GEOG 213: Introduction to Geomorphology
An introduction to large-scale organization of Earth’s surface and the processes that govern landscape evolution.
GEOG 313Q: River Geomorphology
An examination of river morphodynamics with special reference to the movement of water and sediment from terrestrial sources to marine depositional sinks.
GEOG 412W: Glacial Processes and Environments
An examination of glacial processes and environments focusing on landscapes and sediments resulting from the movement of ice, water and sediment, and on field observation.
GEOG 612: Glacial Geomorphology
Glacial landform-process models; field study of glacial landforms and sediments.
Each of the courses listed above are either required or elective courses within the Professional Geoscience (P. Geo) accreditation program overseen by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEG BC) and the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists (CCPG) These governing bodies regulate all geoscience practice in BC and Canada, respectively. All students intending to practice as a professional environmental geoscientist in Canada must be licensed by these bodies and are strongly advised to seek advice from Geography’s undergraduate student advisor as early as possible on how to design their Physical Geography program to meet P.Geo. accreditation requirements. The Geoscience concentration of the Physical Geography major has been specifically designed to allow you to obtain the courses required for P.Geo. Environmental Geoscience accreditation and is recommended to students interested in earth surface processes.
Physical Geography program
For additional information on programs, courses and careers in Physical Geography go to The Department of Geography and pages, and to links on this website.
Courses offered by Tracy Brennand
This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.