



Jan. 6-9, 2022: "Material Memories of Darien and the Company of Scotland," panel on "Materializing Scottish Cultures," Modern Language Association Conference, Washington, DC. Online.

July 7, 2021: "Mediating Jacobites in Cultural Memory: From 1745 to Waverley." , Edinburgh University. Online. Click for link. 

June 1, 2021: 12:00 - 1:15 PT  "Relations of the Book," Conference 2021. Online. 

May 12, 2021, 8:00-9:30 am PT (4:00-5:30 pm British Time): , Edinburgh University. Online. Click  for link to a recording of the talk. 

May 4, 2021: public talk on "Networking the 1745 Jacobite Rising and Robert Forbes' 'Lyon in Mourning' Manuscript" at . Online.

April 16, 2021: 'Robert Forbes's "Lyon in Mourning" Manuscript',  International Association of Scottish Literatures. Online. Click for a recording of the session. Click . 

April 7, 2021: "'The Lyon in Mourning' Manuscript of Robert Forbes: Jacobite Cultural Memory and an Archipelagic Book History," panel on "The Manuscript Book, (April 7-11, 2021). Online.

Jan. 25, 2021: Interview with Margaret Gallagher from CBC Radio about Robbie Burns Day 2021 and the experience of connecting remotely on such an important occasion. Noted key themes in Burns' work, the environment, democracy, and friendship, that still resonate with us today.

January 23, 2021: Talk on for the virtual "A Robert Burns Celebration" event with . This talk was drawn from research from an earlier written  and . 


  • "Cultural Memory and the Ethics of the Archive: Writing the 1745-46 Jacobite Uprising in the Era After Culloden," Canadian Society for 18th-Century Studies, Montreal, Que. October, 2019. 
  • Be Thou Near to Learn the Song: Women Writers and National Song in the Romantic-Era British Archipelago, Women in Book History Symposium (間眅埶AV), August, 2018.
  • Networks of Memory and the 1715-16 Jacobite Uprising, Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (ECSSS), Unviversity of Glasgow (July, 2018). 
  • The Sound of Spectacle and the Spectacle of Sound: Phillip Astley and Circus Songs, Song and the City Symposium, University College, London, October, 2017.
  • Cultural Memory and Cultural Amnesia: Ireland and the Glorious Revolution, Roundtable for Race and Empire Caucus, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Society Conference,(ASECS), Pittsburgh, PA (March, 2016). 
  • Inscripting Irish Events After 系he Glorious Revolution: Mapping the War of the Two Kings in1689, ASECS Conference, Pittsburgh (March, 2016).  
  • "Mediating 1688: Orality, Print and Manuscript, After Print: Manuscript Culture in the Eighteenth Century Symposium, UC Santa Barbara Centre for Early Modern Studies (April, 2015).  
  • Inscribing the Glorious Revolution in 1688-89, Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies,間眅埶AV, Vancouver, BC (October, 2015). 
  • "Re-membering the 1715 Rebellion in 1745," ASECS Conference, Los Angeles, March, 2015. 
  • Remembering to Forget: Ireland in the Glorious Revolution, MLA conference, Vancouver (January, 2015).  
  • "Of Pretenders and Palimpsests: Newspapers and the 1745 Rebellion," World Congress of ScottishLiteratures, U. of Glasgow (July, 2014).
  • "On the Edge of History: Media Change, the 1745 Rebellion and the Creation of Cultural Memory,"On the Edge: Transitions, Transgressions and Transformations in Irish and Scottish Studies," 間眅埶AV, Vancouver, BC (June, 2013).
  • "Archipelagizing the Glorious Revolution," American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Williamsburg, Virginia (March, 2013).
  • "Scotland, British Poetry and the Transnational Turn," ASECS Conference, San Antonio, TX (March, 2012). 
  • The Burns of Canada: Alexander McLachlan and Transatlantic Romanticism, BritishAssociation for Romantic Studies, Glasgow, Scotland (July, 2011). 
  • Finding a Canadian Virgil: Walter Scott, Daniel Wilson and Transatlantic Transport, Walter Scott Conference, Laramie WYO (June, 2011)
  • Mediating Revolution, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vancouver (March, 2011)
  • Robert Burns and the 1859 Centenary, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (August, 2010)
  • Between Nation and Empire: Scotlands Darien Venture, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Albuquerque, NM (March, 2010)
  • Participant in roundtable on Scotland, Ireland and Wales, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Albuquerque, NM (March, 2010)
  • Connecting Four Nations Studies with Global Studies, roundtable presentation, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Albuquerque (March, 2010)
  • Robert Burns and Cultural Memory, Robert Burns in a Transatlantic Context, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre (April, 2009)
  • "Remediating Irish Song: Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry," Centre for the Study of Print and Media Culture workshop, 間眅埶AV, April 2008. 
  • "Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry and Irish Popular Song, American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies, Portland, Oregon. March 2008.
  • "Mediating Popular Culture: Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century  Studies, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2007.
  • "The Printer As Patriot: James Watson's Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems, Canadian Association for the Study of Book Culture, Saskatoon, Sask;, May 2007. 
  • "From Picts to Pixels: Scotland, Cyberspace and Global Technologies of Nostalgia," Scottish Romanticism and World Literature, University of California, Berkeley, September 2006.
  • "Articulating Scotland c. 1707: James Watsons Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems and George Mackenzies Lives and Characters of the Most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Montreal (April 2006)
  • Crossing Borders: Orality and Print in 18th-Century Scottish Song Collections," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. University of British Columbia (October, 2003).
  • "Contesting the Spectacle of Colonialism: Irish Music and the Politics of Aurality in the Eighteenth-Century," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. U. of Saskatchewan (October, 2001)
  • "Echoes of Resistance: Sidney Owenson's Twelve Original Hibernian Melodies and The Wild Irish Girl," Women in the Republic of Letters Conference, U. of Saskatchewan (October, 2000)
  • "Sidney Owenson, Gender and the Construction of the Nation," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Philadelphia (March, 2000) 
  • "Eighteenth-Century Scottish Music," Culture, Community and Nation: Scotland at Home and Abroad Conference, 間眅埶AV Harbour Centre (March, 2000) 
  • "From Fingal to Fingal's Cave: Scotland, Music and Romanticism," Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago (December, 1999)
  • "Gender, Music and the Nation in Sidney Owenson's Twelve Original Hibernian Melodies," International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Dublin, Ireland (July, 1999) 
  • "Writing Woman/Rewriting Man: Charlotte Brooke's Revisions of Joseph Cooper Walker in the Reliques of Irish Poetry," American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Milwaukee, WI (March, 1999) 
  • "Hailing the Hibernian Muse: Music, Print Culture and Irish National Identity," SHARP Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (July, 1998) 
  • "Joseph Cooper Walker's Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards," ASECS Conference, Notre Dame, IN (April, 1998) 
  • "N(ot)ational Generations: George Petrie's The Ancient Music of Ireland," British Association of Romantic Studies, Leeds, Engand (July, 1997) 
  • "Culture and Violins: Music and National Identity in George Petrie's The Ancient Music of Ireland", Institute on Culture and Society, Corvallis (June, 1997) 
  • "Nation and Notation: Turlough Carolan and the Commodification of Irish Identity in the Eighteenth Century", American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Nashville (April, 1997) 
  • "Harping on the Past: Turlough Carolan and the Construction of Irish Nationalisms in the Eighteenth Century", Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Berkeley (February, 1997) 
  • "Canonical Crossings: The Case of Felicia Hemans" (with Margaret Linley), North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Boston (November, 1996) 
  • "Nation and Notation: The Indeterminacies of National Identity in Edward Bunting's Ancient Irish Music" Eighteenth-Century Ireland Conference, Limerick, Ireland (May, 1996) 
  • "Pretending Fictions: Henry Fielding, Tobias Smollett and the Rebellion of 1745," Conference on "Jacobitism and the 1745 Rebellion," organized by the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society and the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland (August, 1995)
  • "Talking Notes: Music, Nationalism and Edward Bunting's Ancient Irish Music" American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Tucson, Arizona (April, 1995). 
  • "The Politics of Hypochondriasis: James Currie's Works of Robert Burns," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (October, 1994). 
  • "Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies and the Colonized Nation," British Association of Romantic Studies Conference, London, England (September, 1993) 
  • "Gender, Genre and Writing the Nation: Henry Brooke's and Charlotte Brooke's Ireland," North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, London, Ontario (August, 1993) 
  • "English Bards and Scots Reviewers: The Debate Between William Wordsworth and Francis Jeffrey," British Association of Romantic Studies Conference, Glasgow, Scotland (July, 1993) 
  • "Acts of Union: Writing the Nation in 1707," Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Santa Barbara, California (February, 1993) 
  • "Thomas Moore's Irish Melodies and the Deconstruction of the Irish Nation," Tri-Universities Conference, Victoria, B.C. (March 1992) 
  • "Re-birth of a Nation: Female Patriotism and the Woman Writer in Charlotte Brooke's Reliques of Irish Poetry, Department of English Colloquium, 間眅埶AV (January, 1992) 
  • "Bounded to a District Space: Robert Burns and the Borders of English Romantic Poetry," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Calgary, Alberta (October, 1991) 
  • "Harping on the Past: James Macpherson's and Thomas Moore's Re-presentations of National History," American Conference for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana (October, 1991) 
  • "Burns, Wordsworth and the Effects of Original Genius, " Department of English Colloquium, 間眅埶AV (January, 1991) 
  • "James Macpherson and the Forging of the Nation," English Department Graduate Colloquium, University of Berkeley, California (December, 1989)