


Leith Davis

Professor, Department of English


PERSONAL: married with three children

PhD: University of California, Berkeley (1990) 
MA: University of California, Berkeley (1988) 
BA Honours: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon (1983) 

2006-present:    Professor, Department of English, 間眅埶AV
1999-2006:       Associate Professor, Department of English, 間眅埶AV
1990-99:           Assistant Professor, Department of English, 間眅埶AV 
1984-1990:       Teaching Assistant, University of California, Berkeley

2020-present: Director, 間眅埶AV, Centre for Scottish Studies
2008-2015: Director, 間眅埶AV, Centre for Scottish Studies


Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.

 Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. 323 pp. Contains chapters on Joseph Cooper Walker; Charlotte Brooke (Ch. 3 "The United Powers of Female Poesy and Music"), Edward Bunting, Sydney Owenson, Thomas Moore and James Hardiman, Thomas Davis and George Petrie. The final chapter examines Irish music in a transatlantic context.

. Stanford University Press, 1998. 212 pp.


 (co-edited with Janet Sorenson). Glasgow: Association of Scottish Literary Studies, 2021. 

 Ed. Sharon Alker, Leith Davis and Holly Nelson (Ashgate, 2012), 320 pp. 

. Ed. Leith Davis, Ian Duncan and Janet Sorensen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). 260 pp.


Astleys Amphitheatre and Early Circus in London&紳莉莽梯;<>


  • Jacobitism in Cultural Memory, 1688 to 1840 (under contract, Eighteenth-Century Elements Series, Cambridge University Press)
  • Shaping Jacobitism, 1688 to the Present: Memory, Culture, Networks, co-edited with Kevin James (under contract, Edinburgh University Press)
  • "Sights of Memory: Robert Burns and Romantic-era Book Illustration" in The Oxford Handbook on Robert Burns, ed. Gerard Carruthers (forthcoming, Oxford University Press)
  • "'A Piece of History the Most Remarkable & Interesting That Ever Happened in Any Age or Country: 'The Lyon in Mourning' Manuscript of Robert Forbes" (forthcoming, Eighteenth-Century Life)
  • "Rehabilitating Jacobites in Thomas Campbell's 'Lochiel's Warning' and Anne Grant's The Highlanders" in Seeking Justice: Literature, Law and Equity during the Age of Revolutions, ed. Regina Hewitt and Michael Demson (forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press)
  • "The Making of 'Great Britain'" in The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English, ed. Nicole Alijoe, Sarah Eron, and Suvir Kaul (forthcoming, Routledge)
  • "Charlotte Brooke" in The Routledge Research Companion to Romantic Women Writers, ed. Ann R. Hawkins, Catherine S. Blackwell and E. Leigh Bonds (forthcoming, Routledge)
  • "The Literature of Jacobitism" in The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature, ed. Ian Duncan (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press)

SELECTED ARTICLES: (R) denotes refereed journal

  •  Women, Oral Culture and Book History in the Romantic-Era British Archipelago: Charlotte Brooke, Anne Grant and Felicia Hemans in The Huntington Library Quarterly 84 (1) (2021): 177-188.
  • Transnational Articulations in James Macphersons Poems of Ossian and The History and Management of the East-India Company, "The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 60.4 (2019): 441-460. (R)
  • "Between Archive and Repertoire: Astleys Amphitheatre, Early Circus, and Romantic-Era Song Culture," Studies in Romanticism 58.4 (2019), 451-480. (R)
  • "The Unfetterd Muse: Robert Burns and Pre-Confederation Scottish-Canadian Poets" in Studies in Canadian Literature 44.1 (2019), 100-121. (R)
  • Memory Studies and the Eighteenth Century&紳莉莽梯;Literature Compass (January, 2019), 1-16. (R)
  • Cultural Memory and Cultural Amnesia: Ireland and the Glorious Revolution in Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 47 (2017), 185-205 (R)
  • "Back to the Future: Remembering the 1707 Act of Union in the 2014 Referendum Campaign," Studies in Scottish Literature41.1 (2015), 237249. (R)
  • Scottish Literature and Engl. Lit. in Studies in Scottish Literature 38.1 (2012), 20-27.  
  • Imagining the Miscellaneous Nation: James Watsons Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems&紳莉莽梯;Eighteenth-Century Life 35.3 (Fall, 2011), 60-80.  (R)
  • Negotiating Cultural Memory: James Curries Works of Robert Burns,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Scottish LiteratureSpring/Summer 2010 (R)
  • A New Perspective on the Scottish Diaspora,&紳莉莽梯;The Bottle Imp 5 (May 2009) 
  • "Sequels of Resistance: Edward Bunting's Ancient Irish Melodies and the Irish Nation," Nineteenth-Century Contexts Vol. 23 (2001): 29-57. (R)
  •  The Wordsworth Circle (Spring, 2000), 93-97. (R)
  • "Gender and the Nation in the Work of Robert Burns and Janet Little," Studies in English Literature (Autumn, 1998), 621-645.(R) 
  • "The Politics of Hypochondriasis: James Currie's Works of Robert Burns," Studies in Romanticism, 32 (Spring, 1997), 43-60. (R) 
  • "`Bounded to a District Space': Burns, Wordsworth and the Margins of English Literature," English Studies in Canada 20:1 (March, 1994), 23-40. (R) 
  • "Birth of the Nation: Gender and Writing in the Work of Henry and Charlotte Brooke," Eighteenth-Century Life 18:1 (February, 1994), 27-47. (R) 
  • "Irish Bards and English Consumers: Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies and the Colonized Nation," ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 24:2 (April, 1993), 7-25. (R) 
  • "Origins of the Specious: James Macpherson's Ossian and the Forging of the British Empire, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 34:2 (1993), 132-150. (R)


  • "Introduction" in  (co-edited with Janet Sorenson). Glasgow: Association of Scottish Literary Studies, 2021. 1-23.
  • "Presenting the National Past: the Uses of History in Scottish Literature, 1650-1707," in  (co-edited with Janet Sorenson). Glasgow: Association of Scottish Literary Studies, 2021. 1-23.
  • (with Jasreen Kaur Janjua) "Fierce Females and Male Pretenders: Gender, Cultural Memory and Anti-Jacobite Print Culture in the 1745 Rising," in  (co-edited with Janet Sorenson). Glasgow: Association of Scottish Literary Studies, 2021. 117-131.
  • Mediating This Sudden & Surprising Revolution: Official Manuscript Newsletters and the Glorious Revolution, in After Print: Manuscript Studies and Eighteenth-Century Literature. Ed. Rachael Scarborough King (in press with University of Virginia P, 2020), 148-173. (R)
  • Poems on Nation and Empire,&紳莉莽梯;Oxford British Poetry, 1660-1800, ed. Jack Lynch. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016. 330-319. (R)
  • "The Aftermath of Union," in The Cambridge Companion to Scottish Literature, ed. Gerard Carruthers and Liam McIlvanney. Cambridge: Cambridge     University Press, 2012. 56-70. (R)
  • Charlotte Brookes Reliques of Irish PoetryEighteenth-century Irish Song and the Politics of  Remediation, in United Islands? The Languages of     Resistance. Ed. Michael Brown, John  Kirk, and Andrew Noble. London: Pickering and Chatto,2012. 95-108. 
  • Robert Burns, in The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature, ed. Fred Burwick. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2012. 189-196.  
  • Introduction: Ae [Electric Spark o Natures Fire: Reading Burns Across the Atlantic,&紳莉莽梯;Robert Burns in Transatlantic Culture, ed. Sharon Alker, Leith Davis and Holly Nelson (Ashgate, 2012), 1-18.  (R)
  • The Robert Burns 1859 Centenary: Mapping Transatlantic (Dis)location in Robert Burns in Transatlantic Culture, ed. Sharon Alker, Leith Davis and Holly Nelson (Ashgate, 2012), 187-208. (R)
  • Nation, Language and Nation Language: Robert Burns and Kamau Brathwaite in Scottish Literature and Postcolonial Literature, ed. Michael Gardiner, Graeme MacDonald and Niall OGallagher (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011), 15-29.   (R)
  • Rules of Art: The Life of Burns on Page and Stage, 1786-1954 in Robert Burns in Global Culture, ed. Murray Pittock (Lanham, Maryland: Bucknell University Press, 2011), 229-246.  (R)
  • Malvinas Daughters: Irish Women Writers Respond to Ossian in Ireland and Romanticism: Publics, Nations and Scenes of Cultural Production ed. Jim Kelly (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 141-160.  (R)
  • Robert Burns and Transnational Culture, in Edinburgh Companion to Robert Burns, ed. Gerard Carruthers (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2009), 150-163.  
  • Refiguring the Popular in Charlotte Brookes Reliques of Irish Poetry in Romanticism and Popular Culture in Britain and Ireland, ed. Philip Connell and Nigel Leask (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009), 72-87. (R)
  • "Orality and Public Poetry, 1707-1918" (with Maureen McLane), Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature. Vol. 2.  Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2006. 125-132.
  • "'Coming to the Past': Alistair MacLeod's No Great Mischief and Scottish Diasporic Identity in a Post-Devolution Era," inCulture, Nation and the New Scottish Parliament. Ed. Caroline McCracken-Flescher. Lewisburgh: Bucknell University Press, 2006. 
  • "At 'Sang About': Scottish Song and the Challenge to British Culture," Scotland and the Borders of Romanticism. Ed. Leith Davis, Ian Duncan and Janet Sorensen. Cambridge University Press, 2004. (R) 


"Isolating the Light of Song: Vincentia Rodgerss Cluthan and Malvina," Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Era, ed. Stephen Behrendt, Alexander Street Press,  (2008)

"Ellen Taylor and the Politics of Affect," Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Era, ed. Stephen Behrendt, Alexander Street Press,  (2008)

"Negotiating Irishness: Charlotte Brookes Reliques of Irish Poetry," Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Era, ed. Stephen Behrendt, Alexander Street Press, (2008)

"Gender, Genre and the Imagining of the Scottish Nation: the Songs of Lady Nairne" Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Era, ed. Stephen Behrendt and Nancy Kushigian. Alexander Street Press.<http://www.alexanderst.com/product.sheets/product.sheet.swrp.htm> (2002)

"Nation and Translation: Margaret Turner Re(-)covers Allan Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd." Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Era. Ed. Stephen Behrendt and Nancy Kushigian. Alexander Street Press. <http://www.alexanderst.com/product.sheets/product.sheet.swrp.htm> (2002)


"Networking Jacobites, 1688 to the Present," co-organized with Kevin James, University of Guelph (Aug. 27-28, 2022)

"New Perspectives on 'The Lyon in Mourning,'" Institute for Advanced Studies of the Humanities, Edinburgh University (June 29-30, 2022)

World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver, BC (June 21-24, 2017)

"On the Edge: Transitions, Transgressions and Transformations in Irish and Scottish Studies," 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre (June, 2013). (Co-organized with Willeen Keough)

Robert Burns in a Transatlantic Context, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre (April, 2009)



2022: SSHRC Connection Grant for "Networking Jacobites, 1688 to the Present" ($24,800)

2021: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant with the National Library of Scotland for "Engaging Public and Academic Audiences to Recover Lost Voices of Scottish History: 'The Lyon in Mourning' Manuscript and the Jacobite Networks of the 1745 Rising" ($18,000)

2021: SSHRC Insight Grant for "Mediating Jacobites, 1688-1845" ($60,000)

2019: Small SSHRC Grant for Digital Humanities Project ($7000)

2017: Small SSHRC Grant for Reconstructing Early Circus DH project ($7000)

2017: FIC Grant for Circuits of Romantic-Era Circuses ($6000)

2017: SSHRC Connection Grant for World Congress of Scottish Literatures ($23,500)

2012: SSHRC Connection Grant for On the Edge: Transitions, Transgressions and Transformations in Irish and Scottish Studies Conference ($23,000).

2010: SSHRC Standard Research Grant for Nationalism and globalization in 18th-C. British print culture&紳莉莽梯;project ($47,981)

2008: SSHRC Workshop Grant ($24,500) for Robert Burns in a Transatlantic Context workshop, April 7-9, 2009

2004: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant   "Print Culture and Transnational identity" project ($50,283).

1999: ASECS Irish-American Travel Grant; Special Award (US$600)  

1998-2001: SSHRC Grant ($29,800) for "Nation and Notation" project  

1993-96: SSHRC Grant ($45,000) for "Acts of Union" project 


2021: British Library Eccles Centre Visiting Fellowship 

2020: Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities Digital Research Fellowship

2020: Amundsen Fellowship (Institute for Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines)

2018: Lesley B. Cormack Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching

2016-2019: Visiting Professor, School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow

2010: 間眅埶AV Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Deans Medal for Academic Excellence