
This project developed in the course of holding a Digital Research Fellowship with the at Edinburgh University.  

In collaboration with the and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's , I am currently creating a Digital Humanities project on "The Lyon in Mourning" manuscript by Robert Forbes (NLS Adv.MS.32.6.16-26). The manuscript has been digitized and is available through , and we are in the process of analyzing the contents using both qualitative (archival research and close analysis) and quantitative (Digital Humanities) methodologies (TEI). Preliminary results reveal that many of the items that Forbes included in his 10-volume manuscript circulated widely in manuscript and print forms in the eighteenth century. "The Lyon in Mourning" is one node of an extensive network of Jacobite mediations. This part of the project also includes collaborative research with a number of colleagues who can shed new light on the manuscript in terms of its relationship to manuscript culture, Gaelic culture, material history and networks of political dissidence. Please see the .

The project was at an international symposium "New Perspectives on 'The Lyon in Mourning" to take place June 30, 2022 at the  in Edinburgh. In-person symposium members had the opportunity to participate in workshops to explore some of the Jacobite holdings at the  on the morning of June 29 and to see "The Lyon in Mourning" and other Jacobite materials helds by the  on the afternoon of June 29. 

r the symposium.

Some of the papers presented at the symposium have been expanded and will be featured in a Special issue on "New Perspectives on the Lyon in Mourning" in the


See also the related project I am working on,