
Ethical Procurement Policy


November 24, 2005

Revision Date


AD 11.21

Revision No.


¶¡ÏãÔ°AV ("University") is "an open, inclusive university whose foundation is intellectual and academic freedom"; and is committed to "engage all our communities in building a robust and ethical society."

The University is seeking to do business with organizations that manage their affairs in a manner consistent with the University’s values and commitments.


The University seeks to achieve this aim by the adoption of an ethical procurement policy that provides,

A) A Set of Guiding Principles for University purchasing practices.

B) A Set of Guidelines and Procedures which will describe the current applicable labour standards, scope of application, implementation, compliance and verification procedures and processes that are to be adhered to by Suppliers and Licensees of specified goods and services to/of the University.


University shall mean ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and its ancillary retail outlets.
Guidelines shall mean the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Guidelines and Procedures (Part B) attached of this Policy.
Ethical Procurement Committee ("EP Committee") shall mean a standing committee with multi-stakeholder representation from the University community.
Licensee shall include persons or organizations that have entered into an agreement with the University to manufacture products bearing the name, trademarks and/or images of the University.
Supplier shall include persons or organizations that are engaged in a process that results in a finished product or service that is procured for the use of or by the University.
Supply Chain shall include Supplier and/or Licensee contractors, sub-contractors, vendors or manufacturers in whatever country of manufacturing operation.
Independent third party shall mean an impartial multi-stakeholder auditing agency with international experience in labour and human rights compliance monitoring.

PART A Guiding Principles

1. University Responsibility

1.1 The University has the responsibility to ensure its corporate practices, such as supply procurement and trademark licensing, are consistent with Canada's obligations under the UN conventions on human rights as well as the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

1.2 These conventions include the right of freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, and the elimination of discrimination.

1.3 As per 1.1 the University will adopt international  ethical standards and ILO Conventions regarding minimum wages and benefits, working hours, overtime, workplace health and safety, and workplace harassment and abuse and will  incorporate them into its Guidelines and Procedures ("the Guidelines").

1.4 The University will also maintain THE ETHICAL PURCHASING COMMITTEE ("EP Committee"). The EP Committee shall have multi-stakeholder representation from the University community; including staff, student, faculty organizations and elected bodies.

1.5 The EP Committee will be mandated to advise the Administration in the implementation of the Guidelines and be an advocate for ethical purchasing practices throughout the University community.

1.6 The EP Committee will submit an annual report to the University.

1.7 To the extent that the University can more fully achieve its goals, the EP Committee  will seek cooperation with other educational institutions.

1.8 The University will be guided by the principle of transparency, consistent with the laws of British Columbia, in its ethical purchasing practices. The annual report of the EP Committee, and any Ethical Procurement Policy review results will be a matter of public record.

2. Supplier Responsibility

2.1 Standards

University Suppliers, Licensees and the supply chain must operate workplaces that comply with:

    i) UN and ILO Conventions on human and labour rights and standards as defined in the University's Guidelines.

    ii) Ethical standards of employment conditions as defined in the University's Guidelines.

    iii) Local Laws: University Suppliers must comply, at a minimum, with all applicable legal requirements of the country in which products are manufactured. Where the University's Guidelines and the applicable laws of the country of manufacture conflict or differ, the higher standard shall prevail.

2.2 Disclosure

The University believes that members of the University community and consumers of the products and services under this policy should know whether products and services are manufactured (supplied) in compliance with this policy.

A guiding principle of this Policy shall be that Suppliers and/or Licensees shall be required to give full public disclosure of corporate information consistent with the laws of British Columbia and the terms set forth in the Guidelines and Procedures.


2.3 Compliance Reporting

Before entering a relationship with the University, the Supplier and/or Licensee shall be responsible for reporting to the University that they and their Supply Chain are operating workplaces in compliance with the University's Guidelines and Procedures.

Consistent with the laws of British Columbia, Supplier and/or Licensee compliance reports will be treated as public documents.

3. Verification and Monitoring

3.1. The guiding principle for the University's Supplier and/or Licensee monitoring programs shall be the use of independent third party workplace certifications and verification reporting systems.

3.2. The University reserves the right to monitor the Supplier and/or Licensee practices, activities of the Supplier/Licensee workplaces and those within their Supply Chain in a manner consistent with the University's Guidelines. 

3.3. It shall be the responsibility of each University Supplier and/or Licensee to verify  that its workplaces and those of its Supply Chain are in compliance with the University's Guidelines.

4. Violations and Remediation

4.1. The University or its designate reserves the right to hear credible independent third party complaints regarding violations of the University's Guidelines and Procedures.

4.2. When a Supplier and/or Licensee manufacturing location is found to be in violation of the University's Code, that the University reserves the right to undertake a remediation process prior to any termination of the contract.

4.3. Violation complaint procedures and any subsequent remediation processes shall be directed by the terms of the University's Guidelines and Procedures.

5. Termination of Contract

5.1. The guiding principle for termination of contract shall be that, at the University's sole discretion, remediation processes will be undertaken prior to any termination of the University and or Supplier/Licensee relationship.

5.2. The conditions and procedures for contract termination will be governed by the Guidelines.

6. Reservations

6.1. Where a product or service is essential to University activities or operations or is of a highly specialized nature and cannot be obtained from a University Supplier in compliance with the Policy Principles and/or the Guidelines and Procedures, the University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to grant an exemption to the Policy.

PART B Guidelines and Procedures

Guidelines and Procedures are available at the website.