
Supervised Theses

Supervised Theses

CRIPPS, J.E. 2023. The patern and style of deglaciation  of the northern Thompson Plateau, south-central British Columbia [PhD thesis; https://summit.sfu.ca/item/36558]

TAYLOR, R.M. 2023. The nature and timing of postglacial incision of Nicola River, British Columbia [MSc thesis; https://summit.sfu.ca/item/36336]

BRYCE, J. 2022. Evolution of an isthmus in a region of minimal relative sea level change, Calvert Island, BC central coast [MSc thesis; https://summit.sfu.ca/item/34931]

GINGERICH, T. 2021. The nature and timing of postglacial valley fill incision, Fraser River, Big Bar to Watson Bar, British Columbia [MSc thesis; https://summit.sfu.ca/item/34699]

PERKINS, A.J. 2015. Refining the pattern and style of deglaciation on the southern Fraser Plateau and environs [PhD thesis]

JORGE, M.G. 2015. Lomgitudinal subglacial bedforms semi-automated mapping and measurement [MSc thesis]

LESEMANN, J.-E. 2012. Subglacial processes, glacier dynamics, and deglacial processes and patterns associated with the Cordilleran Ice Sheet around Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. [Ph.D. thesis]

PETERS, J. 2012. Late Pleistocene evolution of glacial Lake Purcell: a potential floodwater source to the Channeled Scabland. [M.Sc. thesis]

NEUDORF, C.M. 2008. Relationships between the macroscale sedimentology and micromorphology of glacigenic diamictons in south-central British Columbia. [M.Sc. thesis]

JOHNSEN, T.F. 2004. Late glacial lakes of the Thompson Basin, southern Interior of British Columbia: paleogeography and paleoenvironment. [M.Sc. thesis]