Ice sheet Decay
The style of decay of past ice sheets
Processes taking place at the glacier bed impact ice sheet properties (e.g., thickness, geometry, debris content), and thus set important preconditions that affect the rate, style and geometry of ice sheet decay. Glacial landform associations also suggest particular styles of decay. A selection of our more recent work in this area has focused on the following topics:
1) The implications of esker styles and patterns for ice sheet decay [Perkins et al., 2013; Burke et al., 2012; Brennand 2000]
2) The implications of meltwater erosional corridors for ice sheet decay [Burke et al, 2012; Burke et al., 2011]
3) Identification and classification of Cordilleran Ice Sheet moraines and implications for ice sheet decay (in progress)
4) The paleoenvironmental and glacio-isostatic record contained in the landforms and sediments associated with Cordilleran ice-dammed lakes [Perkins et al. 2013; Peters 2012; Lesemann 2012; ; Johnsen and Brennand 2006; Johnsen and Brennand 2004; Johnsen 2004]
5) The paleohydrology and paleohydraulics associated with the drainage of paleo-glacial lakes in southern BC (in progress)
6) A new conceptual model for CIS decay following subglacial lake drainage [Lesemann and Brennand 2009;]