Filling of Positions
March 1, 1970
Revision Date
January 1, 2006
AD 9.03
Revision No.
General Policy Statement
The following policy provides for the establishment of employment relationships and the conclusion of appointments and sets out the applicable procedural requirements for all employment categories under the control of the Executive Director, Human Resources (see AD 9-1).
3.01 University Support Staff -- an individual with a bonafide employment relationship with the University, whose terms are detailed in an offer of employment governed by Human Resources Employment Policies. This does not include individuals employed under academic employment policies or individuals who may work at or about 間眅埶AV but who are employed by other agencies such as, but not limited to, the following: The Simon Fraser Student Society, The Diamond University Club, various grant or contract holders (ref. GP 12 "grant employees"), independent contractors and other institutes operating independently of 間眅埶AV. University support staff may also be referred to as employees.
3.02 Continuing Position -- a position approved by the appropriate University authority as part of a department's continuing personnel complement. Normally such positions are funded directly from the University's recurring operating budget. The definition of continuing position may also be extended to special cases such as internally generated revenue positions and special non-operating grants where the University has determined that the position should be considered part of the University complement. There may be different criteria established within specific collective agreements. In such cases, the respective agreement definitions will govern.
Note: The definition of continuing position applies to the position and not to the terms of filling the position, i.e. a continuing position may be filled on a temporary basis.
3.03 Temporary Position -- a position approved by the appropriate University authority and is in addition to or a replacement for the established continuing personnel complement. Normally, such positions are funded by limited and dedicated budget sources (such as non-research grants and contracts) outside the University's general budget and/or where the University has established a temporary position within the general operating budget. Temporary positions are normally filled by temporary appointments.
3.04 Continuing Employee -- an employee with an appointment with no end date.
3.05 Temporary Employee -- an employee with an appointment with an end date except where she/he will be returning to an appointment without an end date following the termination of the temporary assignment.
3.06 Full-time Employee -- a continuing or a temporary employee appointed to seventy-two (72) hours bi-weekly on a regular basis.
3.07 Part-time Employee -- a continuing or a temporary employee appointed to work less than seventy-two (72) hours bi-weekly on a regular basis.
3.08 Departmental Budget Authority -- that individual who has been authorized in writing to have signing authority over the budget funds in question and includes an individual who has authority over regular operating budgets as well as those who have authority over special non-research grants and contracts.
3.09 Posting -- an internal advertisement for a vacant position. Postings are derived from job descriptions and usually contain information such as: position title, position number, salary, hours of work, typical duties and required qualifications and abilities. Postings are displayed on designated bulletin boards on campus for a minimum of five (5) working days.
3.10 Short List -- a list of some of the applicants to a vacant position. A short list usually contains the names of applicants who meet the minimum qualifications or who have the best qualifications and who will be interviewed for the positio
4.01 Filling Continuing Positions
The filling of continuing positions with confirmed salary classifications requires Departmental budget authority approval.4.02 Filling Temporary Positions
The filling of temporary positions requires Departmental budget authority approval and a determination by the Executive Director, Human Resources of the appropriate employment category and benefit eligibility.4.03 Approval of Appointments
The appointment to all University support staff positions may be approved by the President or may from time to time be delegated by the President to other line authorities.All offers of employment must be approved in advance by the Executive Director, Human Resources. No one can commit the University to an employment relationship without the prior approval of the Executive Director, Human Resources.
All appointments shall be reported annually to the Board of Governors for information by Human Resources.
5.01 Filling Continuing Positions
Departments intending to fill a continuing position with a confirmed salary classification are required to forward to Human Resources a Personnel Action Requisition (FAD 9-10), a job description and a Separation Notice (HRS 02-92) where a replacement is requested, a minimum of five working days prior to the required posting date.
Human Resources will recruit for the position. This includes on- campus posting and may include off-campus advertisement as required. If requested Human Resources will short list the candidates for review and selection by the requesting department. The selection of candidates must comply with the terms of collective agreements or the provisions of this policy for administrative and professional employees.
5.02 Filling Temporary Positions
Departments intending to fill a temporary position must provide a description of the duties and responsibilities of the position and complete a Personnel Action Requisition (FAD 9-10) which must be forwarded to the Staffing Consultant in Human Resources a minimum of five working days prior to the required start date.
Human Resources will determine the appropriate employment category i.e. under the terms of a collective agreement, AD 9 policies or subject to a contract of employment (see AD 9-2, Addendum A). Human Resources will also determine the appropriate salary and benefit conditions.
Human Resources will recruit for the position. This includes on- campus posting and may include off-campus advertisement as required. If requested, Human Resources will short list the candidates for review and selection by the requesting department. The selection of candidates must comply with the terms of collective agreements or the provisions of this policy for administrative and professional employees.
Departments intending to extend a temporary position are required to complete another Personnel Action Requisition and forward it to the Staffing Consultant in Human Resources in advance of the extension period.
- Entitlement
6.01 All continuing University support staff will have their employment relationship and conditions of employment set out in a written offer of employment (as amended in writing from time to time) approved by Human Resources.
- All incumbents in positions which fall within a certified bargaining unit shall be governed exclusively by the provisions of the applicable collective agreement and this shall be noted in the employment offer.
- All non-unionized incumbents in continuing positions which are represented by the Administrative and Professional Staff Association will be governed exclusively by the Human Resources Employment Policies, Section AD 9 (as amended in writing from time to time) and this shall be noted in the employment offer.
- All non-unionized incumbents in continuing positions excluded from the Administrative and Professional Staff Association and all temporary administrative and professional employees will be governed by contracts of employment.
Note: The provisions for contracts of employment are attached as Addendum A to Policy AD 9-2.Note: The following (6.02 to 6.06) apply to administrative and professional staff only.
6.02 Vacancies for continuing positions and temporary positions greater than three months will be posted. Normally positions will be filled internally.
6.03 External candidates may be appointed to the University provided that a thorough search for qualified internal candidates has been conducted and the appointment of the external candidate can be clearly justified to and is approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources prior to the appointment.
6.04 For administrative and professional positions, the University acknowledges responsibility to develop its pool of professional talents and expects to achieve optimal utilization of this resource through a pattern of job assignments, transfers, and promotions. Where a specific recommendation regarding the transfer or promotion of an employee is made by a Dean or Director in filling a position represented by the Administrative and Professional Staff Association, and where this has been approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources, the usual practice of posting the vacancy will not be followed. In these cases the Administrative and Professional Staff Association will be notified.
6.05 Upon written request, any internal applicant for a posted position will be notified in writing by the department of the reasons he/she did not receive the position. This request should be made within two weeks of being notified that he/she was unsuccessful in the competition.
6.06 When an employee hired as a temporary employee becomes a continuing employee in the same position without a break in service, the employee's service will be considered to be continuous for purposes of vacation entitlement, sick leave entitlement, salary progression, and service awards and for satisfying any waiting periods required for insured benefits.
- All incumbents in positions which fall within a certified bargaining unit shall be governed exclusively by the provisions of the applicable collective agreement and this shall be noted in the employment offer.