 2021


GP 36

Mandated Review

June 1, 2026

Policy Authority:               Vice-President, Finance and Administration

Associated Procedures:   Use of University Space Booking Pre-Screening Procedures; and Use of University Space Risk Assessment Procedures


This policy and its associated procedures guide the booking and use of University Space so it that it can be used efficiently and responsibly in ways consistent with the core values of academic freedom and freedom of expression without compromising the physical safety of University Community members or event attendees and without compromising the Universitys facilities or reputation.  The booking of University Space is managed by Booking Offices.  All booking and use of University Space must be undertaken in compliance with the booking pre-screening procedures and the risk assessment procedures under this policy.  Requests to book University Space may be denied, or the booking may be subject to conditions, or limitations, or it may be cancelled or terminated.

1.0     PREAMBLE

1.1     The University has the right to manage the use of, and access to, its interior and exterior space. The University recognizes and respects the core values of academic freedom and freedom of expression. To ensure that the Universitys activities, the safety and security of persons and facilities, and the Universitys reputation are not compromised, conditions and/or limitations may be imposed on the use of University Space.

2.0     PURPOSE

2.1     The purpose of this policy is to ensure that University Space is used efficiently and responsibly and in ways consistent with the values and priorities stated in the Preamble.


3.1     This policy and its associated procedures apply to the booking and use of all University Space for Events, to all persons managing or authorizing such booking and use, and to all persons seeking to book or use University Space.


4.1     See Appendix A for the definitions of words used in this policy and its associated procedures.

5.0     POLICY

5.1     All booking and use of University Space for Events is subject to the booking pre-screening and risk assessment processes set out in the procedures and may also be subject to approval by Safety and Risk Services and/or Student Services.  This policy must be read in conjunction with other University policies that impact on the use of University Space (see section 7.0 below).

5.2     Use of University Space is authorized and booked through several different offices and on all three campuses (Booking Offices).  Each Booking Office may manage requests for University Space using their own internal processes and policies so long as those processes and policies are consistent with the goals and practices set out in this policy, and also comply with the booking pre-screening and risk assessment processes set out in the procedures under this policy.

5.3     University departments and/or organizations may book University Space by contacting the responsible Booking Office.  Students or Student Groups wishing to use University Space for an Event or sponsor an invited group must do so through the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) or the Graduate Student Society (GSS) at 間眅埶AV.

5.4     Use of University Space by off-campus organizations or commercial interests may be authorized by a Dean or Vice President (see section 6.3, below). Alternatively, an organization or individual may be sponsored by an academic or administrative unit, or by the SFSS or GSS. Sponsorship does not guarantee approval.

5.5     The University Booking Office, department (or, where applicable, the SFSS or GSS) that manages the booking process is responsible for ensuring that users are informed of their responsibilities under this and other related University policies (see section 7.0 below) and that, where applicable, all relevant information on indemnity and liability has been communicated and all appropriate agreements concluded.

5.6     The approval of a request to book and use University Space for an Event may be subject to conditions and/or limitations. These may include, but are not limited to:

5.6.1    Date, time, and location of the event;

5.6.2    Maximum number of attendees;

5.6.3    Implementation of security measures; and

5.6.4    Liaison with University Communications and Marketing.

Space Categories and Priorities

5.7     There are categories of University Space that are for the exclusive use of the University and are not available for other uses (e.g., office space, laboratories).

5.8     Large University-wide events such as Convocation and Orientation supersede most other reservations.  Normally, the priority ranking for the use of University Space that is generally available for booking is:

5.8.1          Academic or Administrative Users;

5.8.2          Academic Invitees;

5.8.3          Student Groups; and

5.8.4          Commercial Users and Other Third Parties.


6.1     Vice-President, Finance and Administration, has oversight of this policy.

6.2     Each Booking Office that books University Space is responsible for complying with this policy and with the booking pre-screening and risk assessment processes set out in the procedures under this policy.

6.3     Each Vice-President or Dean or other person who assesses or approves the booking or use of University Space is responsible for complying with this policy and with the booking pre-screening and risk assessment processes set out in the procedures under this policy.

6.4     The sponsoring department will be responsible for ensuring all charges for costs incurred as a result of booking University Space for an off-campus organization are paid promptly. When additional services (e.g., security guards, labourers, projectionists, etc.) are provided, the sponsoring department will be billed by the University department that performs the service. In all cases, the sponsor is responsible for ensuring that all charges incurred by an on- or off-campus organization are paid promptly and becomes liable for any charges left unpaid 30 days following invoice.

6.5     Off campus organizations will not be permitted to charge admission to any function or to collect monies from persons attending an event held in University Space for which no rental fee is being paid.


7.1     The legal and other University Policy authorities and agreements that may bear on the administration of this policy and may be consulted as needed include but are not limited to:

7.1.1          University Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 468

7.1.2          Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165

7.1.3          間眅埶AVs Statement on Values and Commitments

7.1.4          間眅埶AVs Statement on Academic Freedom

7.1.5          Commercial Activities and Advertising (AD 1-6)

7.1.6          Selling, Serving and Advertising of Controlled Substances (AD 1-12)

7.1.7          Control and Scheduling of Athletic Facilities (AD 1-17)

7.1.8          Indemnity Approval Policy (AD 3-14)

7.1.9          Display of Notices, Posters, Advertisements on Campus (AD 13-5)

7.1.10      Unscheduled Cancellation of Classes (GP 04)

7.1.11      Visiting Film Companies (GP 14)

7.1.12      Control of Smoking and Other Tobacco and Cannabis Use on Campus (GP 16)

7.1.13      Human Rights Policy (GP 18)

7.1.14      Response to Violence and Threatening Behaviour (GP 25)

7.1.15      Student Conduct Policy (S10.05)


8.1     The information and records made and received to administer this policy are subject to the access to information and protection of privacy provisions of British Columbias Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Universitys Information Policy series.


9.1     Information and records made and received to administer this policy are evidence of the Universitys actions to manage the booking and use of University Space.  Information and records must be retained and disposed of in accordance with a records retention schedule approved by the University Archivist.


10.1   This policy must be reviewed every five years and may always be reviewed as needed.


11.1   This policy is administered under the authority of the Vice-President, Finance and Administration.


12.1   Questions of interpretation or application of this policy or its procedures shall be referred to the Vice-President, Finance and Administration, whose decision shall be final.


13.1   Appendix A contains the definitions applicable to this policy and its associated procedures.

13.2   The procedures for this policy are:

13.2.1      Use of University Space Booking Pre-Screening Procedures; and

13.2.2      Use of University Space Risk Assessment Procedures.