
Supplementary Course Fees


November 21, 1995

Revision Date


AD 3.12

Revision No.


This policy sets out the definition of credit instruction to be covered by tuition fees and mandatory supplementary course fees and the process by which such fees will be introduced or changed, published and collected.

Generally, the costs of providing instruction will be covered by the base budget. Although instructional costs vary from program to program, a standard tuition fee or graduate fee unit is assessed in most programs. Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the Board of Governors (e.g. differential fees for professional programs or international students).

Occasionally, additional instructional expenses will be incurred that are of such a nature as to warrant the establishment of a mandatory supplementary course fee.


This policy will apply to all graduate and undergraduate programs.


It is the intention of the University to be consistent in its provision of instruction to students across programs and to make known to the student, to the extent possible, the total cost of materials and services necessary for the completion of a program. The total cost to a student is a composite of the tuition fee per credit hour or per graduate fee unit, additional mandatory fees which are assessed in addition to the basic tuition fee, and the cost of optional materials or services which the student may use or purchase from a variety of sources. This policy addresses the mechanism by which mandatory fees are introduced and changed via the Advisory Committee on Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees and the way in which mandatory fees must be published. The policy also addresses the way in which the total package of materials and services necessary for the completion of a program be communicated to students via the Course Outline.

Section 6 specifies the criteria that must be met before an instructional expense may be compensated by charging a mandatory supplemental fee.

The procedures to be followed when applying for approval of a mandatory supplementary fee are provided in Section 9.


  1. Credit instruction will include the following:

    1.1 Evaluation of work or performance, such as marking of papers and exams.

    1.2 Laboratory use, including materials and supplies that are consumed during laboratory use. Departments may charge a refundable deposit fee for materials that are used by the student during the course and returned to the University in reasonable condition at the end of the course.

    1.3 Basic Library facilities including one library card and access to collections.

    1.4 Basic microcomputer laboratory use.

    1.5 Materials or services required as a result of the method of instruction such as audiovisual equipment, course outlines, study rooms and films and video tapes that are integral to the instruction and do not become the property of the student.

  1. Optional Supplementary Course Fees

                2.1 Although this policy does not set out a fee structure for optional supplementary course fees, a definition is provided: optional materials and services may be provided in a department for discretionary use by the student. For example, a department may charge a fee for use of the departmental photocopier or FAX machine. It may also provide additional instructional reading material over and above the required text(s) or prepared course package In addition to items supplied by the department for discretionary purchase by the student, there may be other items required for successful completion of the course which the student may purchase at a variety of sources (e.g. dissecting kits and laboratory coats). The Course Outline should carry a description of optional materials available to the student, with, wherever possible, a cost estimate.
  1. Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees

      3.1 Mandatory course supplementary fees are those that are assessed in addition to basic tuition and are deemed necessary for the successful completion of the course. Mandatory supplementary course fees are considered for approval by the Vice- President Finance and Administration, following the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees. This includes fees associated with field trips.

  1. Approval Process for Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees

      4.1 The Advisory Committee on Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees will be composed of a representative from each of Financial Services, the Office of the Registrar, an Academic Administrator, a Departmental Assistant, an Undergraduate Student and a Graduate Student. The Vice-President Finance and Administration will provide a representative from Financial Services. The Vice President Academic will provide a representative from Faculty Administration, the Office of the Registrar and the Departmental Assistants. The Student Society will provide student representatives.

      4.2 Proposals to change or introduce new fees will be considered effective for the Fall semester and must be brought forward to the Committee by December 1 of the previous year in order that they be published in the Calendar and Course Timetable.

      4.3 Mandatory Course Supplementary Fees, in addition to disclosure in the Calendar and Course Timetable, must be listed in the Course Outline.

      4.4 Only those fees that have been approved by the Advisory Committee and published in the Calendar and Tabloid may be levied.

      4.5 The level of an approved mandatory supplementary course fee will be set so as to generate cost recoveries that match but do not exceed the costs used to justify the fee.

  1. Printed Material/Software/Audio Visual Tapes

      5.1 Photocopied material, prepared computer disks and audiovisual tapes may replace or enhance the use of a required text as a means of instruction. These items need not be disclosed in the Calendar or Course Timetable but must be listed on the Course Outline in order that the student be aware of the requirement.

      5.2 The Cancopy license requirement will dictate that many prepared packages will be photocopied and distributed through the Bookstore. Although this is the preferred method of distribution for photocopied packages, it may be necessary at times to photocopy and distribute some materials that are not covered by the Cancopy agreement within the department. Information about other items such as photocopied materials not covered by the agreement and prepared computer disks and audiovisual tapes must be listed in the Course Outline but need not be published in the Calendar or Course Timetable. These items must be priced no higher than that which will cover the direct cost of production. The maximum amount which may be charged for departmental photocopied material is $0.10 per page.

  1. Criteria for Establishment of a Mandatory Supplementary Course Fee

      6.1 The expenses must be necessary for successful completion of the course and

      6.2 The expenses to be compensated must be incurred by all or the great majority of students in the course and

      6.3 The expenses must be unique to the course or courses for which the fee is being considered.

  1. Examples of Justifiable Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees

    • Distance Education : packaging and mailing, broadcasting rights fees


    • Field schools : travel and accommodation fees
  1. Examples of Non-Justifiable Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees

    • equipment breakage fees


    • basic microcomputer lab fees
  1. Procedures


      9.1 To propose the establishment of or change to a mandatory supplementary fee, the Program Chair/Director or Faculty Dean should complete the attached form to indicate the justification for the fee, the expected additional costs to be compensated, the fee level and the anticipated revenue from the fee. The written approval of the Dean is required in all cases.

      9.2 The form will be submitted to the Chair of the Advisory Committee on Mandatory Supplementary Course Fees which will consider the proposal.

      9.3 The Advisory Committee will evaluate the fee and make a recommendation to the Vice-President Finance and Administration.