Kant's Transcendental Dialectic
October 7th and 8th, 2022
Organized by Dai Heide
October 7th and 8th, 2022
Organized by Dai Heide
Organised by Holly Andersen with Cody Brooks.
Further details here: Download program here: Greater Cascadia
9AM: | Keynote: Epistemic Iteration as a General Strategy of Inquiry -- Hasok Chang | Chair: Holly Andersen Abstract: In Inventing Temperature (2004) I initially presented the idea of epistemic iteration as a method of solving the problem of circularity in the justification of measurement standards. In this talk I would like to present an overview of how I have developed and extended the idea further since then. As already indicated in the original formulation, there are no inherent limits to the applicability of the iterative method. In fact, it may be impossible to avoid an iterative procedure in any process of genuine empirical learning, as inquiry must start from some basis and no set of assumptions that we take our basis of inquiry can be immune to revision. On further reflection, epistemic iteration can also be seen as an indispensable strategy in the development of ontology and methodology. In these further developments I take inspiration from the pragmatist philosophy of John Dewey and C. I. Lewis, which includes a staunch empiricism about method-learning and about the choice of the a priori. I also make links with the perspective of conceptual engineering, in which the development of concepts (and, therefore, our ontological views) are seen as a deliberate activity of crafting concepts that are suitable for our purposes. |
10-10:15: | Coffee |
10:15 12:45 | (30 mins per speaker) Chair: Sina Fazelpour |
1. Paul Franco, Ordinary Language Philosophy & the Historical Turn in Philosophy of Science 2. Megan Delehanty, Epistemic Injustice in Psychiatry 3. Mark Tonelli, Mechanism in Clinical Medicine: Use and Justification 4. Christopher Stephens, Modus Darwin Redux 5. Benjamin Feintzeig, Reductive Explanation and the Construction of Quantum Theories |
12:45-1:45: | Lunch: Nuba |
1:45PM: | Keynote: John Dupre | Chair: Alison Wylie |
2:45-3PM: | Coffee |
3PM 5:30PM | (30 mins per speaker) Chair: Cem Erkli |
1. Alison McConwell, The Relevance of Individuality to Scientific Practice 2. Marc Ereshefsky, The Grounded Functionality Account of Natural Kinds 3. Kino Zhao, Sample Representation in the Social Sciences 4. Bert Baumgartner, Towards a Theory of Replications, Open Science, and Reproducibility 5. Brian Hanley, Mill's Problem of Causal Selection: A More Millian Interpretation |
間眅埶AV Harbour Centre Fatema Amijee and Dai Heide
Metaphysics and its History: Regress Arguments
May 3 and 4, 2019 ~ 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre Campus
Dai Heide and Fatema Amijee
Conference schedule here:
The Intellect and its Philosophical Limits
April 7-8, 2017 -- 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre
What is the intellect? Although significant attention has been paid to the cognitive bases of much of our rational belief and knowledge including perception, memory, imagination, metacognition, self-knowledge, knowledge of other minds, communication, and inference the intellect has been mainly overlooked ... This workshop was organized by Gurpreet Rattan. Program.
Most of the earliest philosophers practiced what looks to us like science, observing and trying to understand natural phenomena such as lightning or eclipses. Perception is central to this search for wisdom. But to the Socrates of Platos dialogues, wisdom is not of the natural world, which lacks the stability that objects of wisdom must have, and is accessed not through perception but reflection ... Organized by Rosemary Twomey. Program.
The Direction of Moral Duties: Foundations and Applications
A two day conference at 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre, May 20-21, 2016
間眅埶AV Summer Symposium on Early Modern Philosophy
July 13, 2015 ~ 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre Campus
(All talks take place in Harbour Centre, Barrick Gold Lecture Room, Rm. 1520)
8:45 Coffee and light pastries
9:00 - 10:15 Abraham Roth, The Ohio State University
"The Psycholology and 'Language' of Identity in Hume's Treatise"
10:25 - 11:45 Dai Heide, 間眅埶AV
"Kant on Cosmological Unity and the Unity of Space"
11:45 - 12:50 Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 Lisa Shapiro, 間眅埶AV
"Spinoza's Principles of Association and the Workings of the Human Mind"
2:20 - 3:35 Sukjae Lee, Seoul National University
"Conservation as Continuous Creation: Just Like Creation but Not Necessarily
3:40 - 4:55 Lisa Downing, The Ohio State University
"Are Body and Extension the Same Thing?: Locke vs. Descartes (vs. More)"
Kantian Freedom Conference
October 2-4, 2014, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre
Workshop on the Philosophical History of the Concept of Pleasure
May 4-5, 2014, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre room 1400-1410.
Participants: Matthew Strohl (Montana); Sajjad Rizvi (Exeter); Martin Pickave (Toronto); Lisa Shapiro (間眅埶AV); Melissa Frankel (Carleton); Hans Lottenbach (Kenyon); Jennifer Uleman (SUNY); Dominique Kuenzle (Zurich); Murat Aydede (UBC)
What is pleasure? Or perhaps better, in what way is pleasure philosophically interesting? Historically, pleasure has been conceived in an array of different ways, and in contemporary discussion, which focuses on pleasure as motivating of action, one of those ways the role of pleasure in our cognitive life has dropped out of view. The papers in this workshop all aim towards retrieving that way of understanding pleasure, as integrated into our understanding of the world, rather than as interfering with our ability to achieve knowledge. This focus is not to deny that pleasure plays a role in motivating action (as is a focus of ethicists), or in our affective experience of beauty (as is a focus of aesthetics) but rather to acknowledge the epistemic role of pleasure.
Contributors were invited to consider the following set of questions: What is distinctive about intellectual pleasure? Is it related to sensible pleasure? How is pleasure related to other sense modalities? What role, if any, does pleasure play in mental representation? How is the cognitive role of pleasure related to its motivational role? What sorts of philosophical considerations led to the discounting of the cognitive role of pleasure in favor of its motivational role?
Workshop on the Pragmatic Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science
April 25-26, 2014. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Room 370
Participants include:
Sandy Mitchell (Pittsburgh)
Jenann Ismael (Arizona)
Huw Price (Cambridge)
John Dupre (Exeter)
"The Ethics of Drones: A Panel Discussion"
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 6:30 pm. Harbour Centre, 515 W Hastings St., Vancouver. Room 1400-1410.
David Lyon (Queen's University)
Stephen McCammon (Office of the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner)
Richard Smith (間眅埶AV)
Micheal Vonn (British Columbia Civil Liberties Association)
Ciara Bracken-Roche (Queen's University)
Drones or UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) have been in existence for several decades but in recent years a number of factors have combined to foster their development and use in numerous spheres, both military and civilian. This panel focuses on the surveillance capacities and uses of UAVs, in a number of different contexts, both in North America and around the world, but with particular focus on Canada. Building on what is known about other forms of visual surveillance, notable terrestrial camera surveillance, the panel will explore what new dimensions are added when aerial vision is added to terrestrial and will consider these in legal and ethical terms.
Of particular interest are situations where policing, law-enforcement and public order functions are at the forefront, but more general issues of privacy and data protection are also in view. Legal questions relate both to questions of visual surveillance in general and also to particular ones such as the relevance of the regulation of aviation and the integration of public and private agencies in UAV use. Ethical questions lying behind these include the appropriateness of purposes for which UAVs may be deployed, along with questions of proportionality and limits. These relate not only to possible harms produced by the use of UAVs but also to how and under what circumstances UAV surveillance may enhance human flourishing. The accountability of UAV developers and users and establishing democratic practices in UAV use will also be considered, especially in contexts of policing, law-enforcement and public order.
This talk is presented by and is part of the .
間眅埶AV Workshop on the Applicability of Mathematics
Saturday, September 14, 2013, 1:00 - 5:00 pm
More info (pdf poster)