Graduate Student Support
The aim of the Philosophy Department is to provide financial support to all graduate students in good standing through their entire program. So far, we have been 100 per cent successful by providing a combination of different forms of support.
Teaching Assistantships (TA). In any given term, most students support themselves by working as Teaching Assistants. TAs lead the tutorial sections of large introductory courses, grade student work, and hold office hours. Current amounts are approximately $5,932 per semester for MA students: $5,227 as salary + $705 as scholarship (graduate students who are working as TAs automatically receive these sholarship funds). Students must apply for TA positions in order to be considered for them. We contact all new students in the semester before they start with all the necessary application information.
Graduate Fellowships (GF). The department has at its disposal a limited number of University Graduate Fellowships (worth about $6250 per semester) some of which we occasionally use for recruiting purposes. Most GF’s are awarded to students near the completion of their degree to free them from teaching for a term.
Research Assistantships (RA). Each summer the Department offers two RAships (at $6,000 each) and normally there are additional RAships funded by grants awarded to individual faculty members.
Graduate Entrance Scholarships. Each year the philosophy department nominates several incoming students for awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Applications for Entrance Fellowships are judged strictly on merit, with a strong emphasis on grade point average. New Applicants: Please , complete it, and include it with your supporting documents if you feel you are a plausible candidate.
We encourage all applicants to apply for external fellowships such as SSHRC and Commonwealth and others. For information on these and other awards, please see the page on the Dean of Graduate Studies website.