
Undergraduate Philosophy Programs


The Philosophy Department offers a wide range of undergraduate programs.  To discuss your particular program, please consult an advisor (see right). In order to declare any program in Philosophy, the requirement is that you have an 間眅埶AV Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, and - preferably - at least one PHIL course completed. You can e-mail the Undergraduate Advisor at philcomm@sfu.ca to request the declaration of your program option (download your ADVISING transcript from your Student Centre in gosfu and attach to e-mail) or make an appointment for an advising session. We recommend that you do that before starting on upper division courses at the latest - most of our courses have reserves for declared students.

Fall 2019: the Philosophy Department has made some  changes to various program requirements and added a new Joint Major: Business, Philosophy and the Law. Note that you can ask to be switched to the new requirements if they are preferable.

Here are links to this semester's official Academic Calendar requirements and descriptions for each program, with  for quick reference below (click to expand each heading).

Major in Philosophy 

The Philosophy Major provides students with a solid education in philosophy and with analytical skills useful for works accross all disciplines. At the lower division, students receive an introduction to the major areas of study in philosophy. At the upper division, students build on their philosophical foundation with in-depth study of philosophical topics. Areas of focus may include: History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, and Logic.


The department also offers a Major Concentration in Law and Philosophy. see below

Major in Philosophy with a Concentration in Law and Philosophy 

The department also offers a Major Concentration in Law and Philosophy. The Concentration in Philosophy and Law is a specialized path for those who intend to pursue an education and career in Law. By focusing on topics in Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy, Ethics, and Moral Theory, the Concentration in Law is directly applicable to legal theory and policy courses, giving students a strong background and a head start in Law school. Successful completion of a Major in Philosophy with a Concentration in Law will result in a special creditation on your transcript.


Honours in Philosophy

The Honours in Philosophy program is for students who are capable of self-direction and who wish to pursue advanced work in philosophy with the benefit of individual attention. Acceptance into the program is by application (available in the department office).

>> Philosophy Honours program requirements

Honours in Philosophy with a Concentration in Law and Philosophy

The Honours in Philosophy program is for students who are capable of self-direction and who wish to pursue advanced work in philosophy with the benefit of individual attention. Acceptance into the program is by application (available in the department office).

>> Philosophy Honours with Law Concentration program requirements

Joint Major in Business, Philosophy and the Law

The Business, Philosophy and the Law Joint Major allows students to combine their interests in businss, philosophy and the law. The program gives a robust exposure to the way in which business practice interacts with the law, offering students the chance to master fundamental critical reasoning skills. Students will also explore a range of theoretical and practical questions about law, ethics, policy and justice, and their interaction.


Joint Major in Philosophy and Health Sciences

The Philosophy and Health Sciences Joint Major allows students to combine their interests in Health and Disease, Global Health, Public Health, and Health Policy with study in Health Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy, in addition to acquiring a foundation in Epistemology and Metaphysics. Students interested in Philosophy of Mind, Agency, Ethics, and Social and Political Philosophy may find this program especially appealing.


Joint Major in Philosophy and Global Humanities

The Philosophy and Humanities Joint Major allows students to explore in depth the relationship between Philosophy and the Humanities. Students receive a solid grounding at the lower level of key areas of Philosophy and the great texts and key ideas of Humanities. The program is flexible at the upper division to allow students to tailor a program to suit their interests.


Minor in Philosophy 

The Minor in Philosophy is designed for students who are completing a major in another department, school, or program. With a solid grounding in core courses at the lower division, and flexibility in course selection at the upper division, the Minor allows students to tailor their program to a particular interest, for example law, language, natural or social science, history of ideas, social theory, value theory.


We also offer a new concentration for your Minor: Law and Philosophy (designed especially for students who want to be well prepared for Law School) - see below

Minor in Philosophy with a Concentration in Law and Philosophy 

The Minor in Philosophy is designed for students who are completing a major in another department, school, or program. The new concentration for your Minor: Law and Philosophy is designed especially for students who want to be well prepared for Law School.

>>  y

Double Minor in Philosophy (towards a degree without a Major)

The Double Minor in Philosophy is designed for students who wish to complete a philosophy minor in addition to another minor in a different department, school, or program (without a major). The Double Minor ensures that students receive a solid foundation in key areas of Philosophy at both the lower and upper divisions, but there is room for program customization as well.


Extended Minor in Philosophy

The Extended Minor in Philosophy is ideal for students who want a more robust foundation in Philosophy than a minor would provide, but who do not wish to complete a major. At the lower division, students study Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, Logic, and the History of Philosophy, while at the upper division, students can tailor the program to suit their interests.


Ethics Certificate

The Ethics Certificate allows students to combine an interest in Justice and Law, Business and Economics, Global Justice, Health, or the Environment with study in Ethics. 

>> Certificate in Ethics: Theory and Application

Philosophy and Methodology of Science Certificate

The aim of the Certificate is to provide students majoring in the sciences that are traditionally associated with natural philosophy (such as the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, psychology, cognitive science, etc) with the opportunity to gain philosophical insight into key   questions concerning the methodology and practice of science and to acquire core critical and philosophical reasoning skills while doing so.  

Program Checklists to Summer 2018

The Philosophy Department has made some important changes to various program requirements starting with the Fall 2015 academic calendar, and then again in Fall 2018.  The checklists below are valid for program declarations (Philosophy Major, Minor, Certificate) made before September 2018.

Student Responsibility

These checklists are provided for information only and are not official documents.  It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of faculty regulations as stated in the Calendar (see links to the most recent Calendar at each Philosophy Program above).  Departmental and faculty advisors and staff are available to give advice and guidance.  However, the ultimate responsibility for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements and for observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.

Important note: Your Major/Minor is governed by the requirements stated in the Calendar for the term in which you declared the respective program.

Philosophy Major

Philosophy Major - Law and Philosophy

Philosophy Major - Honours

Joint Major Philosophy - Health Sciences

Joint Major Philosophy - Humanities

Double Major - Philosophy Major

Second Degree Philosophy Major

Philosophy Minor

Philosophy Minor - Law and Philosophy

Philosophy Extended Minor

Philosophy Minor when graduating with a Two Minors degree (without a Major)

Philosophy Ethics Certificate

Philosophy and Methodology of Science Certificate

Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Arts and Social Sciences with a Concentration in Philosophy

Program Checklists from Fall 2018 to Summer 2019 

The Philosophy Department has made some important changes to various program requirements starting with the Fall 2018 academic calendar.  The checklists below are valid for program declarations (Philosophy Major, Minor, Certificate) between September 2018 and Fall 2019.

Student Responsibility

These checklists are provided for information only and are not official documents.  It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of faculty regulations as stated in the Calendar (see links to the most recent Calendar at each Philosophy Program above).  Departmental and faculty advisors and staff are available to give advice and guidance.  However, the ultimate responsibility for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements and for observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.

Important note: Your Major/Minor is governed by the requirements stated in the Calendar for the term in which you declared the respective program.

Philosophy Major

Philosophy Major - Law and Philosophy

Philosophy Major - Honours

Joint Major Philosophy - Health Sciences

Joint Major Philosophy - Humanities

Double Major - Philosophy Major

Second Degree Philosophy Major

Philosophy Minor

Philosophy Minor - Law and Philosophy

Philosophy Extended Minor

Philosophy Minor when graduating with a Two Minors degree (without a Major)

Philosophy Ethics Certificate

Philosophy and Methodology of Science Certificate

Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Arts and Social Sciences with a Concentration in Philosophy

 Program Checklists from Fall 2019 to Fall 2021

The Philosophy Department has made some changes to its requirements,  and established a new Joint Major: Business, Philosophy and the Law. The checklists below are valid for program declarations (Philosophy Major, Minor, Certificate) from Fall 2019 onwards. If you have declared before Fall 2019, but find the new requirements beneficial, email the Undergraduate Advisor for a change to the Fall 2019 requirements. 

Student Responsibility

These checklists are provided for information only and are not official documents.  It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of faculty regulations as stated in the Calendar (see links to the most recent Calendar at each Philosophy Program above).  Departmental and faculty advisors and staff are available to give advice and guidance.  However, the ultimate responsibility for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements and for observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.

Important note: Your Major/Minor is governed by the requirements stated in the Calendar for the term in which you declared the respective program.

Philosophy Major

Philosophy Major - Law and Philosophy Concentration

Philosophy Major - Honours

Joint Major - Business, Philosophy and the Law

Joint Major Philosophy - Health Sciences

Joint Major Philosophy - Humanities

Double Major - Philosophy Major

Second Degree Philosophy Major

Philosophy Minor

Philosophy Minor - Law and Philosophy Concentration

Philosophy Extended Minor

Philosophy Minor when graduating with a Two Minors degree (without a Major)

Philosophy Ethics Certificate

Philosophy and Methodology of Science Certificate

Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Arts and Social Sciences with a Concentration in Philosophy

Undergraduate Advisor

Mr. Jay Leardi
Office: Office: WMC 4631
Phone: 778.239.6768  
Email: philcomm@sfu.ca

Mr. Leardi handles program declarations, course enrollments and withdrawals, program requirements, general advising and administrative issues.

To book an advising appointment: 

For help with declarations, degree progress check-ins, enrollment, course permissions, or quick questions, contact Jay by email at philcomm@sfu.ca. Please include your student number.

Undergraduate Chair

Dr. Bruno Guindon
Email: philugrd@sfu.ca

Dr. Guindon can advise on course selection and help you set up a program that suits your interests. To declare any program, please see Mr. Leardi (contact details on the left).

Program Advisor, Ethics Certificate

Dr. Evan Tiffany
Office: WMC 5652
Phone: 604.377.6911
Email: etiffany@sfu.ca

Dr. Tiffany can advise on course selection and certificate options. To declare the certificate, please see Mr. Leardi (contact details on the left).

Program Advisor, Methodology of Science Certificate

Dr. Holly Andersen
Office: WMC 5606
Phone: 604.349.7807
Email: holly_andersen@sfu.ca

Dr. Andersen can advise on course selection and certificate options. To declare the certificate, please see Mr. Leardi (contact details on the left).